Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I think the hardest goals are:

Medieval Madness - Battle For the Kindom
Genie - 3 Million
RBION - Atlantis
TAF - Super Bear Kicks
MB - Lyman's Lament


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Lyman's lament and Bear kicks just take lots of grinding, but I wouldn't say they're the hardest. Lyman, just trap, backhand, bounce to the right flipper, repeat. I agree that these goals are a pain though, whenever having to do the goals all over again. Even Goin nuts 360 goal isn't as bad as it seems. Just set aside a whole weekend of only TPA, and you'll get it


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Atlantis isn't difficult either, as long as you don't try to collect a letter from every mode.

Collect the easy/less risky ones (Australia, multiballs, some say Asia but others say not Asia) and you'll get there without really thinking about it.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Atlantis isn't difficult either, as long as you don't try to collect a letter from every mode.

Collect the easy/less risky ones (Australia, multiballs, some say Asia but others say not Asia) and you'll get there without really thinking about it.

Just curious... Why would anyone say 'not asia'. Never played a real one, so maybe it's riskier on a real machine? It can be stacked, so in my book that's an easy letter...


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Just curious... Why would anyone say 'not asia'. Never played a real one, so maybe it's riskier on a real machine? It can be stacked, so in my book that's an easy letter...

Oh sure if it's stacked with N America/Africa/Antarctica it's fine. The theory is that missing the spinner shots is risky. So don't go for it.

Personally I always try and get it, stacked or not.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Of all the TotW tables we've done, the only 2 I haven't finished are Genie (3 million goal), and AFM (video mode). I only JUST finished BftK and video mode on MM, all these years later. RBION is hard only until you understand not just the rules, but ball patterns. Everybody always says the same thing, that you go from struggling to break 50 million to suddenly hitting 300. That breakthrough means you can tour the continents 3 times, which should easily get you Atlantis.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Other wizard goals that I found difficult and at least deserve to be mentioned on here are High Roller Casino's Super Duper Mega Extreme Jackpot and Light Camera Action's Blockbuster Special.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Yes, the FUEL Special on Victory was tough!! I've read that a lot of people had trouble with that one so I decided to post a video for anyone who is still working on it. I got fairly lucky when finally completing the goal but I think you get the idea of how it can be done.

Oh yeah, it does have to be done in order. And I knew that. Guess that shows how long it's been since I gave up on that table. Also, thanks for the vid. Made it look so much easier that it should.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Yep, Genie 3M is not so hard once you have the good strategy, requiring patience above all.

Among the wizard goals I got, the hardest ones were:

- Frog Frenzy on Rbion (I don't know why, but I was forced to lit the last jackpot via the temple - the last jackpot didn't lit during a regular multiball)
- Some on Funhouse, but I was lucky enough to get them without wanting it.
- Same on STTNG with "Advance Warp Factor to 9.9", which can be hard if you want to do it. I did it only two times (without wanting it) after hundreds of game on that table.
- AFM 1B Hurry-Up is quite hard on PS3 imo, because one of the ramp is just very hard to shoot (the one on the right).
- Win the Ultimate Challenge on TCP, because it's buggy.
- Earn the Bonus Level Special on CO1812, because it's buggy too (you can only get the wizard goal if you lit the special via a lit inlane, and only a lit inlane).
- Earn the FUEL Target Special on Victory. One of the hardest goal in the whole game. Requires a lot of patience and... luck.

Among the wizard goals I didn't get yet:

- Goin' Nuts. The goals are hard... and the table is...
- "Lit Double Bonus for all three levels" on HH: the ball goes way too fast, you can't aim anything, and the ball acts too weirdly in the attic.
- Eldorado. Same than Goin' Nuts.
- Fish Tales Super Jackpot. I did one time... during a tournament game. :(
- BR 32M broadside. Lazy on this one and not patient enough.
- Score a 250K ramp bonus on HS. This one requires luck, shoot a defined target is hard,as avoid to shoot the ramp before the 250K.
- LCA earn a Blockbuster Special. Lazy on this one.
- HRC Super Duper Extreme Jackpot
- Earn a Special on BSD (because it's buggy), and 300M Coffin Jackpot (requires perseverance and some luck).

