Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Apr 21, 2013
if you want to give just HOW do you do that. I use chrome and see NO WAY to give if i wanted to.


if you want to give just HOW do you do that. I use chrome and see NO WAY to give if i wanted to.
Can't you just click on the pledge level you prefer and the page should then load to confirm the amount and your Kickstarter credentials etc.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Maybe they should add Addams Family as a stretch goal of 150k, surely that would achieve that if Addams Family was laid on the table as well


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Can't you just click on the pledge level you prefer and the page should then load to confirm the amount and your Kickstarter credentials etc.
thats the problem. i get taken to a page that shows the game table and everything about it and the kickstarter but i dont see a link to amounts or anything like that .

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
For all those asking for another table as a stretch goal, there was a HUGE hullabaloo when they tried to add ST:TNG as a stretch goal for TZ. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do to me, but a bunch of people got upset and said that they either didn't care about ST:TNG so they didn't want their money going to it or said that they wanted to pledge for ST:TNG but had no interest in TZ. There was actually a pledge drop-off towards the end of the campaign because those that pledged primarily for ST:TNG got out when it was clear that the stretch goal wasn't being met.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
For all those asking for another table as a stretch goal, there was a HUGE hullabaloo when they tried to add ST:TNG as a stretch goal for TZ. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do to me, but a bunch of people got upset and said that they either didn't care about ST:TNG so they didn't want their money going to it or said that they wanted to pledge for ST:TNG but had no interest in TZ. There was actually a pledge drop-off towards the end of the campaign because those that pledged primarily for ST:TNG got out when it was clear that the stretch goal wasn't being met.

Yea the response was surprisingly negative last time. TZ had a huge start in pledges so it was able to survive the naysayers, but its probably better to avoid that kind of backlash on this one.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
It'll cost them more than $1,000 per table to do that. (Unless they work for free.)

I was actually kinda joking. Nonetheless, one would hope that the table picked by the probably limited number of backers to not be a stinker and would sell well to the masses.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
The latest kiktraq report is at 113% of the goal.

It looks like this will have a good chance at being funded.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I just saw they sent me an email asking me to help fund this table too.
I let them know in their kickstarter comments exactly why I won't ever be helping them again.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I just saw they sent me an email asking me to help fund this table too.
I let them know in their kickstarter comments exactly why I won't ever be helping them again.
Don't be a hater. I pledged $10 but I'm not going out of my way to empty my pocketbook in order to fund this.

It's kind of ironic that the last couple days the funding level has skyrocketed 400-500% just happened to coincide with the new reward tier announcement. Either way, great news for Farsight!


New member
May 10, 2012
It is one thing to decide to not contribute. I can totally understand that.

Making comments on the kickstarter page about it however is pure evil. The kickstarter page is not another facebook rant place. It is for those of us who want this to happen and are backing it. You are not only hurting Farsight but also more than a 1000 others that want this bad and are willing to pay to see it happen. Why is it so important to tell everybody that you are not gonna help? If you have a problem with Farsight by all means send Farsight a private message or if you feel you have to share it with us then post it on Facebook or in this forum. Please do not post negative posts on a kickstarter page. It is counter productive, has no effect on how Farsight will treat you in the future and as I said is Pure evil towards the fans who want this.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Making comments on the kickstarter page about it however is pure evil.

Hmmm - bit of an exaggeration maybe?

Child abuse, torture, inflicting deliberate pain upon others, are all examples of pure evil.
Bitter comments on a Kickstarter comment page fall into the category of 'a bit sad and pointless' to me.

Can't say as I'm keen on Farsight's new tactic though - essentially selling beta access to the few who can afford it, and I'm guessing closing the existing open beta - Android, or selling places for it making it a closed one also. I can't think of any other way they can have this as a Kickstarter reward other than by one of those actions.
This has to have a negative effect on all platforms quality, and at very least would mean Android would be worse off than others.

It's changed my opinion from 'not caring if T2 succeeds' to actively hoping this now doesn't.

Any Android T2 backers should carefully consider this new development.


New member
May 10, 2012
Ok. Mini evil then ;) but you get my point. You put it far better than me "Bitter comments on a Kickstarter comment page fall into the category of 'a bit sad and pointless' to me."

I actually agree about the absurd high pledge level to be a beta tester. Beta testing is something that is supposed to be a help to Farsight and takes time and effort for the tester but if people want to pay 400 anyway I say go for it :)

And if they do it just to play the tables early, no problem. Paying 400 has earned them the right to I say. In the end it's all about getting people to support the cause and whatever does the trick is fine by me. I also understand completely that some chose to not support this kickstarter.

Me, I just want to be able to play these tables and that fact outshines any hiccups there have been to the game. When all is said and done, I still find them to be a hardworking, decent and good company who tries to approve things that are not perfect.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Beta testing is something that is supposed to be a help to Farsight and takes time and effort for the tester but if people want to pay 400 anyway I say go for it :)
And if they do it just to play the tables early, no problem. Paying 400 has earned them the right to I say.

Problem is... you end up with a very small test pool, half of whom probably just want early access and aren't really testing. And because its closed with limited places available - quality of testing is significantly reduced, and that's before testing individual platforms comes into consideration.
Not good for TPA - and why my mind has changed from not caring if T2 succeeds, to actively hoping it now fails.


New member
May 10, 2012
Not on Android. I think we are talking more about IOS and PC here.

These are not going to be the only testers. Just a few extra eyes and ears can't do any harm and getting responsibility often brings out the best in us. Nothing bad can come out of this in my opinion,
but there is still a small voice inside me that think it is wrong to pay that much for a service like beta testing. I did it on TZ but that was a one time effort to show support and get their first kickstarter on a good start. I still payed 100 $ for TNG and T2 but that is where my limit lies on this and further kickstarters. (Can't afford anymore than that anyway) I still say good on ya for those who pledge big money. You are the ones who really matters in getting this thing done. 1000-2000 backers pledging 10 or 20 will never be enough and I believe 2000 backers is the max backers we can hope to reach on a pinball kickstarter.

TZ = 2365 backers
TNG = 1937 backers
PRO Pinball = 1296 Backers
PAPA kicks = 724 Backers
Last edited:


New member
Mar 17, 2012
So we need approx another 800 backers then to get T2 green lite

800 in 2 weeks hmmm


New member
Jul 26, 2012
Hmmm - bit of an exaggeration maybe?

Can't say as I'm keen on Farsight's new tactic though - essentially selling beta access to the few who can afford it, and I'm guessing closing the existing open beta - Android, or selling places for it making it a closed one also. I can't think of any other way they can have this as a Kickstarter reward other than by one of those actions.
This has to have a negative effect on all platforms quality, and at very least would mean Android would be worse off than others.

It would be nice if Farsight could elaborate on this. This is what they said on Kickstarter:
we've decided to do something we've never done before- open up access to our Beta Tester program to our Kickstarter Backers! We've created a new Reward tier that will make you an official Pinball Arcade Beta Tester with early access to ALL future table packs

I read that to mean backers would be equivalent to internal testers and would have access before the tables are shared with anyone outside the company.
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