The PS3 "super patch"


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Do to the bit of backlash I would say some had a issue. Misused criticism absolutely hurts. If you're not at fault why should you be criticised? Why not blame you for the patch being delayed? Do you deserve it? You shouldn't have to take flak for someone else's error in the same way they shouldn't. I definitely don't agree with the barking comment but blaming someone who isn't at fault is disrespectful and offensive. Especially when they are going out of their way to do the right thing.

Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
FUTURE PATCH REQUESTS ...."Mega Patch" ? ;)

1. Ability to play custom music either via the XMB or in game menu. (Would be perfect for Arcade Ambience mp3 background sounds!)
2. Online co-op play with option with voice chat.
3. The Pinball Arcade main menu overhaul.
4. Lighting day/night slider. (This was discussed by Farsight quite a while ago, but as of yet, not implemented.)
5. Improved pinball flyer scans (1920x1080 pixel or higher would be idea for consoles)
6. Further refinement and replacement of blurry table graphics (I.E. CFTBL - Title card, instructions, Universal Monsters sticker, and the bumper next to the KISS lane.)

One thing that needs to be added to the bottom of this list is:

7. Seperate savable option settings for EACH table for EVERY option:

Camera view: 1/2/3/4
Camera lock: locked/unlocked
Plunger cam: 1/2/3
DMD: on/off
Multiball cam: on/off
Event cam: on/off
Number of balls: 3/5
Dual stage flippers: on/off
Orientation: landscape/portrait
3D settings
Sound settings
Controller settings
Touchscreen settings
Tilt settings
Lighting Settings

What I mean is a seperate option menu on the table screens (that overrides the default setting which is set on the option screen from the main menu)
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New member
Jan 14, 2014
I didnt blame FS for delay, but lack of information and that they give info once here, once in email ... Not haveing one reable place for information. Also check other posts, FS employees were given different info from eachother.
Point where i blame fs for the delay? So what you said about unfair criticism? Anyway what this is all about really? FS are grown ups, and let them decide what is offensive for them, and what is not. I know that we all love TPA, but a little distance is needed here. I finish here, dont see point to further discussion here without this turning into trolling.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Let me make things perfectly clear for those that don't know this. It's been said many times, but apparently needs to be repeated...

This fan forum is not officially a part of FarSight. Any interaction we have with FarSight is purely them coming to us. They choose to interact with us on their own, but posts in threads are not officially sanctioned publicity or press releases.

The forum benefits from them commenting, and as forum members, we should treat them with the utmost respect if we want them to continue visiting. It is for that reason posts aimed directly at FarSight employees that lash out at them are dealt with differently than general criticisms or even comments made from forum member to forum member.

GregoroV, when multiple members are telling you the same thing, get the hint. This thread is 27 pages long, it has been going on for months. You are not the only one that was anxious for the patch. Now, witness the things said by FarSight in this thread on April 1st. Even if you are using TapaTalk, I think it's pretty obvious they are employees...

Just letting you guys know that our PSN reps got in contact with us and told us that there are package files that they haven't updated yet, if anyone's having problems with the update. Supposedly it'll be all fully live around 2pm PST. Not sure why they're spreading it out like that but that's what we're being told.

Official. Trying to prod the PSN Europe guys. We'll update as soon as we know more.

Thanks for being so patient! And yeah the Vita patch is tied in altogether with that. Won't be much longer now :)

So yes, the info was coming to us the day of the patch, but at least they came here to explain some things. Your response was this...

F the patience, i appreciate the work farsight studio is doing but seriously, how lazy with public relation you can be? Ok patch can be when sony decide it will be, ok, but sacrefice 5 minutes of your time to write one post is too much? Some peoples here are really waiting, meybe a bit of info beforehand whats going on? Im in eu, is the patch is going to be tomorrow?no? Yes? You dont know? Why we need to search info what farsight is doing on facebook, on forum, or maybe if someone from drev team is kind enough to answer. Farsight, your product is great, but your idea how to comunicate info is a jocke, how apropriate for toodays date. 5 minutes from one of your guys... 5 minutes to say... Ok will be in us, meybe eu... WE DONT KNOW... Anything... I love TPA, but this is a jocke, happy prima aprillis :/

EU gets the patch next week GregoroV

With that, you were addressed directly by a FarSight employee, answering your question. But then you posted...

Patch for eu next week? I took day off to check this patch, and 3d ... Thanks for info, the day it didnt came out, like i didnt noticed. Great info, seriously great.... I wouldnt care if i wouldt care for tpa, thanks for messing around, all fans from eu really apiciate it.

I would expect nothing, from now on... Expecting its a wrong word around here. Sorry for being negative, but its true.

Just wow... Just playing second season on ps3... Eu patch where are you?

So when this EU patch will be? Tooday or in weeks time?

I mean c'mon. Are you purposely not paying attention? And then there was the comment made about barking at FS.

I didnt barked on FS, i cant bark - im not a dog.

