Tournament winners?

Jj Johnson

New member
Jul 26, 2013
And I never seem to get the congrats emails either for some reason though I've earned everything evertime . I still get my rewards just new email. If I win the translite hope I get it this time or a private message on facebook.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Sorry was one of thos heavy hitters that knocked you down but not bad I'm actually the the 1st place player on mobile.I can't see psn scores either anxious to see what comes out of it next Tuesday I would really like to take home that translite.

Yea for a while a glitch had your score up there twice for 1st and 3rd place on my leaderboard so I was at 12 until the final hours. Then they cleaned it up and I ended taking 11th place.
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Jj Johnson

New member
Jul 26, 2013
Yea for a while a glitch had your score up there twice for 1st and 3rd place on my leaderboard so I was at 12 until the final hours. Then they cleaned it up and I ended taking 11th place.

I was working with them on facebook that's why it held my previous score also and in the begining my scores stoped posting and cleared my original score also why the 400 something total came up at the end but they have found the bug.

Anyone still playing on ps3?


New member
Jun 29, 2012
I'm playing in the PS3 tourney. Played a few games this past week.
-- First one scored over 4 billion
-- Later, got around a 14 billion score to take the lead (for a day). (actually lost my last ball in this game because I didn't pay attention to the fact that my controllers battery was dying)
-- Last night, posted a 25.9 billion score to re-take the lead (24 billion something was #1 at the time)

That game last night took about 3 hours or more. Would be great to have extra balls turned off for tournaments. I was on ball "1" seemingly forever. Had gotten multiple extra balls to the point that I couldn't get any more. Made it to LITZ a half dozen times or more and could usually end up getting another extra ball or two prior to draining. Once I was down to my final ball of "Ball 1" something went wonky with the camera (after my 7th or 8th LITZ).

One ball had gotten stuck behind the upper right flipper at the end of LITZ. The game took a long while trying to reload the balls in the gumball machine before starting up again at which point I was playing a 2 ball multiball from the plunger cam view. I switched to the plunger cam view that allows you to see most of the table, but within a few minutes I lost my final "ball 1" as I was supposedly playing a single ball at that time.

The camera continued to be backwards for ball 2 and ball 3. Displaying the table view while plunging and the plunger view while playing. I was so tired anyhow, that I really didn't mind. Of course, if my score gets beat again, I'm not looking forward to attempting another 3+ hour long game session. ;-)

Jj Johnson

New member
Jul 26, 2013
I'm playing in the PS3 tourney. Played a few games this past week.
-- First one scored over 4 billion
-- Later, got around a 14 billion score to take the lead (for a day). (actually lost my last ball in this game because I didn't pay attention to the fact that my controllers battery was dying)
-- Last night, posted a 25.9 billion score to re-take the lead (24 billion something was #1 at the time)
That game last night took about 3 hours or more. Would be great to have extra balls turned off for tournaments. I was on ball "1" seemingly forever. Had gotten multiple extra balls to the point that I couldn't get any more. Made it to LITZ a half dozen times or more and could usually end up getting another extra ball or two prior to draining. Once I was down to my final ball of "Ball 1" something went wonky with the camera (after my 7th or 8th LITZ).
One ball had gotten stuck behind the upper right flipper at the end of LITZ. The game took a long while trying to reload the balls in the gumball machine before starting up again at which point I was playing a 2 ball multiball from the plunger cam view. I switched to the plunger cam view that allows you to see most of the table, but within a few minutes I lost my final "ball 1" as I was supposedly playing a single ball at that time. The camera continued to be backwards for ball 2 and ball 3. Displaying the table view while plunging and the plunger view while playing. I was so tired anyhow, that I really didn't mind. Of course, if my score gets beat again, I'm not looking forward to attempting another 3+ hour long game session. ;-)

Jesus man what the heck is there something earier on ps3 I don't know about I got the first in the mobile with 15 billion what the hecks going on with 25 billion scores severly skewed. I hate that th e mobile and psn are being compared when originaly it says seperate leaderboads still happy to win a couple free tables but still that back glass would be awesome. So when they do tz of pc and xbox will they have another? Just think platforms should be split and not compared.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
I assumed the mobile and ps3 tourneys were separate, but I really have no idea.
I don't think there's anything vastly different wih the PS3 compared to mobile except that the nudging is made vastly easier via the controller, not to mention the controller is more comfortable to hold for long periods of time, and I find it easier to look at a large stationary screen as opposed to one that is moving around in my hands when I attempt said nudging.

