Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Here's the current kicktraq trend projections as of 5 minutes ago:



TZ and ST:TNG were sold for $8, for the pro pack, directly after the KS; if there was no KS the tables would have to be sold for $20+ to re-coup licensing costs.

Are you talking about the pro versions? I bought them for $5 each on Android. But I take your point -- the math probably doesn't work for them without Kickstarter.

yeah I edited my post to reflect the pricing more accurately. But remember that every purchase through Googles, or Apples, system gives them 30% off the top. So 5*0.70=3.50 per table pack less licensing residuals ... and you're looking at something like a dollar and a bit per table pack to support the overhead of FS off of the sales.

AFAIK, The upfront costs involved in what the KS is raising is the licensing to even be allowed to due the project as a retail endeavour; plus, the license holders, depending on their contracts, get a portion of each and every sale. So without that initial investment amount, there is no table to be made for the public, legally. Also, if FS doesn't raise the funds necessary right now, there will not be a chance to "Try Again" at a later date for a better price or if ever.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Maybe someone with better english than me could write some mails to the major gaming sites to promote T2.


New member
Apr 14, 2012
But remember that every purchase through Googles, or Apples, system gives them 30% off the top. So 5/1.3= 3.85 per table pack less licensing residuals ... and you're looking at something like a dollar and a bit per table pack to support the overhead of FS off of the sales.

Your math is off here. To get Farsigh’s cut, you just need to multiply the five dollar asking price by 70%, or .7.

$5 * .7 = $3.50

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
There is not very much depth to the table. You can either hit the skull and go for multiball and the super jackpot, or hit the ramps and go for Payback Time. That's about it.

Some people like that and think T2 is elegant in its simplicity. Others are used to more complex machines and get bored of T2 pretty quickly.

(Also: Once you've played an AC/DC, which is basically a T2 with better sound - assuming you like their music - and a vastly more intricate ruleset, playing a T2 feels very austere, even spartan.)

Hmm. I love Spartans and myself am a Spartan, so that must be why I like it so much.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Also, Bobby King likes this machine a lot. Used to be his favorite for a long time. I think he mentioned that two or three times in interviews.
When I first heard about TPA, my first thought was T2.
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Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
I played T2 yesterday in a local pub and now I'm worried than ever. Guys, we NEED this on TPA! Let's help this project! 27 days of agony... :(


New member
Sep 2, 2012
My contribution could be something like this (besides the money I backed):



We have signed T2s here... It's his hometown ;-)


Apr 12, 2012
At the moment, I am leaning toward not backing this Kickstarter. I backed the first two but am torn on this one. Ironic, given that I actually have played (and like) T2 where I had never played TZ or STTNG before backing them.

So why would I not back this one? Quite frankly, I am unhappy with the direction and quality of the TPA product as a whole and Farsight as a company. They have knowingly released broken tables onto the market. They have lied about eventually fixing PS3 tables while knowing all along that that was not possible. They have intentionally introduced game-breaking items into games (the loop "kickout" in Attack From Mars). They continue to use preview screenshots and videos that don't match what they actually release. By all indications, they've essentially abandoned the PS3 (other than DLC) in favor of the PS4 instead of fixing existing issues. The previous Kickstarters have been very poorly handled with people getting late codes, if at all. And so on.

So, yeah, I'm torn. I may change my mind late in the Kickstarter if I think it might be close but right now I won't back it.

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
Here's the current kicktraq trend projections as of 5 minutes ago:


Thing with Kickstarter projects though is that there's always a big push at the end, unless it's a project that only gets a few pledges at all or it's way far off the mark when the end rolls out. First one doesn't apply and the second probably won't either.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Its a small company guys, now... I dont want to critisese your points, cause they all seem fair to me. But i wish everybody would not forget this is not an ea or ubisoft. Multibillion companies, with games..... Yes.... Full of bugs.

I am happy with pinball arcade. And maybe slow, but its getting better and better. Ps3 and xbox problems you cant only point to farsight.

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
They have lied about eventually fixing PS3 tables while knowing all along that that was not possible. They have intentionally introduced game-breaking items into games (the loop "kickout" in Attack From Mars).

The what?


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Thing with Kickstarter projects though is that there's always a big push at the end, unless it's a project that only gets a few pledges at all or it's way far off the mark when the end rolls out. First one doesn't apply and the second probably won't either.

Actually, you're half right. With kickstarter most donations come at the very beginning and very end of campaigns, regardless of total campaign duration.

Here's a breakdown by day so far (from kicktraq.com)...
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Ummmmmmm.....yeah.....paranoid much?

:rolleyes:K bud, whatever you say.

Fact is the releases have been solid as hell. Not to mention timely bug fixes and lots of new features added in. The machines themselves have been spot on and as polished as ever. Pin*Bot and Centaur are pretty much flawless. But keep spouting this fud and keeping yourself up at night over "Farsight intentionally introducing bugs and 'breaking' tables on purpose" lol. It's a small developer that busts their ass month after month to release DLC to us. No other publisher, big or small, is currently doing what Farsight does.

And these are human beings doing their best you make it out like Farsight is some evil corporation purposefully doing everything they can to sabotage their own game and piss off fans as much as possible. I'd suggest seeking help for these paranoid delusions.
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Apr 12, 2012
The what?
Farsight repeatedly said they would address issues in the tables, like artwork and so forth, pretty much from day one. They knew, however, that that required a DLC patch - something Sony doesn't allow.

The thing in Attack from Mars was done on purpose. Farsight stated that right here on the forum. The feeling was the game was too easy without it. I can't possibly be the only person who remembers that.

These are not some crazy conspiracy theory - these are things Farsight themselves has said.

The "videos and screenshots don't match released product" is a fact. That's not even disputable. How many times have we seen some variation of the "gee, something happened in the colors when we ported to PS3..." from Farsight?

I don't believe Farsight is out to sabotage their own game. Obviously that's stupid. What I do think is that they make short-sighted decisions (the loop thing in AFM) or knowingly conceal the truth on other topics (Sony DLC) in order to keep cash flowing.

I'm also not willing to cut them as much slack as others simply because of the size of their company. Lots of even smaller companies release cleaner products than does Farsight.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Not directed at any one person in particular, but:


While people are free to discuss the T2 kickstarter here, including their reasons for donating or not donating to it, that is not a license to discuss the people behind those reasons. Keep it civil and focused, please.

The previous kickstarters' threads had a greater tendency to go to hell early and often than other threads, so we're keeping a pretty close eye on this one.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Today's output definitely has me worried. I was hoping that the start of the work week would bring a decent bump to help amount for the fact that this one didn't get off to the same fast start as the first two. Looks like it's going to be a tight one the whole way.


New member
May 23, 2012
I can see why it is so slow after the previous fiasco. Hate to be pessimistic but I don't see this making the goal with a bang like the others. They definitely lost some supporters.

I am able to back projects now that I have a CC, but I won't until I can trust FS, and I can't do that right now.
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