Thoughts on a Tablet please

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Martin Rusby

New member
Nov 6, 2012
Thank you for all the advice.I definitely want an android device and it looks like i should save a bit longer and get the Nexus. I don't want to take a chance just to save a bit of cash only for TPA not to run well on the cheaper option. Thanks for all the advice


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Add another happy nexus7 use there. Not only can you shake nudge butyiut youu can RELIABLY shake nudge. Instantly and with fine control.


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Two thoughts.

1) Nexus 7 is the best bang for your buck if you want a 7 tablet. Nexus 10 is the best bang for your buck if you want a 10" tablet (I've found 7" to be perfect for my needs). Both tablets are very well priced and have very good specs.

2) Google IO is in May, it is likely both these tablets will be updated SIGNIFICANTLY spec-wise for the same price. I would wait it out, if you're not up for waiting, the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 are still your best bet. LOVE my Nexus 7 and half the price of iPad 7" (with better specs than the iPad 7").
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Martin Rusby

New member
Nov 6, 2012
Fantastic news update!! I won a nexus 7 :D I enter a few competitions and The Sun was running a comp to win a nexus an hour for 12 hours the other weekend.I got an email to say i had won one!! Its the 32GB version too. Just got to wait till it gets here now!


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Fantastic news update!! I won a nexus 7 :D I enter a few competitions and The Sun was running a comp to win a nexus an hour for 12 hours the other weekend.I got an email to say i had won one!! Its the 32GB version too. Just got to wait till it gets here now!



Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I was pretty lucky in getting mine as well.

I was looking at one at staples and after taxes it was CAD320$
I was at a nearby pawn shop (funny it was just across the street from the Staples but a couple days later) and found one for 200$ after taxes. 32GB as well.

Seems like someone wants TPA players to have an N7 or something.

Root it and get an app called fullscreen (i suggest the paid version that will monitor for apps to switch between FS and not FS mode).

Martin Rusby

New member
Nov 6, 2012
Can't wait till it comes! i am a bit wary of rooting it but if its straightforward i'll give it a go.Are the settings for the table view/nudge etc already set to the best configuration or does anything need adjusting?


Can't wait till it comes! i am a bit wary of rooting it but if its straightforward i'll give it a go.Are the settings for the table view/nudge etc already set to the best configuration or does anything need adjusting?

By default TPA starts with view angle 1 and touch nudging. If that's what you like then it's "best" configuration. You will always have to change nudge to shake if you prefer that, and view is universal so if you prefer different angles on different tables you have to change it manually per table.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
My girlfriend wants one primarily so she can practice on tables (by understanding the rules) for our league.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Can't wait till it comes! i am a bit wary of rooting it but if its straightforward i'll give it a go.Are the settings for the table view/nudge etc already set to the best configuration or does anything need adjusting?

If you do decide to root - I'd recommend 'Wugfresh's Nexus Root toolkit' which is a PC program that is incredibly easy to use to unlock the bootloader and root.
Has lots of additional tools for un-rooting, backing up and more.

I'd second 'full!screen+' if rooted.

Aside from rooting - don't forget - other pinball apps are available.
Zen is awesome on an N7!
Revenge of the Rob o bot also great too.

If emulators are your thing - search 'Broglia' in the play store.

I'm a big Mame fan - Mame4droid & Mame4all are amazing on the N7.

Hope you enjoy it!

Martin Rusby

New member
Nov 6, 2012
I like the look of Rob-o-bot so will probably buy that. And i would be interested in MAME and a SNES emulator. Hoping to use my wii classic controller? Would i need to root to be able to use that?

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I like the look of Rob-o-bot so will probably buy that. And i would be interested in MAME and a SNES emulator. Hoping to use my wii classic controller? Would i need to root to be able to use that?

Robert Broglia's Snes9x emulator is here...

Mame4droid is here...
This requires 0.37b5 mame roms


Mame4all is here...
Which will play more modern mame roms but is more resource hungry - good news is, it ain't a problem for an N7. This also supports bezel artwork too.

To use a wii classic controller you would need an app like...
& to map the touchscreen controls 'Game keyboard'

Or Usb/Bt does it all in one...

All the above require root access though, but a further negative is the current Nexus Operating System Jellybean 4.2.2 (and other 4.2.x versions) do not have working Bluetooth connectivity, so unfortunately these won't work until Google update this hopefully in Key Lime Pie.

Broglia's emu's all have built in controller support for a range of controllers including wiimote & wii classic controller. But suffer the above 4.2.x bt driver problem.

One bluetooth (wireless) controller option that does work is 'sixaxis' app
Again this requires root, but installs its own bluetooth drivers to get around the above problem, making it the only bluetooth controller app to work with Jellybean 4.2.x.
It uses a PS3 controller and features touch mapping meaning it can be used with games that don't have controller support like TPA.
This is the one I use.

if you don't want to root, TPA is soon supposed to have controller support (probably next month) and you can plug many controllers (Xbox360 and PS3) directly into the N7 via a usb cable and an 'On The Go' OTG adapter like this one...®-Nexus-Micro-Host-Cable/dp/B008WOXUKI they typically cost £3 to £5.
The N7 recognises the controller when plugged in and will allow you to play the above emulators and mame apps, and at a later date TPA when controller support is available.
Only downside is the cable.

N7 gaming is great and a controller makes unbelievably good.

Now all we need is 'Nudge up' implemented in TPA for it to be the perfect pinball platform.
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Martin Rusby

New member
Nov 6, 2012
Thanks for all the info there Baron -much appreciated.A lot to think about and i've not even got my N7 yet! Neilpinbot the times/sunday sometimes run these hourly nexus comps at the weekend-worth keeping an eye out for.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
There's so many cool apps on Android (And Apple of course). Next to flip-flip-flippering I'm also having a blast dabling with drawing-applications (Sketchbook pro is awesome).
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