Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Man, another beta spot just taken (9 left) and another $200 in pledges deducted at the same time. It sucks that so many people are withdrawing now.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
It really stinks for people to do that. It ruins the chances for those of us who want it to succeed. Frankly what is the point?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
It really stinks for people to do that. It ruins the chances for those of us who want it to succeed. Frankly what is the point?
Probably it's dawned on some of the trolls commenting on the kickstarter page that this is about to succeed and they'll be locked into their fake pledges if they don't get out now.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
This is obviously ridiculous. I really hope that those people are a very fringe minority.

I've been seeing people celebrating all day in the kickstarter comments but I say we don't count our eggs til they're hatched. Personally, I'm still nervous. I want this to succeed so bad!

It has succeeded.

Maybe not the smoothest KS, but that and these people who are out for blood is because of KS reward issues, and the Xbox fiasco. And the PC versions taking longer than expected.

Once those things are sorted out this time, FS will have no problems with future kickstarters.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Probably it's dawned on some of the trolls commenting on the kickstarter page that this is about to succeed and they'll be locked into their fake pledges if they don't get out now.

I think it's just people that want this to succeed and do it as cheaply as possible so they're either reducing their pledges or altogether removing them. There are 4 new $400 tier contributors and 1 new $500 tier today so the total should be higher than it is now, that's how I know a lot of money is flowing the other way.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I think it's just people that want this to succeed and do it as cheaply as possible so they're either reducing their pledges or altogether removing them. There are 4 new $400 tier contributors and 1 new $500 tier today so the total should be higher than it is now, that's how I know a lot of money is flowing the other way.
You're probably right. I remember this happened with Twilight Zone toward the end, too, although in TZ's case it was becoming obvious that the stretch goal wasn't happening and people were confused/unhappy with what was going to happen to the "excess" money.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
While I'm no troll I do hope Farsight has learned from this whole experience. The fact that T2 made it despite everything, shows that at the end of the day people love this game and believe in this company.

"The future isn't set... I look on to it for the first time with hope...maybe if a machine, a Farsight Studios, can learn the value of human life, I mean Pinball, we can too"

Reward issues, Xbox issue, PC issue...T2 also had the problem that it wasn't that sought after of a machine. I remember as far back as late 2012 when Bobby said T2 was next there was a lot of "Meh, T2?" comments. I am so happy this is succeeding, this machine is very deserving of the arcade and one of the best I got to play at Pinburgh this year.
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New member
Dec 21, 2012
They will be disappointed; it will probably cross the finish line tomorrow.

Besides the usual coterie of invaders who hate FarSight and everything they do, there was some speculation a while back that a failed kickstarter would somehow "teach FarSight a lesson" and cause them to re-focus on improving the quality of the existing tables. How exactly this was supposed to work logistically and financially was never adequately explained by its proponents.

Also how does this help the quality of the game because you actively rooted against and made the T2 Kickstarter fail, now all of a sudden FS is going to cave into your demands? I don't think these people realize that they are

A. Hurting the very game they want fixed.
B. Hurting the Pinball fanbase and those who want to see TPA succeed.

I can understand some sore feelings from the Kickstarter's from TZ and TNG, but give me a break this pity-party from a bunch of buggers all because they didn't get the things they thought were "entitled" to them faster so in response they try to sabotage it with fake pledges and nasty comments, makes them look like a bunch of babies.

I really hope if this gets funded (and we are very close) those who "fake pledged" forget to rescind right as it goes through on 7/21 at 9:00 PM. Can't wait to see the reaction from them.
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New member
Dec 21, 2012
While I'm no troll I do hope Farsight has learned from this whole experience. The fact that T2 made it despite everything, shows that at the end of the day people love this game and believe in this company.

"The future isn't set... I look on to it for the first time with hope...maybe if a machine, a Farsight Studios, can learn the value of human life, I mean Pinball, we can too"

Reward issues, Xbox issue, PC issue...T2 also had the problem that it wasn't that sought after of a machine. I remember as far back as late 2012 when Bobby said T2 was next there was a lot of "Meh, T2?" comments. I am so happy this is succeeding, this machine is very deserving of the arcade and one of the best I got to play at Pinburgh this year.

