Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Aug 12, 2012
I think they also need to rethink their pledge benefits - nothing there is "exclusive" to kickstarter, really. I could pledge $10 now, or $8 later on, for example.

Perhaps they could boost things a bit - make a $125 level that includes the $100 level BUT also includes season 3 on one platform of choice. Stuff like that.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
It definitely be good to have reward tiers that include the season packs. If the person owns them already they could gift them to someone else to get them into the game. They definitely need more incentives to get people who are drawn in by the rewards to pledge.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I know quite a few people who would donate money towards the PS3 T2 table, but Farsight's treatment of the PS3 port of TPA has been far from optimal.

They may not feel like the Leaderboards are important, but the players sure do.
I've already donated, but this was done with expectations of the Leaderboards being "addressed with the next update". The update came and went and the Leaderboards are still a mess.

If they can't fix basic fixtures such as this, what hope do we have for a good port of T2 on the PS3?
This worries me...


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Here's the latest trending:



New member
Aug 30, 2012
Yesterday FS posted a comment to the T2 Kickstarter page:

@Robert Corredor, we are hopping for a surge as-well! @Brad Keillor, we are definitely not going to leave this on auto pilot, we want this T2 Kickstarter to succeed!​

I'm very curious to see what they mean by "we are definitely not going to leave this on auto pilot" because I suspect that other than making a few comments here and there they aren't going to be doing anything else. If they have plans for this Kickstarter then what are they waiting for?


New member
May 7, 2013
Whatever it is, I hope it isn't too late, that's all I'm thinking. I contributed $30, this is my second Kickstarter contribution.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Are Farsight allowed to update the iOS app again this month? Maybe they've submitted another version so that it'll have another late surge nearer the end.

The only thing I see saving this is having beta access to the PC version a week before the Kickstarter ends, pushing a few people into the PC bracket.

Oh and maybe a 360 re-release if the removal of both table packs are a sign of something.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Are Farsight allowed to update the iOS app again this month? Maybe they've submitted another version so that it'll have another late surge nearer the end.

The only thing I see saving this is having beta access to the PC version a week before the Kickstarter ends, pushing a few people into the PC bracket.

Oh and maybe a 360 re-release if the removal of both table packs are a sign of something.

Yes, there will be an iOS bug fix update coming around the middle of the month.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The only way I would contribute to this kickstarter is if the PC BETA was released before the end.

When I pledged for TZ and STTNG I was one of the people who selected Xbox, I changed to PC when I was given the opportunity but I still have nothing to show for it.

So if you want my money Farsight, get the PC BETA out asap :)


New member
May 10, 2012
My bet is that they will post a interview with Steve Ritchie on the kickstarter page before the end. Really hope they will do a big T2 reminder in the mid-month IOS update and that it will come as soon as possible. That is their biggest hope for a new pledge surge I believe. Either that or Jay will have to convince his wife to pledge big money ;-)


Jul 11, 2012
J O has T2 so whatever happens now as long as it doesn't affect his game play is a low priority. :p When I give a bum money is that the oppsite of a Kick starter? :p

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I've been watching T2 the movie to help get hyped.

I have the stupid un-cut version. Man does this version suck. The theatrical cut is Sooo, sooo, soo much better. Regardless what a great movie and my hype meters are at full charge.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Lots of people here and in the ks page saying we need stretch goals...

Well on Twilight Zone, Star Trek was the stretch goal. This whole "We'd like to pursue" language on Addams Family is not cutting the mustard. If they come out and say yes, if this is successful Addams is next 100% then they will not fail.


New member
Dec 21, 2012
I think it depends on how much the license for Addams costs. Today being the 4th of July has not been a good day as far as pledges go about less than $300 today as of 6:00 PM East Coast Time.

Hoping for some updates from Farsight as the deadline comes closer that should boast some of the reward tiers. Surprised they haven't done that so far since they did those pretty early in the TZ and TNG Kickstarters.


New member
Apr 17, 2013
I love the game and have pledged 100$ BUT i'm disapointed and concerned by FS attitude.
To me, letting the community beg for updates, giving only 2 or 3 comments, is just a lack of respect of their consummers while they ask for their money. We are fans, consummers and partners of FS as we help them grow and make profits by buying and promoting their game and initiatives like this KS.
This desserve more consideration. They have the rare chance to have a strong community ready to help them but they are ruining it. Maybe that the management needs to understand that a community manager is not only a cost...


New member
Apr 17, 2013
I still hope that they preparing some big news or updates and that we'll succeed with this KS and the next ones if any


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I've been watching T2 the movie to help get hyped.

I have the stupid un-cut version. Man does this version suck. The theatrical cut is Sooo, sooo, soo much better. Regardless what a great movie and my hype meters are at full charge.

Really? There's a lot in that version I like. Especially the end fight with the T-1000 morphing into everything he touches.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Really? There's a lot in that version I like. Especially the end fight with the T-1000 morphing into everything he touches.

I like the Kyle Reese scene. And definitely the smiling scene.

Everything else ruins the flow of the film, is uncessary, or just down right awful. Most of the scenes with Edward are total misses. The Nintendo diss was rightfully cut ! Screw you Edward, I'd rather play Nintendo than learn how to blow **** up screw you.

On a serious note though, a lot of that was bad, and cut for a very good reason. The scene where Miles' wife is licking his neck (gross, why?) The scene where the T-1000 kills the dog Max (tasteless, why?) the scene where they remove Arnold's chip (cool scene, but again just why?) And finally, horrible, horrible ending.

All in all the theatrical cut is a masterpiece. This, like Star Wars, was saved by great editing.

As for the morphing stuff, ehh, it's ok I get it, again impressive special effects here, but it really ruins the final scene... when John is confronted with two of his moms, I always thought, even as a kid, how cool it was that John knew his mom would be the one with the shotgun. John is that smart, and that was Sarah's character. With the added scene it's like, assuming John's an idiot and needs to actually see that it was in fact the T-1000 not his mother before making a decision. So again masterful cutting to just get that whole angle/scene out of there. Plus plot devices introduced at the last second just to tie together a 15 minute scene is in bad taste anyway.
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
There are some really good comments on the T2 Kickstarter page in the last day. People are really getting fed up with Farsight's lack of PR on this project. I am too. We are 14 days into this now and where are you FS? I mean we're all fans here but it just really feels like they expect us to do all of the work for them. I've backed quite a few Kickstarter campaigns that weren't run by FS and on all of those the creators made many updates, added stretch goals and worked their butts off to get talked about on the appropriate blogs, podcasts, etc. Since FS obviously isn't stressing about this campaign meeting its goal I think I'm going to stop stressing about it now too.

If they had a competitor pumping out recreations of American pinball tables on these platforms I think Farsight's attitude would be completely different.
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