The Simpsons Pinball Party Kickstarter [Speculation]


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Yeah, this needs to happen. Hopefully if they do a kickstarter they announce the original Simpsons table as a stretch goal right off the bat.


Jun 4, 2014
I wonder if when they finally do KS this table, would that mean that the Data East version would also become available? I mean, if you're gonna go after the Stern version, you might as well go for the less loved, less known original, right?

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Don't forget that FarSight can only license properties where the rights holder is willing to play ball...


New member
Jul 11, 2013
How about a kickstarter for more features and options? :) Multiplayer, difficulty settings, physics adjustments, etc. I fear we may never see that stuff otherwise.

The fact that we are even talking about giving FS MORE money, to fix their code and upgrade the experience, is absolutely PATHETIC. Shame on them.

I "played" TSPP once. Both the upper-right flippers (main playfield and mini-playfield) were broken making it completely unplayable. So I don't really see what the fuss is all about...?

Really? You played a broken game one time, and therefore "don't see what the fuss is all about...?" Please, just GTFO. It's one of the highest rated pins of all time, a classic with some of the best gameplay/rulesets/audio/theme ever produced. If ya don't know, then maybe just don't say anything - it makes you look quite foolish.

Good idea, I would settle for some fixes and polish. Give 'm some Kickstarter funds to take some time out to do just that.
I'm also in on TSPP btw, and after that LOTR! Why not?

Again - WRONG WRONG WRONG. After more than two years of begging, pleading, posting, paying $ and hoping for FarSight to get their act together and start polishing this app, fix dozens of outstanding game-ruining bugs, add cab support, and update the older tables to reflect the S3/S4 improvements - I'm done. I've tried to support them, I've bought everything for PS3 and Android to date, but I've had enough. We're all sitting around begging for tables that are READILY AVAILABLE in VP/FP.

Want Addams Family? I'm playing it on my PC right now. Want LOTR? That too. TSPP? Got it. X-men, Tron, RCT - got em all. And you know what? Apparently a bunch of free-time hobbyists can do as good, if not a BETTER job than FS can. Graphics are better, physics are better. Camera angles and views are adjustable. And they are FREE. No kickstarters begging for money. Got a bug or a graphical glitch? I can go right to the source and fix it.

I've been holding off on a Cab build for way too long. I'm going to build it, and I'm not worrying the slightest about FS' never-ending delays and promises. Honestly? The good VP tables look and play better anyways. FS had the opportunity to be a platform of choice, instead they have reduced themselves to simply, another cash-grab mobile app dev. The only use I really have for TPA at this point, is for a quick game on my phone or tablet when I'm stuck somewhere. It's OK for that. On PC it's a joke - the lighting is 4 yrs out of date, the graphics are not sharp or current with today's standards, the audio is simple terrible and don't even get me started on cab support! Ha!

You guys sitting around waiting for FS to get it together would be better served by spending some time on VP forums and learning how to set up and configure VP9. Once you get it set up, I doubt you'll look back. All the games you want are there.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
The fact that we are even talking about giving FS MORE money, to fix their code and upgrade the experience, is absolutely PATHETIC. Shame on them.

Really? You played a broken game one time, and therefore "don't see what the fuss is all about...?" Please, just GTFO. It's one of the highest rated pins of all time, a classic with some of the best gameplay/rulesets/audio/theme ever produced. If ya don't know, then maybe just don't say anything - it makes you look quite foolish.

Again - WRONG WRONG WRONG. After more than two years of begging, pleading, posting, paying $ and hoping for FarSight to get their act together and start polishing this app, fix dozens of outstanding game-ruining bugs, add cab support, and update the older tables to reflect the S3/S4 improvements - I'm done. I've tried to support them, I've bought everything for PS3 and Android to date, but I've had enough. We're all sitting around begging for tables that are READILY AVAILABLE in VP/FP.

Want Addams Family? I'm playing it on my PC right now. Want LOTR? That too. TSPP? Got it. X-men, Tron, RCT - got em all. And you know what? Apparently a bunch of free-time hobbyists can do as good, if not a BETTER job than FS can. Graphics are better, physics are better. Camera angles and views are adjustable. And they are FREE. No kickstarters begging for money. Got a bug or a graphical glitch? I can go right to the source and fix it.

