Tell Farsight, We Want the Sequels!!


New member
Jul 7, 2012
Don't forget about Space Station also. I played it today at The Pinball Wizard arcade and I had some fun on it.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Don't forget about Space Station also. I played it today at The Pinball Wizard arcade and I had some fun on it.

I want a real one. Condition Green is awesome and would love to see it in TPA if they have fully controlled GI on the next gen systems.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I don't particularly want BK2K, Party Zone, or Firepower II. = P Just not too keen on those tables.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I agree with the idea of thread, and not to pee on your bonfire or anything, but Jack*Bot is actually the lowest rated of the 3 on both Pinside and IPDB. That said, I think it needs to be in TPA as well.

That's interesting... it's basically just Pin*Bot with much more fleshed out rulesets. I'm glad you agree though and I personally think a Casino themed pin is needed. Great music and unique atmosphere really shine on this table.

I would much rather have had Black Knight 2000 than BK. After the audio of Dr Dude, I'm not in any hurry to see Party Zone. Earth Shaker is just as awesome as Whirlwind in my book. High Speed and Getaway, we need at least one of these in the near future. As for Jack*Bot, please give us one of the rollercoaster themed pins before we hit the third Bot pin. Not gonna cry if we don't see T3 either, T2 will suffice if we are lucky enough to make the kickstarter.
Just my thoughts on sequels.

Youtube Party Zone. It's nothing like Dr. Dude in the audio dept. In fact, it has selectable music including Pinball Wizard! The music is really, really, really good. And the main character is a riot. He's nothing like the Dr. though personally I love Dr. Dude but to each his own.

Firepower 2 for me thank you...

Was going to mention this. Absolutely.

Good idea, however, some gamers might get burned out buying too similar Pinball tables, especially those sequels that have the same layout.

For example, Pinbot and Jackbot have identical layouts, as do High Speed and Getaway. However, Bride of Pinbot is a completely different table from Pinbot, and IMO the better of the two. I understand that manufacturers occasionally recycled layouts in order to reduce cost (multiple tables use the same parts = cheaper to build/repair). I really don't believe that JackBot will add anything substantial to the Pinball Arcade. I think we desperately need either High Speed or Getaway in the collection. Which one, I have no idea. I played the NES version of High Speed, which would be a really fine pinball sim were it not for all the stupid "hazards" that were not part of the original table. For tables with the same layout, I'd go with whichever was the most successful in the arcades. For Pinball sequels with truly unique layouts, for example Pinbot / Bride of Pinbot, or Elvira / Scared Stiff, both tables should be featured in The Pinball Arcade. And IMO Farsight needs to group future table packs into themes rather than release two completely unrelated tables in the same pack and force customers to buy both.

Sadly, I didn't play much pinball growing up, so I don't have any nostalgic preference for one table as opposed to another in most cases. I am just becoming a pinball addict through the virtual recreations and crave more of them. I'd also love to walk into a bar or arcade and play a real table, but sadly it doesn't seem likely.

No offense but I really hope the folks at Farsight don't see it this way.

To me it's an easy choice: Getaway over Highspeed. But with that being said, having the sequels without the prequels is kind of a bummer. By the same token, having the inferior table just because it was first is also a bummer. In the case of Black Knight, the table is almost completely different from the original. I don't think it gets redundant at all. Playing Jack*Bot is a COMPLETELY different experience to playing Pin*Bot, despite the near-identical playfields. I can't speak for High Speed since I only played Getaway.

While it's not super obvious at first, Elvira and the Party Monsters and Scared Stiff really almost have identical layouts, when you really examine them. Yet Farsight saw fit to release both of them. I'm holding out that they'll do the right thing and get BK2K, Getaway + High Speed, and Jack Bot on the arcade...


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
While it's not super obvious at first, Elvira and the Party Monsters and Scared Stiff really almost have identical layouts, when you really examine them.

Yeah, I was about to say. In fact, I did think it was obvious at first. But with the different rule set, SS is definitely superior.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I would love Firepower II and Black Knight 2000, but if they even think about releasing these without properly
addressing the problems with Firepower 1 and BK on the PS3 I will not be happy.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Yes to The Party Zone, BK2K, Earth Shaker, The Getaway and Jack*Bot.
No to High Speed.
I think Party Animals (along with Party Zone) would be cool, to have all of the Dennis Nordman "party" games in TPA.
And we really need all 3 "rollercoaster" series Williams tables. Comet. Cyclone. Hurricane. I'm actually pretty surprised we're this far into TPA's life-span (for lack of a better term) without any of these.
No to Firepower II.
Wouldn't mind Space Station, but there are a lot of tables I want first.
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Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
Yes to The Party Zone, BK2K, Earth Shaker, The Getaway and Jack*Bot.
No to High Speed.
I think Party Animals (along with Party Zone) would be cool, to have all of the Dennis Nordman "party" games in TPA.
And we really need all 3 "rollercoaster" series Williams tables. Comet. Cyclone. Hurricane. I'm actually pretty surprised we're this far into TPA's life-span (for lack of a better term) without any of these.
No to Firepower II.
Wouldn't mind Space Station, but there are a lot of tables I want first.

no to Firepower 2 and high speed?

NO to YOU.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
High Speed and Black Knight 2000 need to happen!
Since there are no lincenses on them, I consider them pretty likely too. TPA needs more of the Steve Ritchie love.


New member
May 10, 2012
Give me sequels in a couple of years when all the other good tables have been recreated. There's a ton of tables I would rather see than Jackbot. Doesn't mean I would not buy it. Just not in any hurry to do so when there is so much other great machines to be had. Quality before anything. Of course there are exceptions. Like The Getaway (when we get High Speed) and Black Knight 2000 has some killer music, Party Zone would be fun, Earth shaker= good as a prequel, and you just can't do one roller coaster machine only when there is 3 (or 4 even) good to choose from

Come to think about it, I've changed my mind. Give me all of them right know
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Apr 8, 2012
Give me sequels in a couple of years when all the other good tables have been recreated. There's a ton of tables I would rather see than Jackbot. Doesn't mean I would not buy it. Just not in any hurry to do so when there is so much other great machines to be had

I have to agree about Jackbot. I'm really not too interested in an exact repeat of a playfield, even with a new (better?) rule set. Earthshaker, BK2K, and The Party Zone would be very welcome though.

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