Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Jul 26, 2012
I am in. Hope they promote in the What's New section inside next week's update so people know about it.,

I have a feeling this one is going to be tough.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Wow. This may be premature. I would think FS would've waited until after the 360 and PC were up and running. Those are two platforms with audiences they can't do without.

My understanding is that they have a licensing window or they lose it. I'm sure they waited as long as they could without jeopardizing losing the T2 licenses altogether. I'd assume that clearing up the 360 mess and getting on Steam took much more time than FarSight anticipated.

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Unfortunately i think Farsight won't reach this time. Firstly they should solve the 360 issue and release the game on Steam. Now i'm really afraid cause we can lose T2 and maybe The Addams Family. :(


Jan 28, 2013
Unfortunately i think Farsight won't reach this time. Firstly they should solve the 360 issue and release the game on Steam. Now i'm really afraid cause we can lose T2 and maybe The Addams Family. :(

They have.

You are right though, it's going to be a tough one to reach!




New member
Jun 4, 2012
i wouldnt be so pesimistic guys

t2 has a strong following in a few generations. the table seems like alot of fun too, smacked of the gun many times in my youth heh

who doesnt wanna hear arnies dulcet tones?

lets slap skynet eh?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I want T2 to happen. Great use of license & Arnold voice. I like the cannon shot. It's a table just about everyone into pinball has played at least a few times. Plays quick, smooth and looks great. Seems like a universally liked pin. The only negative I ever hear is that some people wish there was a little more to do on it. Fingers crossed we reach the goal.


New member
May 29, 2013
I'm in the kickstarter now for T2, but Can I please have the PC beta to test for Steam release instead of T2?

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Just pledged. I really hope this is successful so they can keep momentum going and make a play for other licenses like The Adams Family and The Simpsons Pinball Party. I'd love for them to be able to shoot for big kahunas like Williams Indy and The Lord of the Rings someday too.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Still no mention of this on their Facebook page. Since there's a 30-day timer counting they should have started promoting this the minute it went live on kickstarter. If I didn't frequent this forum I wouldn't be aware that it's active.


Jan 28, 2013
FarSight, should try and get news of this on the game websites too.

I'm thinking: Eurogamer, IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, Joystiq, Destructoid etc.

The more exposure, the better.

Some kind of PS4: STTNG article promoting the T2 kickstarter and PC/Steam release alongside it, would be a good move.
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Jul 7, 2012
Great Kickstarter video! Be interested to see how it stacks up on PS4 against the T2 Chrome Edition on Visual Pinball.

Serious question: If it doesn't reach its target does that mean it will never get made, or just not for a few years until the licences are cheaper/saved enough revenue to do it themselves?

What do you think they'd do with the machine they bought? Preserve it anyway in their spare time for themselves and just not officially release it? Or sell the machine on? At some point with amount of tables they're doing they'll have to open some sort of museum/arcade surely?
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New member
Mar 17, 2012
Call me a pessimistic cynic with a bad taste in their mouth but I'm not giving them any money until I get the previous backed tables, $40 each I believe, on PC or 360.

I appreciate the news but its bittersweet and I really wish they would have waited until atleast PC or 360 was up to date/out/updated. I'll be glad when this is all sorted out and these negative feelings will feel like a distant dream instead of a constant reminder because this game is the best virtual pinball there is.

I understand many play the mobile devices extensively and maybe they will pull it off but I don't and this doesn't jive for me. Sorry guys.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Call me a pessimistic cynic with a bad taste in their mouth but I'm not giving them any money until I get the previous backed tables, $40 each I believe, on PC or 360.

I appreciate the news but its bittersweet and I really wish they would have waited until atleast PC or 360 was up to date/out/updated. I'll be glad when this is all sorted out and these negative feelings will feel like a distant dream instead of a constant reminder because this game is the best virtual pinball there is.

I understand many play the mobile devices extensively and maybe they will pull it off but I don't and this doesn't jive for me. Sorry guys.

I understand your position but since their seems to be a limited window on the license they might be running the kickstarter now out of necessity before it expires. It seems like the kickstarter video was shot quite awhile ago because Jay says in the video that they've recreated 18 tables. I think that they've been holding off on the kickstarter and they have to do it now or lose their window of opportunity.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Serious question: If it doesn't reach its target does that mean it will never get made, or just not for a few years until the licences are cheaper/saved enough revenue to do it themselves?

I think if it doesn't happen now then it will never get made.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
iOS and Android appear to be the wider audience for this game. Times are changing and consoles aren't the only option any longer. I'm confident FS will release T2 and Addams Family. If not, there's plenty of other pinball tables on the horizon.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I've posted this on a few different threads, but it is bears repeating.

FarSight has a very limited window with which to do T2. Waiting will not make the license cheaper, it will make it unavailable. There is another game company that has purchased the Terminator license for exclusivity. Their game is in development but has not been announced to the best of my knowledge. They paid HUGE dollars for this license. FarSight managed to sneak in do to the fact that theirs will not be a competing game, but once that other game is announced, all doors close. That is the reality of the situation. I completely agree that having the Steam and 360 stuff be available would have been ideal, but obviously the clock is ticking.

As to what will happen to the physical machine they have? C'mon, Jay obviously loves that thing. I think the mayor of Big Bear will just have a new toy!

I do think it's scary that the cost of the license is for Ah-nold and the name of T2. By the way, T5 is rolling forward too because I believe in 2018 the rights to the Terminator revert back to James Cameron. You'll remember he sold them to Gale Anne Hurd for $1 to get the first movie made. She also happened to be his wife at the time. So FarSight isn't the only company under the gun to get things with that license moving quickly.
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