The History of Pinball


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Curios to know if it is just the part with the Special people when pinball lit bit that made you not like it or if there are other factors too.

That's EXACTLY why I don't like it. As I was watching it, I was thinking of the friends I would like to show this to. After it was over, I changed my mind and put it away. They even made Roger Sharpe look goofy, and that's just unacceptable.
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Agreed. They made pinball players look like a bunch of circus freaks. Was funny, but also a little disturbing. :p


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Special When Lit is an amusing, but definitely imbalanced view of people in the pinball hobby. I think the film makers were just trying to appeal to people who aren't pinball players by being a bit sensationslist. Amidst the gut-showing and coke bottle glasses, there is actually some neat footage of people that are important to pinball.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
It's kinda sad when they start talking about the "Future of Pinball" not knowing what's going to happen in 2 years.
And kinda spooky to see that paired with footage of the phonecall Slash received, probably marking the beginning of the end of Guns N Roses (original lineup)


New member
Mar 12, 2013
Spoonman, C'mon, you can't be serious about what you are saying. I met this man at Pin a go-go 2013, his name is Sam Harvey, he loves pinball and EVERYTHING that has to do with it. Nobody forced him to clutter his house with machines and documentation, he chose to do so because of his passion and love for pinball. I don't know you or what you are about and I am not attacking you but it says a lot to me that you would let someones appearance "made me want to give up the hobby for awhile." Not everyone is as good of a dresser as I am sure you are, he is very happy with his life and the way he lives it. I am sure that he doesn't consider himself "pathetic", I am sure he has more passion in his little toe than most people have in their whole body. Try to focus on pinball, it's alot more fun that way.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Spoonman, C'mon, you can't be serious about what you are saying. I met this man at Pin a go-go 2013, his name is Sam Harvey, he loves pinball and EVERYTHING that has to do with it. Nobody forced him to clutter his house with machines and documentation, he chose to do so because of his passion and love for pinball. I don't know you or what you are about and I am not attacking you but it says a lot to me that you would let someones appearance "made me want to give up the hobby for awhile." Not everyone is as good of a dresser as I am sure you are, he is very happy with his life and the way he lives it. I am sure that he doesn't consider himself "pathetic", I am sure he has more passion in his little toe than most people have in their whole body. Try to focus on pinball, it's alot more fun that way.

Yeah, I met Sam Harvey once at a show and he was really nice and actually not nearly as eccentric as the movie makes him out to be.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It's just documentaries like Special When Lit group together too many eccentric types and just doesn't represent the fans well.
That one collector with the crazy hair and "half shirt"?
made me want to give up the hobby for a while.

They must have made him look more pathetic on purpose. Why would someone dress like that?!?
With his gut hanging out loud and proud. I mean, he has to have decent money to buy machines like that and he knew they would be filming that day, so he squezes into an extra small Where's Waldo baby Tee and lets it all hang out. I don't buy it.

I actually think that 'wee tee man' is the highlight of the Special When Lit video and it is worth the money. My wife and kids find it hilarious :). It's true it is full of what I class as 'eccentrics' but to my wife and kids I am also an eccentric. She's wrong of course - I mean it's normal to dismantle 42" LCD screen and fit it in a wooden box with a 27" and 18" monitors, a PC, and garage door contactors..... isn't it?


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Spoonman, C'mon, you can't be serious about what you are saying. I met this man at Pin a go-go 2013, his name is Sam Harvey, he loves pinball and EVERYTHING that has to do with it. Nobody forced him to clutter his house with machines and documentation, he chose to do so because of his passion and love for pinball. I don't know you or what you are about and I am not attacking you but it says a lot to me that you would let someones appearance "made me want to give up the hobby for awhile." Not everyone is as good of a dresser as I am sure you are, he is very happy with his life and the way he lives it. I am sure that he doesn't consider himself "pathetic", I am sure he has more passion in his little toe than most people have in their whole body. Try to focus on pinball, it's alot more fun that way.


Sam Harvey for the win!


New member
Jan 9, 2013
my magic moment from Special When Lit

from 45m:49s

Interviewer: if you met the right woman, would you give up pinball for her ?
respondent #1: absolutely not
respondent #2: (ha ha)... I guess...err...

i'm not going to spoil this magnificent piece of documentary-making. watch for yourself and see respondent #2's complete answer


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Spoonman, C'mon, you can't be serious about what you are saying. I met this man at Pin a go-go 2013, his name is Sam Harvey, he loves pinball and EVERYTHING that has to do with it. Nobody forced him to clutter his house with machines and documentation, he chose to do so because of his passion and love for pinball. I don't know you or what you are about and I am not attacking you but it says a lot to me that you would let someones appearance "made me want to give up the hobby for awhile." Not everyone is as good of a dresser as I am sure you are, he is very happy with his life and the way he lives it. I am sure that he doesn't consider himself "pathetic", I am sure he has more passion in his little toe than most people have in their whole body. Try to focus on pinball, it's alot more fun that way.

I wasn't attacking Sam. I, more than others i'm guessing, understand having a passion for gaming as I have most of my house filled with 40 years of video games and memoribilla! I think its a great thing.

What i was trying to say was I think the producers of Special When Lit were taking advantage of "nerdy" aspect of these particular individuals. I.E. focusing on tight close-ups of his belly hanging out of his 3x too small shirt. That type of thing went too far IMO.

It just makes us other gamers and pin enthusiasts seem THAT more like social outcasts (again, not a jab at Sam, I'm sure he's a hell of a nice guy). They did the same thing with King of Kong to a degree, except they made the star of it seem like a much more "normal" guy; I.E.: father, great husband w/ a supportive wife, science teacher, musician, etc.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I wasn't attacking Sam. I, more than others i'm guessing, understand having a passion for gaming as I have most of my house filled with 40 years of video games and memoribilla! I think its a great thing.

What i was trying to say was I think the producers of Special When Lit were taking advantage of "nerdy" aspect of these particular individuals. I.E. focusing on tight close-ups of his belly hanging out of his 3x too small shirt. That type of thing went too far IMO.

It just makes us other gamers and pin enthusiasts seem THAT more like social outcasts (again, not a jab at Sam, I'm sure he's a hell of a nice guy). They did the same thing with King of Kong to a degree, except they made the star of it seem like a much more "normal" guy; I.E.: father, great husband w/ a supportive wife, science teacher, musician, etc.

I watched this about half way through yesterday. I agree with you. It was a two-camera shot; one on his face and another full body. They could have easily just used the face shot. When he said something that could have been considered "nerdy" the view switched immediately to the full body shot right after he said it. I believe that they did this on purpose.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Lets be honest here, the film crew clearly went for the shock factor, including showing his OCD apartment, overflowing with STUFF. Then we get many shots of his gut spilling out of his way too tiny t-shirt. All innocent fun, as the guy is a genuine, good nature character...but it still comes off as exploitative. Of course, with the resurgence of Pinball manufacturing and mainstream appeal of TPA and other digital versions, Pinball is definitely moving into a new era. I'd say the perspective in that particular documentary is now quite dated.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
To be honest, I am a bit envious of people like Sam. He feels comfortable in his skin and gives a shi*t about peoples opinions. That's real rock & roll!


Jul 11, 2012
when you spend all your money on pins and traveling to pinball shows that doesn't leave alot of money for a new wardrobe :p

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