That was Demolition Man
Points for using the REAL Judge Dredd. The Stallone version was garbage.
I knew you'd say that!
You can't get AIDS from a pinball machine! More 90s fear-mongering.
I love Demolition Man, the movie and the pinball machine. I would love so much to see it on The Pinball Arcade badly, I know people will help with the Kickstarter.
Hey, we already have Ah-nuld in TPA, why not add Sly?
I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I'd give to that KS.
Hey, we already have Ah-nuld in TPA, why not add Sly?
I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I'd give to that KS.
Not because it is Stallone or anything to do with the license. However Demolition Man is an absolutely fantastic table. All those licensed WMS tables are fantastic from that time period (Congo, Dirty Harry, Flintstones, Shadow, Judge Dredd, Johnny Mnemonic) and most of the movies are pretty subpar. I would kill for all those to be included.
I just thought of something. Usually a new release has a twitch gameplay a few days before.This is going to be one of the most highly anticipated newsletters ever.
This is going to be one of the most highly anticipated newsletters ever.
Well?? Why has the speculation halted? Where is the newsletter? What is table 30???