The easiest wizard goals by far (got all of them during the first or second games):

- Gorgar
- Cactus Canyon (on PS3)
- TOM (on PS3)
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New member
Jun 10, 2013
Funhouse's skill shot (in standard goals) is harder than any wizard goals in Funhouse IMO.
I need a half year to achieve a skill shot and a half hour to achieve all wizard goals in PS3.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
It's more possible than you think. It doesn't have as much to do with sound cues or specials as it does having another ball on the playfield. mainly the locked ball. But I hear ya, I've got a few laughable goals myself. Not genie, but champion pub ultimate whatever the eff. I hate that table for some reason, so I don't even try for the wizard goal in which you have to use your punches while draining. Screw that, if that's the only way to do it, I'd rather have the genie goal. Mideival madness video mode is another laughable one to me. AFM video mode I've done a bunch of times, but still haven't gotten MM video mode
Not to harp on this subject, but I just tried the FUEL special goal, got it and it didn't register. No balls were on the playfield, so I have no idea why. Maybe a long time ago it was caused by the locked ball. Also the music isn't playing. It's too bad, cause I actually like victory. Those HH wizards are really tough, so I've been spending most my time on that (when I'm not trying for the 26 tokens on SC)

Yeah, I admit I'm one of those goal chasers.


New member
May 4, 2012
Not to harp on this subject, but I just tried the FUEL special goal, got it and it didn't register. No balls were on the playfield, so I have no idea why. Maybe a long time ago it was caused by the locked ball. Also the music isn't playing. It's too bad, cause I actually like victory. Those HH wizards are really tough, so I've been spending most my time on that (when I'm not trying for the 26 tokens on SC)

I finally got Victory, HH, and Road Show completed 3-5 days ago. Victory registered the 1st time I got the Special. I didn't cradle any balls; after hitting the "L" to light Special, the ball went down the right exit, was kicked out into the "F", and I hit the "U", "E", and "L" with the next three shots. I didn't have a locked ball. I don't know what you mean by "the music isn't playing"... is there a clip that goes with the Special?

For HH, it was my third (or fourth) time getting the triple double bonus, the previous times didn't register.

My only remaining ones are CP and SC. I've tried CP a few more times but nothing doing... I need to review exactly what to avoid doing in U.C. I have 24 different SC tokens (about 45 total); I'm hoping some more info about the odds on the silver one comes out before knocking myself out to get it. I needed about 21 goals just three months ago. Now I need to try to get some more top 10 scores.
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Active member
Mar 14, 2013
I don't know what you mean by "the music isn't playing"... is there a clip that goes with the Special?

Just meant that the whole table is silent except for the call-outs. For IOS. I'll keep trying that goal, and maybe figure out a way to get the music back on. Something's messed up with the sound in general though


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Just meant that the whole table is silent except for the call-outs. For IOS. I'll keep trying that goal, and maybe figure out a way to get the music back on. Something's messed up with the sound in general though

That happens on PC as well - though I've only played Victory in the last couple of tournaments so I thought it was a tournament bug and not really worth pursuing.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
When "Special" is lit, The F-U-E-L targets must be shot in order and under 7 seconds. Requires mainly luck. See here:

Tann, I know you're just trying to help, but give me some credit. Ive gotten the goal in the past before everything got wiped out. Yes, this last time I hit the fuel targets in order while special was lit. As a goal chaser, I wouldn't have much worth if I didn't know how to achieve them. Again, I know you were just trying to help.

An a different note. Please don't hate me for this because I'm not trying to brag. I'm just pumped. Besides, there are people around these parts that have achieved what I just have with ease... But anyways, MM... Like I said before, my goals had been wiped clean, I've slowly been working on the Wizards. Took down the standards of all tables first, finally got the 100k monster bonus on HH. But anyways I was scrolling through, trying to decide what table I should work on. MM didn't have any wizards, so when I got home from work, I played MM, and completed all wizard goals in 1 game but the four ball multiball (which is the easiest one). This was all in 1 game and after I completed BFTK, I was still on ball 1 with 3 extra balls. I had only completed it once before. I had never gotten the video mode up until last night. It was insane. I'm still jacked about it. I completed royal madness 3 times for 3 extra balls. (Again, I'm not trying to brag, because I'm sure people have done way better), but man, was that a rush... It lasted at least 2 hours. Ended up with 600mil. It feels like a monkey is off my back. ...I started out just going for castle multiball as someone had previously mentioned. It works

So, there's a thread about the most over rated table out there, and I've seen MM pop up a couple of times. Be that as it may, but I've never had so much of a rush from TPA. Needless to say, my last 5 balls where drained pretty quickly. I even tried to stay in that zen moment, but I was too excited...


New member
May 4, 2012
I even tried to stay in that zen moment, but I was too excited...
Pro tip: When pinball makes you too excited to play well, take a break, and seek out a female companion for some mellow-making. Then return to pinball, and invite her to join you!


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Pro tip: When pinball makes you too excited to play well, take a break, and seek out a female companion for some mellow-making. Then return to pinball, and invite her to join you!

*i know you're setting me up for a drunken reply. Well you shall have it..

I did invite her but she told me she only likes 4 balls at once. End drunken reply...

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