Nobody called you a dog. They used an expression that you decided to turn into something that would offend you. There was no name calling by anyone. Then you go on and say FarSight can make up their own minds about what offends them.

So let me say it one last time to hammer the point home. I don't like seeing someone ignore time and time again what both forum members AND FarSight employees say. This is not their official site, nor is it their official news outlet. I like seeing FarSight employees post here, and I expect a welcoming environment for them to do so.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
Harley Davidson multiball glitch occurred. The only difference this time was that when I "called attendant" it actually worked and another ball was put into play.

Also seems in Tales of the Arabian Nights that end game it rushes to the score/saving screens before its wrapped up the Match point thing, or maybe its just me.
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New member
Apr 20, 2012

update 4/6/2014

I think Farsight has done a great job with this patch. Everything looks to be much improved!

Here's my attempt at compiling a changelog based on comparisons from pre-Super Patch data.
If anyone has anything to add please let me know and I'll update it and give credit.

Added to TPA via Super Patch:
1. More responsive flippers.
2. Stereoscopic 3D *press triangle /\ and use right analog stick to adjust strength.
3. Audio mixing via sliders (sound effects / table music / menu music)
4. Default *Ching* sound removed when typing initials for high score allowing you to hear the intended sound effect.
5. …

Changes noticed on tables:

Pop bumpers are improved *
Black seam half way up playfield art is now gone *

No more scorch mark on the playfield!
Balls don't travel through the table.

Improved colors
Better camera angles (you can now clearly see the right outlane.
Guns look better (might be from better lighting?)

The screen is much brighter and looks fantastic. Perhaps they are using a higher resolution scan?
The neon reflects on the insides of the table (nice effect!).
The whole table feels less floaty and much more fluid.
Ringmaster looks more 3D and polished looking.
Added lightning bolt sticker on neon tube & sticker to left of DMD on back wall & sticker on the highwire ramp.*

Wow! The colors really pop on this.
Not much else noticed.

Black seam half way up playfield art is now gone. *
Texture added to translucent Party Punch Ramp.

The plunger now pulls back all the way *

Table contrast and color saturation has been adjusted. No more "pale rider" ;)

Contrast and muted colors were adjusted.
The playing field might be a little bit too dark compared to other tables.
Ramps are a nicer and more colorful shade of blue.

Probably the best looking table now!
Sharper table graphics.
Rails look more golden and now cast shadows onto table.
Ramps cast light differently and are a deeper red.

Table is no longer giving off a pink hue.
The table is much brighter and colors more vivid.
The gamer angle for probe launching has been improved.
The blue shield lights above the Enterprise are now correctly aligned. *

Colors are more accurate.

No more pink hue.
Palm trees look improved.

Better colors (no more pink hue).
Pop bumpers have a better than texture and look better when lit. They have a shiny 3D look to them.
Metal ramp looks improved.
Gumball machine looks awesome now!

It no longer crashes the PS3! :)
Table graphics are much cleaner.
Colors are more accurate.

* added by Grasshopper

FUTURE PATCH REQUESTS ...."Mega Patch" ? ;)
1. Ability to play custom music either via the XMB or in game menu. (Would be perfect for Arcade Ambience mp3 background sounds!)
2. Online co-op play with option with voice chat.
3. The Pinball Arcade main menu overhaul.
4. Lighting day/night slider. (This was discussed by Farsight quite a while ago, but as of yet, not implemented.)
5. Improved pinball flyer scans (1920x1080 pixel or higher would be idea for consoles)
6. Further refinement and replacement of blurry table graphics (I.E. CFTBL - Title card, instructions, Universal Monsters sticker, and the bumper next to the KISS lane, Victory playfield is low res. )
7. Seperate savable camera view option settings for EACH table for every option: (submitted be Neil L.)
8. The ability to view table instructions while game is paused. (New)
9. Option to remove HUD when table is in "pre-play" panning attract mode.
10. Option for table glass and reflections (like in Williams Pinball Hall of Fame)
11. TATE mode for PS3 version. Perfect for rotatable screens.
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New member
Jan 14, 2014
Let me make things perfectly clear for those that don't know this. It's been said many times, but apparently needs to be repeated...

Now its clear, sorry i fought this is forum. I really didnt know its fan page. If i know i would never said anything negative. Nice out of context use of my quotes btw.

Thank for quote of Stephen Snow. Now im 100% shure that EU will have patch this wednesday!!! Cant wait for wednesday now.


Feb 29, 2012
... Even if you are using TapaTalk, I think it's pretty obvious they are employees...
Tapatalk allows you to see whether a forum poster is a FS employee. I often use the feature whenever I think 'that guy knows his stuff'... It's also how I verified you are a mod shutyer (congrats by the way)!


New member
Jun 30, 2013


New member
Jul 11, 2013

Can you please add multi-controller support to your wish-list of updates for future patches? That is literally the ONLY thing I'm still dying for over here. Hosting TPA tournaments is a real bear with only one active controller!!



