Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I'm also concerned that if this fails, then they my just pass on other kickstarters. They may say, "we'll, we could do The Simpsons, but the last KS failed, so why go through the hassle"


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Today's output definitely has me worried. I was hoping that the start of the work week would bring a decent bump to help amount for the fact that this one didn't get off to the same fast start as the first two. Looks like it's going to be a tight one the whole way.

Me too. I was hoping it would pickup today.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
8 grand in 3 days seems fine to me. What were the other two kick starters like?

Remember Stat Trek and Twilight Zone had lots of people hyping it up on YouTube and elsewhere. We need the same kind of support for t2. It's a strongly popular table but the word needs to get out.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
TZ had $25,000 in 3 days, and ST:TNG had about $23,000 in 3 days. Each was followed by a loooooooooong drought.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
TZ had $25,000 in 3 days, and ST:TNG had about $23,000 in 3 days. Each was followed by a loooooooooong drought.
It may go backwards this time around. A slow start with a really strong finish.

It's hard to predict Kickstarter campaigns, unless it has a ridiculous goal like the $400,000 Pro Pinball Kickstarter.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I have a brief question: Is the $300 "beta access" offer the same one that was available for $100 with the other tables? Because the only thing that would tempt me to hit $100 is if I could get early access to the four base tables on the PC version of TPA (obviously along with the table on other platforms). Other than that, I think I'd just pledge $50... not because I get enough releases to cover me for all the platforms I own, but because I think that's what the KS deserves as a pledge. Not just enough to cover the market value of the content, but to feel like I'm actually *donating* rather than just pre-ordering.

Edit: I've just had a quick look on Kicktraq as well, and even before I submitted my backing it says it's trending towards 103% at $61,000 :) Hopefully this is a slow burner and it picks up towards the end.

Edit #2: Hopefully the reason for the delay of the most recent pack on iOS is that FarSight wanted to include a popup reminder about the Terminator 2 Kickstarter. If that's the case (and it'd be stupid if it wasn't) then maybe there'll be a decent boost to go along with that as well. I think they had popups for TNG and TZ when they were on KS?
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Edit #2: Hopefully the reason for the delay of the most recent pack on iOS is that FarSight wanted to include a popup reminder about the Terminator 2 Kickstarter. If that's the case (and it'd be stupid if it wasn't) then maybe there'll be a decent boost to go along with that as well. I think they had popups for TNG and TZ when they were on KS?

Yeah, I hope it's advertised in the newest update (assuming to be this Friday).
Apr 8, 2012
At the moment, I am leaning toward not backing this Kickstarter. I backed the first two but am torn on this one. Ironic, given that I actually have played (and like) T2 where I had never played TZ or STTNG before backing them.

So why would I not back this one? Quite frankly, I am unhappy with the direction and quality of the TPA product as a whole and Farsight as a company. They have knowingly released broken tables onto the market. They have lied about eventually fixing PS3 tables while knowing all along that that was not possible. They have intentionally introduced game-breaking items into games (the loop "kickout" in Attack From Mars). They continue to use preview screenshots and videos that don't match what they actually release. By all indications, they've essentially abandoned the PS3 (other than DLC) in favor of the PS4 instead of fixing existing issues. The previous Kickstarters have been very poorly handled with people getting late codes, if at all. And so on.

So, yeah, I'm torn. I may change my mind late in the Kickstarter if I think it might be close but right now I won't back it.

Yeah, sure, they're out to get us. They hate their customers and just want us to suffer. You're absolutely right, they are liars that intentionally introduce bugs into their games just to hurt us and constantly misrepresent their product while mismanaging their company. You shouldn't do anything to help them because you obviously hate the product. Sheesh.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I'm not the biggest fan of T2 pinball, but I AM a huge fan of The Simpsons Pinball tables, and I donated because I know if this doesn't get funded then The Simpsons tables will never see the light of day on TPA.
Anyway, I have donated to the last 2 as well and I really hope this makes goal again.

