I take what you mean is you want a higher minimum. I'm not sure, is that even possible on Kickstarter? Hardly anyone even pledged less than $10, so if it's possible to increase it, $10 does sound fine.I would like to see a lower minimum pledge first off, to make an effort to keep out the trolls that want to spread FUD; make the minimum $10?
It won't be released for another 3+ hours if past dlc is any indication.
Yeah the upping of the entry level pledge is a must, as said to keep the trolls away and also helps hit the target quicker. Also im guessing FS wont be able to offer a pledge for Beta testers on all tables with the next KS...otherwise before they know it they'll have over 100 people beta testing!!
Maybe they could add a pledge where you can get discounts on past table season packs, or even a free table or 2 of your choice from past seasons??
They don't need a beta tester tier or anything like that for an Addams Family KS. They won't need one for LotR or Indiana Jones either.
They don't need a beta tester tier or anything like that for an Addams Family KS. They won't need one for LotR or Indiana Jones either.
T2 is not as popular or as wanted as Indiana Jones or Lord of the Rings. The day Bobby said T2 was next which was a while ago, it got a very mixed reaction here. It never had anywhere near the enthusiasm that Twilight Zone and Star Trek had. Which is why I'm so damn happy it happened. It happened despite Xbox 360 despite PC and despite pissed off KS backers who didn't get their rewards.
What they do need though is to get the 360/PC platforms sorted before doing a kick starter like say, Family Guy or the Simpsons. Both actually may require more money than Arnold and Terminator. The Simpsons and Family Guy tables are popular but they aren't on the same level as Addams/Indy/LotR. Then again neither was T2.
T2 would not have made it had Farsight not stepped up with promotion and especially the beta tester tier. We should all be very thankful they pulled it off because this campaign had A LOT going against it.
New people join the scene and leave all the time. I was oblivious when they ran the previous Kickstarters. I'm not that big a Terminator fan but i knew that if T2 didn't succeed that future KS-funded tables may never come to fruition. I contributed $20 to the $18 tier, but it it was something I truly wanted (like Simpsons Pinball Party), I probably would have dug deep and pitched in quite a bit more. I think there may be a lot of other people who will be willing to donate more to a table that they really want. T2 only exceeded because of the $400 beta bonus reward tier, and I'm skeptical that Farsight will be able to satisfy all their rewards with the myriad of platforms they support, and each store coming with it's own set of restrictions. I use Ouya but as far as I'm aware the Ouya store doesn't support download codes (yet). Maybe it could be done manually on Ouya's end if I give them my Ouya account info. Then there's people who have season passes getting credit towards future tables instead, despite they will likely get the season passes for those too.I'm not so sure. Does popularity really equate to willingness to back a kistarter? Seems like the same 2,000 donate in each kickstarter.
How much do you think Addams will need? $100,000 or maybe even $125,000? Could be a lot of dough.
I'll dig deep for TAF. I really want that one.
New people join the scene and leave all the time. I was oblivious when they ran the previous Kickstarters. I'm not that big a Terminator fan but i knew that if T2 didn't succeed that future KS-funded tables may never come to fruition. I contributed $20 to the $18 tier, but it it was something I truly wanted (like Simpsons Pinball Party), I probably would have dug deep and pitched in quite a bit more. I think there may be a lot of other people who will be willing to donate more to a table that they really want. T2 only exceeded because of the $400 beta bonus reward tier, and I'm skeptical that Farsight will be able to satisfy all their rewards with the myriad of platforms they support, and each store coming with it's own set of restrictions. I use Ouya but as far as I'm aware the Ouya store doesn't support download codes (yet). Maybe it could be done manually on Ouya's end if I give them my Ouya account info. Then there's people who have season passes getting credit towards future tables instead, despite they will likely get the season passes for those too.
My personal opinion is to consider these campaigns a type of corporate donation, with rewards that are not absolutely guaranteed to be hitch-free on any specific platform. That's why I refuse to donate a high dollar amount due to the likelihood of being disappointed with reward redemption, but $10 and $20 pledges do add up quickly if enough people contribute.