New member
Apr 3, 2014
Hello. I hate to complain in my first post, but I suppose that's what you get when you don't ever register.

Overall I'm quite happy with the mega patch so far, everything looks and feels crisper and some tables look a whole lot better now. I've seen a couple issues fixed and I'm sure a lot of the ones I rarely encounter are as well -- I've noticed a couple of glitches since the patch but assume I just got lucky and ran into them now and not that there are new problems added by fixing others.

But since I haven't seen anyone else mention it, I wanted to see if it is perhaps just me... it appears that while virtually every table looks better, something is wrong with Black Hole. It is much too bright now, with multiple areas that seem to be just flooded with 100% brightness white around the pop bumpers and a few other parts on the table. The lower playfield is also extremely bright and the whole table just looks oversaturated to me. I've come to use the "zebra" ball on that table and it is now overly bright as well, looks like it is glowing.

I don't see this on any other table(definitely no glowing balls), it's actually rather distracting and spoiling one of my favorite tables. The table was brightened in another patch, it used to be quite dark but after a patch somewhere you could clearly make out the features on the lower playfield even when it was not lit. I was wondering if maybe the table itself has been brightened now but that was an extra adjustment made separately which is still being applied?

It also seems to me that White Water -- while clearer -- looks to be very dark as if virtually no light reaches the actual table surface where all the graphics are in the center. I'll have to change from the blue ball on that one since it was a bit tough to see before but is extremely easy to lose track of now. Not as obnoxious as Black Hole's super-bright spots, but still odd. At least it seems to work for everyone now so that's good.

These two tables are the only ones that seem to look completely different from the others now. I have no real-world experience of seeing any table besides Creature(and that was 10-15 years ago) so I cannot compare, but something just seems off.

Minor complaints, I just wanted to see if anyone else had noticed them. Love having these forums by the way, have learned a lot, avoided some issues and been occasionally inspired to play when I wasn't otherwise feeling like it thanks to the discussions here. :)


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Like I said. Wherever in the world you are, you need to be using the US version.

I want to get the U.S version of TPA and I have a U.S PSN account but I can't figure out how to fund my wallet. As my debit card is registered in the U.K I can't get past the address entry screen. Just wondered if you could help me out? Thanks :)


New member
Jun 30, 2013
maezun: I haven't used the US store yet, but I know for the Japanese PSN you cannot use credit cards that are not registered in Japan. It's apparently the same for US PSN. The trick I use to work around this for the Japanese store is to buy Japanese PSN cards online. Some sites immediately send you a code after buying that you can enter into PSN. Ofcourse you pay more, they get marked up a bit. PSN cards are also region specific, so a Japanese PSN card will not work on the US store for example.


New member
Jan 14, 2014
I want to get the U.S version of TPA and I have a U.S PSN account but I can't figure out how to fund my wallet. As my debit card is registered in the U.K I can't get past the address entry screen. Just wondered if you could help me out? Thanks :)

You wont be able to use your uk card, in us psn im affraid. The best option is to buy online U.S prepaid psn card.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Also seems in Tales of the Arabian Nights that end game it rushes to the score/saving screens before its wrapped up the Match point thing, or maybe its just me.

No, no, you're right. And it happened time to time, prior to the megapatch (very rare though).

By the way, has somebody encountered the "ball-going-through-flippers" bug (during multiball especially) or has it been fixed?



New member
Jul 21, 2013
maezun: I haven't used the US store yet, but I know for the Japanese PSN you cannot use credit cards that are not registered in Japan. It's apparently the same for US PSN. The trick I use to work around this for the Japanese store is to buy Japanese PSN cards online. Some sites immediately send you a code after buying that you can enter into PSN. Ofcourse you pay more, they get marked up a bit. PSN cards are also region specific, so a Japanese PSN card will not work on the US store for example.

Thanks for your help. I'll have a look on eBay and see if I can get a U.S PSN card cheap :)


New member
Sep 8, 2012
The flipper lag that I have experienced in the past is still there, in case people wonder if sth. has improved. Playing in 720p is the best option, as usual. With the patch the table look so much better now, it's awesome. Fantastic job by Farsight!

It seems like its been addressed on most tables but not all. Some of the tables I tried felt very responsive now but its still noticeable that something is slightly off on the tables that have been the worst offenders historically, like CFTBL and TOTAN. All in all it seems like the patch has done a lot of good but there's still some stuff left to be done. I have to be honest though, since I've gotten the PS4 version all of this has become much less important to me and I haven't been paying as much attention as I used to.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Thanks for your help. I'll have a look on eBay and see if I can get a U.S PSN card cheap :)

I would not suggest eBay. It's hard to tell the legit buyers from the scammers. If I were in your shoes I'd buy the instant PSN codes from the US Amazon site. Double check that you're not buying a physical card. Don't be too surprised if you get a call from your bank or cc company. Once when I ordered a PS3 disc based game from an online Asian retailer I got a call from my cc company literally within 90 seconds of placing the order! The guy asked me if I was in Hong Kong! :D

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