I am wondering what it is about me and Golf pins. I have nothing against golf in general (In fact I enjoy it, both in real life and in digital simulations) but NGG and Teed off is far from fun for me. NGG is my least favorite of all the Pat Lawler tables and Tee'd off is even worse. I must have a rodent problem![]()
No highs, no lows...must be a Bose!
Ahh, snap. Thanks for confirming that.Not really, NGG was a year before CC, and also predated Monster Bash which is rock solid as far as anyone knows. CC is really the only one that was left unfinished. Unless you also count Champion Pub's bug with Ultimate Challenge knockouts.
I've seen the lock problem on TPA NGG too, but I actually don't think it's a ROM bug, I think it's TPA's physics getting stuck and failing to trigger the lock switches. Like happens on Black Knight's fantastically buggy lock lane.
The sand trap works fine, what do you think is wrong with it?
Just did all the wizard goals on my tablet, top score 56M. Those locks are very awkward though. Three, four clean shots and nothing registered. I don't think I'll be back now.
NGG is a table I really want to like, but I just can't.
Seems every time the ball lands there, I hit the flipper but always seem to miss out on the points.
Then again I could be doing something wrong.
You have to time it so the last K in KICK is lit when the ball launches to hit it. If you miss that, then yes it's your own fault.
Hmmm, so it's kind of like a dumb popcorn flick. You have a decent time while in it and then completely stop caring the moment it is over!
I got 103m during this week. Nothing staggering. I was thoroughly bored towards the end though.What kind of scores is everyone averaging on this thing? I feel like I'm on the low end, often coming in around 50-60 million. It really does feel like the only strategy there is to this table is to get multiball and then keep it for as long as possible. I managed to get every single wizard goal completed without trying for a single one, they all just 'happened'. My gut tells me I enjoy this table, but my head is understanding why I don't play it more often. It's just kind of mindless.