That being said... if they will consider The Simpsons KS next time, I will donate a nice chunk of cash towards it.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Yeah, sure, they're out to get us. They hate their customers and just want us to suffer. You're absolutely right, they are liars that intentionally introduce bugs into their games just to hurt us and constantly misrepresent their product while mismanaging their company. You shouldn't do anything to help them because you obviously hate the product. Sheesh.

Although I understand the issues Tabe has brought up, it seems that he is trying to teach FS a lesson, but the only result is the possiblilty of the rest of us not getting a table that we want. FS will continue to go on regardless of the success of the Kickstarter, and the "lesson" being taught will be for nothing.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
At the moment, I am leaning toward not backing this Kickstarter. I backed the first two but am torn on this one. Ironic, given that I actually have played (and like) T2 where I had never played TZ or STTNG before backing them.

So why would I not back this one? Quite frankly, I am unhappy with the direction and quality of the TPA product as a whole and Farsight as a company. They have knowingly released broken tables onto the market. They have lied about eventually fixing PS3 tables while knowing all along that that was not possible. They have intentionally introduced game-breaking items into games (the loop "kickout" in Attack From Mars). They continue to use preview screenshots and videos that don't match what they actually release. By all indications, they've essentially abandoned the PS3 (other than DLC) in favor of the PS4 instead of fixing existing issues. The previous Kickstarters have been very poorly handled with people getting late codes, if at all. And so on.

So, yeah, I'm torn. I may change my mind late in the Kickstarter if I think it might be close but right now I won't back it.

Your "Farsight Sucks" manifesto might be more appreciated somewhere that's not trying to get a table kickstarted... I understand the honesty and constructive criticism thing, but you've made your points many times before on many different threads.

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
Farsight repeatedly said they would address issues in the tables, like artwork and so forth, pretty much from day one. They knew, however, that that required a DLC patch - something Sony doesn't allow.

The thing in Attack from Mars was done on purpose. Farsight stated that right here on the forum. The feeling was the game was too easy without it. I can't possibly be the only person who remembers that.

These are not some crazy conspiracy theory - these are things Farsight themselves has said.

The "videos and screenshots don't match released product" is a fact. That's not even disputable. How many times have we seen some variation of the "gee, something happened in the colors when we ported to PS3..." from Farsight?

I don't believe Farsight is out to sabotage their own game. Obviously that's stupid. What I do think is that they make short-sighted decisions (the loop thing in AFM) or knowingly conceal the truth on other topics (Sony DLC) in order to keep cash flowing.

I'm also not willing to cut them as much slack as others simply because of the size of their company. Lots of even smaller companies release cleaner products than does Farsight.

I meant what thing about Attack From Mars are you talking about?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
He's talking about an odd quirk in the original release of AFM. When the ball would exit the left orbit from the right, the ball will occasionally make an unrealistic direction change suddenly and sharply to the left, as if hitting a bump that spontaneously appeared there. Usually directing it towards the center gap. A form of it exists also in the lock ramp. If you make a weak shot towards the lock ramp that doesn't succeed, it will come back down and suddenly head towards the right outlane.

This orbit quirk has been removed from the iOS version, but not on the PS3 version. The bump in the lock ramp however exists in the real AFM, so that was not touched.

Unfortunately, this little programming trick also exists in Cactus Canyon, and they refuse to remove it from that table. It's funny how I don't seem to play CC very often anymore. Causal relation? Hmm.
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Apr 12, 2012
You shouldn't do anything to help them because you obviously hate the product. Sheesh.
That's the thing. I DON'T.

Although I understand the issues Tabe has brought up, it seems that he is trying to teach FS a lesson, but the only result is the possiblilty of the rest of us not getting a table that we want. FS will continue to go on regardless of the success of the Kickstarter, and the "lesson" being taught will be for nothing.

