Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Here's hoping in a few days time Update 2 states Xbox One support now Microsoft aren't charging for updates - that would help keep the momentum going.

FarSight is still waiting for Microsoft to officially announce that this new business practice will apply to the Xbox One as well. As of now, it only applies to the Xbox 360.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Well I think table pack 14 is out on the PS3 in euro land this week, what's the betting FarSight haven't had the Fore Sight to place a full page promotion ad for the T2 KS every time you load the game for this title update, when they release table pack 15 next month they can remove it from the update. It would just nag people about it for this coming month, perfect advertisement if you ask me.

FarSights studio name is fairly apted really as they defiantly don't have any fore sight LOL.

FarSight sent the upcoming PS3/PS Vita update to Sony over a month ago, so the Kickstarter splash screen will not be integrated. However, they could promote their Kickstarter on Sony's blogs if they allow them to.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Where did you read that? Very interesting. If you know anything else about FS current cash flow or profits per table, please share, as it would shut me right up. I just read their announcement of this kick starter on Facebook and about 5 other people shared my opinion that they can easily afford to buy their own licenses.

Seriously, we're both speculating, right? But if you know facts, please share them.

The INITIAL license cost is high. For STTNG and TZ, CBS wanted something like $55K+ just to sit down at the table. This is a non-refundable "we're serious about doing something with your property" license fee. If FarSight and CBS couldn't work something out, the money was lost. And the things they needed to work out include royalties to CBS (and to actors, assets, etc) other licensing and promotional issues, approvals, and anything else CBS may want. Oh yeah, the per-sale royalty was NOT included - every table purchased must pay CBS that fixed amount as well (so the kickstarters which gave away free tables has to account for that fee as well). It's why the TZ and STTNG table packs were only ONE table.

This is a risky move, and in any other business, most will simply say "forget it" and simply choose not to make the table at all - there's far more lucrative tables that could be made (practically any that doesn't require spending money up front). Heck, there's a chance FarSight might never make a profit off the table - if it costs $30K to go to the table, and they $4 out of every $8 table sale (minus Apple/Google/Sony/Microsoft/Ouya/Amazon cut, minus licensing costs), there's a chance when you add that $30k plus table costs, shop costs, development costs, etc, it never breaks even. Will it sink FarSight? Maybe not, but it will influence their table choices the next time around and other tables might not be produced if there's no guarantee they'll make money. I don't know about you, but if I was a business manager, taking on TZ, STTNG or T2 would be a really stupid business decision. Of course, FarSight is hopefully driven by more than just pure monetary profit - they really want to preserve pinball, but taking on "stupid risk" also isn't a wise business decision.

Now, you can feel screwed by this kickstarter - don't. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO PARTICIPATE. It's completely optional. There are many reasons to not participate - including FarSight's past history with previous kickstarters screwing over supporters to problems claiming said tables. They're valid, It's one reason I'm hesitating, even though I generally support them.

Hell, in general, FarSight's kickstarter rewards are generally fairly weak - if the table costs $8, then paying $100 for all platforms doesn't seem like a good return at all.

And face it, Kickstarter is also awesome at judging community support. Too often only the most vocal ones are heard - a Kickstarter is good way to see if support is really there or not. Why spend $30K on licensing fees when only say, 1,000 people really wanted it?


New member
Sep 27, 2012
sold my vita for only 162 bucks... paid 320 with all the bells and whistles. beautiful machine.. tpa was a piece of crap tho. there is part of my donation.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Where did you read that? Very interesting. If you know anything else about FS current cash flow or profits per table, please share, as it would shut me right up. I just read their announcement of this kick starter on Facebook and about 5 other people shared my opinion that they can easily afford to buy their own licenses.

Seriously, we're both speculating, right? But if you know facts, please share them.

None of this is new information. It's all stuff that farsight spoke about very early on before the twilight zone kick starter.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
nah they never thought of it, until fans started to flag it up. By the time they realised, the iOS version had already been submitted. Like I say they lack PR savvy.

Even the android T2 placement is minimal. It really should have been a full screen poster rather than little button. It needed to be in your face to grab your attention.