Agree wholeheartedly, while I've never played the real thing, I have always had a blast playing it on Visual Pinball along with T3. Although it wouldn't be my choice for the KS (I'd much rather go for Simpsons Pinball Party or Doctor Who) it's great to see that despite all, everyone has come out to show support.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The pinball community is strong and this Kickstarter proved that...nuff said!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Also how does this help the quality of the game because you actively rooted against and made the T2 Kickstarter fail, now all of a sudden FS is going to cave into your demands? I don't think these people realize that they are

A. Hurting the very game they want fixed.
B. Hurting the Pinball fanbase and those want to see TPA succeed.

I can understand some sore feelings from the Kickstarter's from TZ and TNG, but give me a break this pity-party from a bunch of buggers all because they didn't get the things they thought were "entitled" to them faster so in response they try to sabotage it with fake pledges and nasty comments, makes them look like a bunch of babies.

I really hope if this gets funded (and we are very close) those who "fake pledged" forget to rescind right as it goes through on 7/21 at 9:00 PM. Can't wait to see the reaction from them.

In reality these trolls haven't affected a damn thing. The real fans had plenty of troll bombs.

Once the Xbox DLC and PC version is out and the KS rewards go off without a hitch, the trolls will turn back into normal human beings, and all will be right in the Pinball Kingdom.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
If they don't release the PC beta at least 24 hours before the kickstarter finishes then they've missed out on their biggest chance yet for a windfall in cash. To not have some rewards from the very first kickstarter available by the time the third one ends (let's just ignore the Xbox debate now) would be rediculous.

Worst case scenario is this not getting funded, PC beta coming out 24 hours later and everybody wondering why they didn't put 2+2 together.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
There are 4 new $400 tier contributors and 1 new $500 tier today so the total should be higher than it is now, that's how I know a lot of money is flowing the other way.

I was at $200 but was able to make the $400 tier work. So while I'm one of the "new" $400 tier contributors it wasn't a net increase of $400 but rather $200. I'm not saying people aren't fiddling with their pledges just that your math might be off.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Also how does this help the quality of the game because you actively rooted against and made the T2 Kickstarter fail, now all of a sudden FS is going to cave into your demands?

My argument was, and still is, that Farsight tends to get a pass because of the "greater goal" of preserving pinball. Look at the SimCity debacle... If FS was on a bigger stage they would have been buried a long time ago for their programming, platform, and communication missteps.

They didn't seem to take the ST:TNG seriously (to the point where some speculated that FS wanted to see how much support theynhad without any promotion) and, at the beginning of the T2 KS it appeared that same course was going to be taken.

I do admit they have worked to promote this one when I thought they wouldn't. They added tiers based on community feedback. They definitely improved their image in my eyes and I am supporting this KS at a much higher level than before.

Again, I love the ideal. I own every table on two different platforms. I have supported all three KS campaigns at the $100 level or higher. I hope through this KS campaign FS have learned to not take the community for granted.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I do admit they have worked to promote this one when I thought they wouldn't. They added tiers based on community feedback. They definitely improved their image in my eyes and I am supporting this KS at a much higher level than before.

Yep, I'm so glad that FS finally stepped into gear and worked on pushing this through. In the beginning I kept waiting for them to do something then I decided that if they weren't getting off their collective butts then I wouldn't be really do anything either. Now they stepped it up and I'm a new beta tester.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I'm in for 30$. Honestly, I'd give 59,000$ if I had it to give. Not because I'm nuts about the table, but I want to show my support. I was unable to back the other two tables even though I wanted to. Fortunately, I wasn't needed, I just hope my little bit helps.

Folks around here should know by now that just because I'm an irritable jackass, I'm not going to do anything stupid to hurt FS or TPA.

Ra ra ra and stuff...let's bring this thing home people.
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