I've been holding off on a Cab build for way too long. I'm going to build it, and I'm not worrying the slightest about FS' never-ending delays and promises. Honestly? The good VP tables look and play better anyways. FS had the opportunity to be a platform of choice, instead they have reduced themselves to simply, another cash-grab mobile app dev. The only use I really have for TPA at this point, is for a quick game on my phone or tablet when I'm stuck somewhere. It's OK for that. On PC it's a joke - the lighting is 4 yrs out of date, the graphics are not sharp or current with today's standards, the audio is simple terrible and don't even get me started on cab support! Ha!

You guys sitting around waiting for FS to get it together would be better served by spending some time on VP forums and learning how to set up and configure VP9. Once you get it set up, I doubt you'll look back. All the games you want are there.

Assuming that you are playing on PC, anyway.


Jun 4, 2014
The fact that we are even talking about giving FS MORE money, to fix their code and upgrade the experience, is absolutely PATHETIC. Shame on them.

Really? You played a broken game one time, and therefore "don't see what the fuss is all about...?" Please, just GTFO. It's one of the highest rated pins of all time, a classic with some of the best gameplay/rulesets/audio/theme ever produced. If ya don't know, then maybe just don't say anything - it makes you look quite foolish.

Again - WRONG WRONG WRONG. After more than two years of begging, pleading, posting, paying $ and hoping for FarSight to get their act together and start polishing this app, fix dozens of outstanding game-ruining bugs, add cab support, and update the older tables to reflect the S3/S4 improvements - I'm done. I've tried to support them, I've bought everything for PS3 and Android to date, but I've had enough. We're all sitting around begging for tables that are READILY AVAILABLE in VP/FP.

Want Addams Family? I'm playing it on my PC right now. Want LOTR? That too. TSPP? Got it. X-men, Tron, RCT - got em all. And you know what? Apparently a bunch of free-time hobbyists can do as good, if not a BETTER job than FS can. Graphics are better, physics are better. Camera angles and views are adjustable. And they are FREE. No kickstarters begging for money. Got a bug or a graphical glitch? I can go right to the source and fix it.

I've been holding off on a Cab build for way too long. I'm going to build it, and I'm not worrying the slightest about FS' never-ending delays and promises. Honestly? The good VP tables look and play better anyways. FS had the opportunity to be a platform of choice, instead they have reduced themselves to simply, another cash-grab mobile app dev. The only use I really have for TPA at this point, is for a quick game on my phone or tablet when I'm stuck somewhere. It's OK for that. On PC it's a joke - the lighting is 4 yrs out of date, the graphics are not sharp or current with today's standards, the audio is simple terrible and don't even get me started on cab support! Ha!

You guys sitting around waiting for FS to get it together would be better served by spending some time on VP forums and learning how to set up and configure VP9. Once you get it set up, I doubt you'll look back. All the games you want are there.

Sadly, I can't argue any of what you just said.

Then again, we all know how Farsight is at this point. If I was a PC gamer, I wouldn't even waste my time with them, because when it comes to Playstation, Farsight is the worst. I was just never into PC gaming that much. I know it's different for others, but for me, the experience is just not the same as a console.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
The fact that we are even talking about giving FS MORE money, to fix their code and upgrade the experience, is absolutely PATHETIC. Shame on them.

Really? You played a broken game one time, and therefore "don't see what the fuss is all about...?" Please, just GTFO. It's one of the highest rated pins of all time, a classic with some of the best gameplay/rulesets/audio/theme ever produced. If ya don't know, then maybe just don't say anything - it makes you look quite foolish.

Again - WRONG WRONG WRONG. After more than two years of begging, pleading, posting, paying $ and hoping for FarSight to get their act together and start polishing this app, fix dozens of outstanding game-ruining bugs, add cab support, and update the older tables to reflect the S3/S4 improvements - I'm done. I've tried to support them, I've bought everything for PS3 and Android to date, but I've had enough. We're all sitting around begging for tables that are READILY AVAILABLE in VP/FP.