Your "Farsight Sucks" manifesto might be more appreciated somewhere that's not trying to get a table kickstarted... I understand the honesty and constructive criticism thing, but you've made your points many times before on many different threads.
Clawhammer and Fungi, your points are fair ones. Accordingly, I will cease my criticisms in this thread.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I just came across this comment on the T2 Kickstarter, which immediately peeked my interest as it's quite a cool (albeit maybe unfeasible) idea:

Matthew Zarzeczny: "by any chance can it [the Kickstarter] be expanded to include Stern's Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines? I would reckon the licenses would be relatively similar and it would probably be more encouraging to get two tables rather than one out of this project"

This sounds like a cool idea for a STRETCH GOAL, right? Although I do remember that "tacking on" the STTNG table to the TZ Kickstarter wasn't too well received last time... If FarSight played this right though, I think the notion of having negotiated already for the Terminator AND Arnold Schwarzenegger license makes sense.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
poor Tabe, i think the criticism was a bit harsh. all of us here in this forum are fans of the product, we are PinballArcadeFans and we all just want the product to go on getting better and better with more and more tables. i can't think of any reason you'd be any different. it's just a shame that company business techniques (which basically revolve around profit, profit and more profit) get in the way of FS being instead fuelled by a desire for greatness or perfection. if they get too obsessed over pinball details (like us lot) then this will get in the way of the bottom line - sadly, this is what companies are for, unless they're charities or owned by independently wealthy happy-to-make-a-loss people.

i bet there's not a member of this forum that won't go ahead and buy the table when it gets released (and i'm sure it will be, what's a few thousand when a product is gonna make you at least ten times that in profit?). i've also had a moan about FS/TPA, but i'll buy this table like all the rest. i'd also buy it for an extra £2/$2/whatever, and think this would be a preferable way to raise any extra money needed/wanted. just like i also pay the same price for the older EM tables that i seldom play and that have no licenses and so are cheap to make.

since they've started it, i hope the kickstarter for T2 is successful. what's the latest figures/predictions?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I hate being a negative nancy, I really hope T2 makes the goal but if FS show as much interest as they did last time then I don't think its going to get there. We need FS to pop in every few days with new info/goals/promises to boost pledges. Last time they made a total of just 3 updates during the kickstarter and there was a lot of frustration in the comments. Sure the goal was still met but I think the table was a lot more in demand than this one and the goal was only 45k to begin with. Some projects see almost daily updates from their creators, I'm not suggesting they go that far but please show some interest in trying to keep pledges flowing in.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
KS never says that TAF is next!

Here's the carrot for those who aren't the biggest fans of T2

Here's the line from the KS page:
"If we don't reach our goal no credit cards will be charged, but if we raise more then the goal we’ll be able to digitize other licensed tables as well, including the next table we'd really like to pursue- Bally's incredible classic The Addams Family!"

I think people see the words "next table" and TAF together and just go bonkers. Read the sentence more closely.

Here's how I parsed that sentence:

if (goal not reached) then { 
	credit cards not charged;
else {
	if (we raise more than goal) then {
		we will be able to digitize other licensed tables, including {
			the next table we'd like to pursue {
In other words:

1. credit cards only charged if goal reached.
2. if goal is surpassed, then we can do other *licensed* tables.
3. one of the tables we'd *like* to do is TAF

I don't see any statement of fact that TAF is the next table they will do. If anything, this suggests that TAF isn't licensed yet, otherwise they would have come right out and said so.

Still, I like T2 and TAF, so I'll contribute to KS as a donation, and will buy tables when available. Less emotional attachmnt that way.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I hate being a negative nancy, I really hope T2 makes the goal but if FS show as much interest as they did last time then I don't think its going to get there. We need FS to pop in every few days with new info/goals/promises to boost pledges. Last time they made a total of just 3 updates during the kickstarter and there was a lot of frustration in the comments. Sure the goal was still met but I think the table was a lot more in demand than this one and the goal was only 45k to begin with. Some projects see almost daily updates from their creators, I'm not suggesting they go that far but please show some interest in trying to keep pledges flowing in.

I read a guide online yesterday that teaches how to run a successful kickstarter campaign. It says the most successful are run by people that commit 8 hours a day to promoting and running their campaign. One of the most important things to do is to get your project talked about on blogs, blogs and more blogs. So far, I'm not aware of any promotion FS has done for this campaign other than a quick facebook mention on their page.

Don't get me wrong, I want this to succeed. I'm just worried that FS doesn't know how to run a kickstarter.
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