"They lack PR savvy" is an understatement. There are a TON of iOS users that have TPA installed. ALL of them automatically received the notification on Friday that there was a new table pack update (with a new app icon to pique their interest). I'm sure if most of those users are remotely interested they updated at least to take at look at the new tables. This was a huge opportunity missed. If FS had taken advantage of it I bet this kickstarter would be on the home stretch now.

And the notification they added in Android is very unimaginative. I would have used the T2 kickstarter splash screen image they have on the kickstarter homepage with a link to stream the kickstarter video.
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
FarSight sent the upcoming PS3/PS Vita update to Sony over a month ago, so the Kickstarter splash screen will not be integrated. However, they could promote their Kickstarter on Sony's blogs if they allow them to.

I doubt that FS didn't know the timing of this kickstarter campaign a month ago and they could have incorporated it. Maybe I don't understand how the Sony updates work.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Here is the latest trending from Kicktraq:



And the notification they added in Android is very unimaginative. I would have used the T2 kickstarter splash screen they have on the kickstarter homepage with a link to stream the kickstarter video.

IDK, they stayed with the UI scheme, and it shows the information about the KS, if you press continue you go right to the KS page no mucking around.

It's a total of 2 presses from the home page until you are on the KS project page, albeit on you Android device. It may not be flashy but it does the job of communicating that there is this KS happening, and takes anyone interested directly there.

Utilitarian, sure. Lacking "Flair", a little bit.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
nice work Biff.

Sotie - completly agree with you. The android T2 button was an after thought.

However, the Kicktraq data clear shows the correlation between exposure and paid backers. Lets hope FS can create some videos or screen shots to keep us interested and more updates and in games ads.

Probably too late now, but FarSight should do a small piece of development for the next updates. Each time TPA is loaded it checks their servers for any PR updates. If found then a poster is displayed with the ad. i.e kickstarter ad or anything else. This way they can dynamically advertise without over spamming and without having to update the code each time. They just update a separate file on their servers with the ad information.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
For those who promote this Kickstarter we salute you.

Edit: almost 30% there. Things are looking up!
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Jul 7, 2012
Nice one Biff, well done to get a mention, thats great. I've emailed pinballnews.com, Kirk Hamilton from Kotaku who did their last Pinball Arcade article, tweeted IGN and Slash, posted about it on hotukdeals, liked their post on facebook. Trying to think of what else I can do at this stage.


New member
May 29, 2013
LOL good one Biff; now finish off Rudy for me.. ( that blockhead annoys me ) :eek::eek:

Your actions may get the kickstarter running full tilt!


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Thanks, but Francis actions have way more impact than mine.
I'm still thinking about more promotion.


New member
Aug 2, 2012
Hey all,

Sorry i don't have the patience to sort though all the comments on FB, KS and here.
But basically even though i'm a huge TPA fan and backed both TZ and STTNG,
i am not backing this one at this stage.
I have several friends who aren't either.

As we all know there were issues with past rewards distribution and communication.
I suspect many people like me are worn out.

I only play on iOS and don't think the KS rewards are interesting at all.
Especially when i saw TZ and STTNG come available to the general public for normal prices.
Why did i bother backing these tables? What did i get that was special for it?
Yes, if we don't support T2 now it may just not make it into TPA. I get it.
And do i want T2 in TPA? Hell yeah.

But the KS campaign is not doing great and I suspect many people are like me.

I would plunk $40-50 easy if i got a nice t-shirt or something cool like that. Doesn't have to be a FS/TPA/T2 shirt although that would be great. Just a FS/TPA shirt would be perfect.
They need to make the rewards more unique and appealing.
If they are smart, they would make adjustments, just like the PAPA-TV KS.

Ok another petty gripe. Sure all the tourneys so far were free, but always giving
the same ball skins as rewards? That got old.

Hadn't they hired a PR/marketing person recently? Boy do they need one.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Just a FS/TPA shirt would be perfect.
They need to make the rewards more unique and appealing.
That might be the funniest thing I've read on these forums. Come on dude. You're contributing precisely for the fact that FS will be able to make these tables available to the non-contributing public at $5. It's about widening the fan base and preserving the past.
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