Table Pack #16 Speculation

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New member
Jan 3, 2013
Interesting choice, I think Goin' Nuts is surprisingly entertaining and I voted for Flight 2000 :)


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I wouldn't mind a whirl on Goin' Nuts. I missed the opportunity of playing that table because it was excluded from the Game Cube Gottlieb collection (and I used an Action Replay to unlock all of the hidden tables, including Playboy). Goin' Nuts is really bizarre in so many ways but intriguing as well. Infinite balls and no outlanes to speak of, and you start off with multiball. The timer adds a fascinating mechanic, seeing as how the game is over when it expires. I think I know why the table never made it to production. Besides the totally odd play rules (timed game instead set number of balls) and the absence of outlanes, an advanced player could probably play this table for hours on a single quarter until he got bored and quit, racking up a ton of extra credits in the process. In fact, if the timer gets low, it seems a player could deliberately drain his/her ball before the timer expires in order to get three new balls. Either way, someone else will simply come along and play on the accumulated credits. For one player to hog a table all day long at an arcade on a single quarter is not the way to earn money. Pinball tables have outlanes, wide gaps between flippers, and other "ball gobblers" to ensure that even the most skilled players will eventually lose all their balls.

This guy spent nearly an hour playing the PHOF version of Goin' Nuts (and overflowing the scoreboard):

I would also love to see more EM tables for Pinball Arcade in the future. The simple artwork and slow movement of the vintage EM tables provides a cool down period to let my eyes rest a bit from the more flashy modern tables. I enjoy playing Big Shot / Central Park, especially after an intense marathon on a newer more "flashy" table. The EM tables may be challenging and typically end quickly, but that only increases the replay value. 5 ball option helps too.
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New member
Nov 1, 2012
I've been begging for classic Sterns long before the poll was made, and although F2K wasn't my first choice, I'm excited to see it coming so soon. That being said, I don't think this pack will hold interest for many people, especially new players.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Goin Nuts looks dreadful. Rarity =/= good.

Flight 2K I could also care less about. This pack is total poop IMO.

Since both tables are rather simple designs, let hope we get lots of nice bug fixes and updates for existing tables this month.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Guys, one thing you might have missed out on.

If it's Gottlieb and maybe emulated, maybe next month is the month when they release the emulated Black Hole.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Goin Nuts looks dreadful. Rarity =/= good.

Flight 2K I could also care less about. This pack is total poop IMO.

Since both tables are rather simple designs, let hope we get lots of nice bug fixes and updates for existing tables this month.

I agree that table looks horrible. Flight 2000 does nothing for me either. Maybe we're all wrong! :D


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I think part of the issue here is that FarSight is at the point where they've run out of really good HOF re-releases. We're pretty much left with some ok tables along with some oddballs and, maybe, some poopy. Flight 2K is apparently popular enough to win the poll that we hosted but I still think it should have been left to be paired with another fan favorite unreleased table. Heck, if we could have got a double dose of classic Stern with say Seawitch or, my pick, Catacomb, I think most would be happy with it. These old Sterns aren't exactly pricey and they can't be as difficult to emulate and model as the newer WPC's are. FarSight should have the emulation on classic Stern's down too, because it's basically the same MPU as a Bally from the same era.

Bottom line, and this is just my opinion, I've had enough of the HOF re-releases and, unless they're paired with something really good, I'll be skipping some packs.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Could have had Flight 2000 and Sorcerer. I think it may have been a more popular combo.
But I'm ok with Goin' Nuts as I didn't have the PHOF Gottlieb Collection. The art looks fun and the weird rules make it interesting to me.
I would much rather have had Seawitch for the Stern choice, but the masses have spoken.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Total poop? To each their own. I'll take drop targets over ramps any day of the week, so I'm excited about this pack. If the lack of ramps means the playfield layouts are "simple", then call me a simpleton because I find hitting drop targets more fun and require more aiming skill than just blasting ramps over and over.

Personally, I think Farsight is doing a great job of mixing the tables up, with a nice balance of old and new.
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Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Guys, one thing you might have missed out on.

If it's Gottlieb and maybe emulated, maybe next month is the month when they release the emulated Black Hole.

Bobby King said in one of the interviews that they can emulate pretty much any Gottlieb now, so here's hoping.

Also, let's hope for an emulated Black Knight too.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I don't really like the older tables but I don't mind having 1 every so often as long as its paired with something more modern. But 2 in the same pack is why this looks like the must undesirable pack to me and most other people it seems so far.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
It isn't even the fact that the pack contains older tables that bothers me. I love early solid state. It's just the selection. Flight 2000 is a decent pin, IMO. But, it doesn't have enough lasting power to be packed with something like Goin' Nuts. Goin' Nuts is a Gottlieb System 80 (80A specifically) table which they're several others that would hold someone's interest a lot more than this one. Five non-licensed examples just off the top of my head.
Devil's Dare
Alien Star
Haunted House
Bounty Hunter

That's without staring at ipdb which, I'm sure, one could find more.

I thought the last pack which contained Centaur and Pinbot was one of the best. I do want to see more from the late 70's and early 80's. I just want to see quality tables which they're a lot available.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
I may have said that this could be a weak pack earlier in this thread, but I mean that it is not going to be popular among the majority.

If anything, I like to see more 80s tables. :)
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