Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

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New member
May 18, 2012
I have the feeling that they screwed it up again

I just got an update for Lost Cities that was submited on the 7.9., so 11 days ago

Fairsight said that they resubmitted the update on the 5.9., so 13 days ago and it's still not here... looks like we have to wait another 10 days if you ask me




New member
May 19, 2012
I have the feeling that they screwed it up again

I just got an update for Lost Cities that was submited on the 7.9., so 11 days ago

Fairsight said that they resubmitted the update on the 5.9., so 13 days ago and it's still not here... looks like we have to wait another 10 days if you ask me



They resubmitted on 7th Sep, I don't know why.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Yeah, they fixed a few last minute bugs, so it wasn't submitted until the unless it was rejected, it should be out anytime now.


New member
May 29, 2012
I´m on a tight deadline today, you know, tons of work to do, I´ve got no time to constantly check for some childish little pinball game.

Ah, who am I kidding. I´m going to check the app store every hour just like I did for the last two weeks...


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Oh, man, just a useless Twitter update ;-(

Well, drink, sleep, wait another day... *g*


New member
May 10, 2012
Useless might be a strong word? A long and great interview with Mr King. Was great to hear him speak about pinball. Still 2 new tables would have been even better I guess :)

Defcon ONe

Sep 19, 2012
I'm sure Farsight has screwed it up again.

Note to Farsight--it would be really nice if you wouldn't keep on announcing new tables for iOS while you're trying to get this update out the door without ****ing it up.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I'm sure Farsight has screwed it up again.

Note to Farsight--it would be really nice if you wouldn't keep on announcing new tables for iOS while you're trying to get this update out the door without ****ing it up.

Wow. This is not a good start for a first post.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Useless might be a strong word?

No, what I meant was that the twitter app got updated... And I hoped for TBA of course.

Other than that twitter app update was useless to me, well, in terms of playing pinball :) I guess it would be really hard to post transfer with that little bird :)
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New member
Jun 24, 2012
A long and great interview with Mr King. Was great to hear him speak about pinball. Still 2 new tables would have been even better I guess :)

I enjoyed that too. Listened to it on the way home today. Really good to see pinball growing in popularity again, and I think Farsight should get a lot of credit for that. Of course, Stern has almost single-handedly carried the torch for over a decade now, and (like Bobby King said in the interview) nothing compares to the real thing, so we must give credit where it's due. (Much respect to Jersey Jack, as well, for the forthcoming table every pinball addict is dying to play.) But as great as real tables are, it's getting awfully hard to find a place to play them in most cities (in my city, the only place left is the airport, of all places, and the tables there aren't in great shape)…so Farsight's recreations are the only way a lot of us will ever get to play these classic games.

Just a little bit of perspective to remind everyone why we're all here in the first place. ;)

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Argh! Just wrote a long and breathtakingly amazing post :) and clicked the big nice "Reply to Thread"-button to post.

The big point I was trying to make is the same as a comedian made about people complaining about bad airplane food etc. He was like "Dude, you are flying, F L Y I N G !, in a metal tube at supersonic speed halfway to space.". A year ago I was a superfan of pinball deprived of any way of playing my favorite games. Then I found Pinball Arcade. Two months later I find myself complaining (harshly) about lack of updates and bugs.

"Cristobal...DUDE, you have 16 pinball tables, S I X T E E N! Tables that hardly exist anymore. You get to bring them with you wherever you go and it cost you less than $100" :)


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Heh nice post man.

I had two oinball updates this morning sadly just ios6 updates from littlewing! (buy cc2 for ios great game)

I dont mind the update delay so much but i want my blackhole ruleset change!

It reminds me of dickens oliver asking for more food at times! Ha bad refernece but yeah

Its a testament to how good tpa is that a large number of us cant get enough and that in the end is a good thing.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
While waiting I have gone back go the old-school tables (BH and Gorgar). I have noticed there are some flaws with BH but what is the major thing that you, and many other, are waiting for?


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Well for many of us its mainly a lower playfeild issue. Initally opening the gate and hitting the pop bumpers closed it again. Then it was changed to nothing closed it. Then changed back heh. Well many prefer that the bumpers dont close the gate so thats fixed it the latest update. Yet others would say its not something that needs fixing!

Heh hope you followed that.

Many other fixes are coming too so it should be an update worth the wait
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