Want Addams Family? I'm playing it on my PC right now. Want LOTR? That too. TSPP? Got it. X-men, Tron, RCT - got em all. And you know what? Apparently a bunch of free-time hobbyists can do as good, if not a BETTER job than FS can. Graphics are better, physics are better. Camera angles and views are adjustable. And they are FREE. No kickstarters begging for money. Got a bug or a graphical glitch? I can go right to the source and fix it.

I've been holding off on a Cab build for way too long. I'm going to build it, and I'm not worrying the slightest about FS' never-ending delays and promises. Honestly? The good VP tables look and play better anyways. FS had the opportunity to be a platform of choice, instead they have reduced themselves to simply, another cash-grab mobile app dev. The only use I really have for TPA at this point, is for a quick game on my phone or tablet when I'm stuck somewhere. It's OK for that. On PC it's a joke - the lighting is 4 yrs out of date, the graphics are not sharp or current with today's standards, the audio is simple terrible and don't even get me started on cab support! Ha!

You guys sitting around waiting for FS to get it together would be better served by spending some time on VP forums and learning how to set up and configure VP9. Once you get it set up, I doubt you'll look back. All the games you want are there.

First off, good that you got that out of your system, holding it in is not healthy. Secondly, as somebody who has poured in way too much money in TPA, I must say that I agree on some points with you. I have been a very patient user, but the fact for example that they still haven't fixed POTO on iOS is making me angry. Your reasoning though has some flaws in my humble opinion and they are as follows:
- I have used VP very extensively and when I did, table quality varied a lot and there were various crashing bugs that could cost you dearly. Farsight has screwed up a couple of times but their product is on the whole more stable and quality is more evenly distributed between tables, even with some bugs that should have been fixed already
- You make a point of comparing Farsight making money of their tables and VP being free. I think that's not a fair point because the right to use the VP tables is dependent on you having the original ROM's of the tables you download and play. That's what that splash screen says before the table is started. That's semi-legal at best. Not to be more catholic than the pope here, but for argument's sake this comparison is not really valid
- I'm into playing for highscores. Farsight has by far the best system of the two programs. There are a gazillion versions of VP tables, FS, Cabinet, widescreen, 4:3 with or without B2S, different VP versions that are not downward or upward compatible and the same author bringing out different iterations of the same table. Every table can be modified in the editor which can be used for rampant cheating. Factory settings can be changed etc etc. Farsight has some leaderboard hack problems but for the rest competing is fair and square
- I think physics are not better in VP on the whole, you have some tables that play great but on the whole TPA will win out in the end in my opinion, and I base that on how TPA compares to the real life counterpart tables. This is offcourse subject to perception and taste I guess.
I wish you the best on the cabinet though, that sounds like a nice project. I think I'll stay right here and be Farsight's b*tch for a while longer, and offcourse complain my @ss off from time to time.... :)

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Well, seeing that The Simpsons license is everywhere and anywhere, I would be shocked if there was any sort of dispute.

I didn't say anything about a dispute, I said that the rights holder has to be willing to play ball. If some company is offering millions to license The Simpsons for something, why would they waste their time for a lesser deal?

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Let's keep this discussion about The Simpsons Pinball Party, and leave VP discussions for one of the other threads (there are many). Other VP/FP posts from here on will be deleted.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Wouldn't shock me if the EA app The Simpsons Tapped Out had a clause that made doing this table impossible. Another pin had this kind of issue (Monopoly).


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Wouldn't shock me if the EA app The Simpsons Tapped Out had a clause that made doing this table impossible. Another pin had this kind of issue (Monopoly).
Last time I brought this up someone said that Bobby King or some other FS person said that licensing wasn't an issue for The Simpsons, but cost was.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
I'm really wondering how much money it would cost ?!?
Any idea ? More than TAF ? x2 ? x3 ?


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Please, just GTFO. It's one of the highest rated pins of all time, a classic with some of the best gameplay/rulesets/audio/theme ever produced. If ya don't know, then maybe just don't say anything - it makes you look quite foolish.

Not sure we need this on here.
Keep that kind of comments for VP forums.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Which kind of cost so?




Jul 7, 2012
Would LOTR be cheaper? If Jersey Jack Pinball could afford the Hobbit license I'd like to think Farsight could find a way to make LOTR happen. Saying that I'd still love to see TSPP. Which one would be more succesfull as a kickstarter proposition? Hmm...