Table Pack #30 Speculation

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New member
May 10, 2012
They said long ago that Tommy might not be impossible because it is all cover songs. Much cheaper than the originals. Same goes for Elvis, but since there still will be some royalties to cover and those are not the most popular pins it may still take a while before we see them, if ever. Both are ok pins, though. Hope we see them sometime in the future


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I'm predicting Judge Dredd. We have not had a Bally since WHOdunnit?!, and I know that the former is a much requested table.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
That would be a good surprise.
I think Safe Cracker would be cool too.

I've not really played Judge Dredd-but it seems like a cool table. I've never played Safe Cracker, but it sounds unique and we do need a new Lawlor table, especially with Monopoly out of the question for this season. We don't know with 100% certainty if TAF will meet the KS goal whatever that is.

In any case, I would be fine with closing out season 3 with a Bally table, that isn't Dolly Parton or Evil Knievel LOL!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Points for using the REAL Judge Dredd. The Stallone version was garbage.

I remember how exciting it was to hear judge dredd was becoming a movie. All the anticipation leading up to the release. Then going to see it and realizing how it completely sucked.


Apr 7, 2014
I remember how exciting it was to hear judge dredd was becoming a movie. All the anticipation leading up to the release. Then going to see it and realizing how it completely sucked.

To be honest, most of the disappointment came from having Rob Schneider in the movie. He totally ruined it for me. The terrible story was only secondary. lol

I cannot wait for the BSD hint. :D
I have been checking on here every day for that great news that will say this......... We are happy to announce that ...BRAM STOKER DRACULA table #30 will be the next addition to tpa come on f.s. give us now

It'll be a great day when it finally happens. I'm ready to gun blast a bunch of werewolves in Video Mode. :cool:


New member
May 18, 2012
I remember how exciting it was to hear judge dredd was becoming a movie. All the anticipation leading up to the release. Then going to see it and realizing how it completely sucked.

The only cool thing about that movie was the ABC warrior.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I like the 'roided out mutant dude too. With the dial in his head. Just fantastic prosthetic makeup. And yeah, the ABC robot was great too. Everything else was piss poor.

I thought Dredd was way better than it had any right to be. I would have liked it even more if I hadn't already seen the near exact plot setup in The Raid.
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