Why are their no irish bobsleers? Its racist!
Thr danger is such things have the potential to become normalized when a child hears such a story and doesnt blink an eye then we have let them down.
WhiteChocolate thanks ,you guys have really opened my eyes . I always say how great it is in Australia . next week your going to 2 dipsticks in the USA Trumpy and Turdball our Prime Minister !!! we are lucky here our unions are so strongconsidering the already-too-early backlash/reactionary response to the kids' nationwide school-strike against the NRA here... i fear the very -idea- is "crush your children's dreams of being the change their school history classes promise them they can be." (even -more- so than our own schooling...)
wolfsy, bringing up even anything about "unions" in this country nowadays... lol, is such folly. you've much unfortunate history to catch up with about us... leave it at, the conservative republican types have done their best to squash out organized labor in this country... those trying to also squash out the liberal democrat types (who also happen to be conservative republicans, or at the very least, serving their interests) paint the opposition as "too weak" in defending unionized labor. cuz, see, it's an 'image game'... and don't let anyone fool you about it.
or as i have liked to say for a long time now... for them to -FOOL- you... means -YOU- have -LET- them fool you.
p.s. i feel almost embarrassed to say... for once... ;0 heretic, i'd hug ya for having said that. see? when ya say something truly from the heart, some of us can actually see it. (don't look so shy! ;0 awww, huggs!!