TNT Amusements vs. Gameroom Collectibles


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Anybody else watch their youtube videos? I used to be annoyed by their jabs at one another but now I find them hilarious. Since I live in southeastern Pennsylvania, I have been by Gameroom Collectibles many times. TNT is closer to Philly but I've seen Todd Tucky at the Allentown and York shows before. Anyway, I do like the different takes on how they do their vids. And their insults at one another? It's like they're desperately vying for your approval. Like Nintendo and Sega back in the 80's and 90's. Just much, much smaller. Here's links to their youtube pages in case you've never heard of them.

Gameroom Collectibles

TNT Amusements
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I like the vids they both put out there, but I get annoyed with the jabs. Just comes off as unprofessional to me. I wish they would just keep it to pinball.
Actually talked to TNT Todd for about 15 minutes at the York show today. Very nice guy.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I like the vids they both put out there, but I get annoyed with the jabs. Just comes off as unprofessional to me. I wish they would just keep it to pinball.
Actually talked to TNT Todd for about 15 minutes at the York show today. Very nice guy.

How was York? I didn't go this year. Ran out of vacation time and it's such a haul down Rt. 30. I don't feel too bad since it rained which ruin's the flea market. Also, I've been spoiled by Allentown which has really grown. Did York get any bigger? How were the lines to play games? Play anything special?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
York was a lot of fun. First time there for me so I can't compare to other years. I was there from 10:30 AM until about 4:30 PM. The rain totally killed the outdoor flea market. It rained all day and rained very hard most of the time. Inside was crowded right from the start. Had to wait for someone to finish in order to play just about anything. For example, had to wait to play Playboy, Rollergames, Strikes n' Spares, TX Sector, Haunted House, etc. prices seemed high also. The only bargains seemed to be in the EMs. Could have had Jive Time for $350 or a really nice World Fair for $650. Some ok prices on early SS, like Firepower for $850. But anything newer than that was priced pretty high IMO. Today would be the better dat to go as the weather is much improved, but I could only make it on Friday. Played the new Metallica and Star Trek pins. Coin Taker had a booth and brought both of them. Very long lines to play those. 3 WOZ also there too.

I'll post a thread with pics today.
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New member
Nov 1, 2012
Todd is a super nice guy, met him at a couple shows. The guy from GRC just seems like a prick. Todd makes some light-hearted jabs but GRC just goes to ridiculous levels (the famous "knob polishing" comment). Call me old fashioned, but people should let their business and work speak for itself- justifying a 6k HH by saying the competition's is worse is just tacky. That being said I don't know the behind the scenes of the feud, so how knows! But yeah, it gets tiresome on both sides. I've actually been following TNT's videos for a long time- they have some neat tidbits on there, and Todd has seen and serviced just about every post-EM machine in the hobby.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Wow, just as you though it was impossible to go any lower. I rarely say stuff like this, but this guy deserves to go out of business.

In the famous words of Rudy: "Hey, it's only pinball!"


They seem to be in close geographic location to each other, so they are competition some what? But it really looks like they do serve different portions of the same community.

Todd over at TNT services just about everything, they do a fast, but maybe not necessarily the best, job. They are a retailer and as such the prices reflect that.

Whereas GRC is low volume, High Price refinishing for collectors and bragging rights. I think we all remember the 10k Haunted House, it was pretty but c'mon it really sounds like part of the joy of buying these machines is pimping/fixing them yourself; unless you're Karl. (I'm just teasing Karl.)

Apart from internet beef to draw hits, I use ad-block so I have no idea if their youtube is monetized, this seems to be some really low class behaviour.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
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New member
Apr 10, 2012
In terms of pure entertainment just check out the differences between these two companies trips to the White Rose Gameroom Show in York, PA earlier this month. While the guys from Gameroom Collectibles just talk to each other for most of the vid (while discussing the beauty of driving down Rt. 30 in the rain?), Todd from TNT is a real showman. Regardless of what you think of the guy, he knows how to talk to people and does not shy away from doing so. I would love to see him get his reality show off the ground. I know he's been told by cable networks that it's a limited market and they don't want to pick it up but, come on, with all the other Pawn Stars rip offs, I can see a good following for a show about this business. He did do a pilot which he pitched and, honestly, it's pretty good.

Gameroom Collectibles

TNT Amusements

TNT Amusements Reality show pilot


New member
Apr 10, 2012
:cringes from the destroyed pinball tables from the pilot:

It's been a while since I watched it. Do they show that old footage of them throwing pins and video games off the roof? Yea. It was stupid and TNT caught a lot of flack about it.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
What moment is the offensive jab? I can't bear to watch that whole video. Cringe city.

Seems like both of these guys use their daughters in strange capacities to push their pinball business. I dunno. Kinda turns me off.

"If you are subscribed to TNT's defunct web page, YOU SUCK!"

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Have to say, I tried watching GRC last night but after 10 minutes of them rambling on about using a paintbrush (obvious jibe against TNT) to repaint the cabs, I turned it off.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I keep reading in these comments on that one GRC video that TNT does "GRC bashing"? I've seen quite a few of TNT's videos and didn't really notice anything other than "Like this video, it drives the competition nuts".

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I think TNT is awesome, much better than GRC. Todd is definitely THE showsman when it comes to repairing games. I also love his "Understanding Pinball" series, particularly his Robowar. He's also introduced me to quite a few games that I haven't known about, like Bone Busters and Time Machine. AND their infomercials are classic! I'm quoting them in my head every day.

GRC... I'm kinda split. I do like the style of their gameplay videos a little better than TNT's, but their videos can be viewed as slacking off. Also, their infomercials are cringe-worthy. And what's so exciting about driving down Route 30 in the rain? I love Todd much more when it comes to shows, jokes, and just about everything else. So, even if we will die, watch TNT instead of GRC. See ya in the 9th Circle! ;)


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I keep reading in these comments on that one GRC video that TNT does "GRC bashing"? I've seen quite a few of TNT's videos and didn't really notice anything other than "Like this video, it drives the competition nuts".

Way back Todd made a statement in one of his videos about the type of quality that you'd get from a place in the back of a hardware store. Well, GC is in the back of a hardware store and they have been rollin' with it since. Funny thing is I know exactly where GC is and I didn't even put the two together until GC started going on and on and on and on about it.

If it wasn't for Ray's Tech Tips I probably wouldn't watch GC. Even they can turn into a TNT b1tch fest. And what's with GC's spokesgirl in that party promo? One minute she's wearing a low cut, slight cleavage showing shirt and the next she's got mud smeared all over her inviting you to their showroom. What the h3ll's going on down there? :p

"Ahhhh. Living is good."....and so are tacos.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
GRC spammed me to join their YouTube channel from a comment I left on a TNT video. One of the many comments.

I liked the video they did, so signed up. But their videos are too long, generally. TNT have the variety and correct video length.

And Todd has this daggy shtick I have fallen in love with. Their outtro promo stings they put at the end of each video are stuck in the 90's big time though.

Silvurr sodder.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
TNT is awesome. Huge fan of their videos, the dude and his family are awesome.

GRC sucks. They ruin the machine's by over-restoring them, adding ugly LED's and toys, sucking all the character out of the classic machines, and making them uber expensive.

TNT all the way.
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