I don't know whether or not there are other differences as I haven't really played the mobile TZ or much of anything mobile... my phone is 3+ years old and can't handle TPA during multiball. ;-)

But honestly... the nudging and controller make loads of difference for me.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Nudging with a controller makes things much easier. My high scores on the 360 tables are roughly 5 times my highs on the corresponding iOS tables.

I can only assume only one backglass was available and FarSight didn't want to exclude one platform entirely from competing for it.

Jj Johnson

New member
Jul 26, 2013
Yes from what I understood they were desperate except for the translite was for most overall. So only one translite I just feel that's kinda lame to compare different platforms should have been a smaller prize if they could do it for all. What about when Xbox and PC come will there be tourneys then to with translite available that's all I can say but oh well. Nice job on the score. I still get some free tables the ones I haven't bought.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Definitely apples and oranges. iOS is great but the visuals and the controls are lacking. A console runs smooth, the ball is easier to see and controls are easier. On an iPhone the system doesn't have the processing power so slowdown or skipped frames happen time to time, usual as your ball is about to pass a flipper so it ends up in the drain. Plus it is easy to miss tapping the correct part of the phone so you end up below the screen or you do a nudge (or tilt) instead of a flip.

Jeff Trainor

New member
Aug 6, 2013
I scored my personal best in my last game of the tournament and ended up in 38th place. Before that I was stuck for days in 55th or something - which was one position out of the top 20% - so I was really sweating it when JJ was showing up twice on the leaderboard. Oh the drama! All in all it was a fun competition and icing on the already tasty cake that was helping fund the digitization of my long-time favorite table.

I'm curious about a question asked earlier in the thread that wasn't really fully answered, IMHO: How long after the tournament ends does it take to get a prize noticication e-mail or account credit? Also, I played on iOS but will want the season one pack on XBox 360. Anyone know the best way to contact Farsight if I never get the e-mail? (I sent them a support e-mail near the end of the tournament but never got a reply...)

Also, when does the Prize Patrol show up with the giant check for $39.99? :-{D
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
I finished in 9th place on the iOS tournament. :D (mannnn I cannot wait for "tournament setups" on games. will cut down IMMENSELY on game length!!!)

Jeff Trainor

New member
Aug 6, 2013
One ball had gotten stuck behind the upper right flipper at the end of LITZ. The game took a long while trying to reload the balls in the gumball machine before starting up again at which point I was playing a 2 ball multiball from the plunger cam view. I switched to the plunger cam view that allows you to see most of the table, but within a few minutes I lost my final "ball 1" as I was supposedly playing a single ball at that time.

I had something similar happen once with a ball stuck under the upper right flipper at the end of LITZ. Can be quite frustrating!


New member
Jul 29, 2012
yep, it happens. it's pretty much the main thing I look out for when LITZ starts to end -- my top priority is making sure no ball is stuck under there.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Looks like they posted the winners on their facebook yesterday. Congrats JJ and Zoop, do you get a translite for your score JJ or is it just zoop who gets that prize?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Getting back to the earlier comments about the difference between PS3 and iOS, the top 5 PS3 players are all, except one, on the iOS top 20% list and they are posting significantly lower scores. Not that you can draw conclusions as to how much they played on one versus the other but it is a rather telling bit of info.

Jj Johnson

New member
Jul 26, 2013
Looks like they posted the winners on their facebook yesterday. Congrats JJ and Zoop, do you get a translite for your score JJ or is it just zoop who gets that prize?

Thanks! It appears they've changed their minds and will be giving to which seems more fair due to look at the scores a significant difference as stated by others and all platforms are different so they should be scored seperate. I'm super excited and happy it does say these winners so that means more than one. Very cool!

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