TPA Extremely Unstable in iPad 1

Feb 19, 2014
Native "retina" support for the pads is not a good idea. Ipad is something like, what, near 2K or higher screen resolution? Rendering that natively would seriously compromise performance. Rendering 1080P looks great because it is a perfect 1 to 1 upscale to 2K (or 4K if when they inevitably go that high).

Played not too long ago on an iPad 4/air what have you. Looked amazing. Honestly almost prefer that to PS4, because the screen quality is so crisp and you can see every tiny detail, including slight flaws like scratches on the lock bar, dirt in the shooter lane, all the plastics... honestly IMO I almost prefer it to playing on PS4, that's how good it looks.
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Stuart Webster

New member
Apr 24, 2013
Native "retina" support for the pads is not a good idea. Ipad is something like, what, near 2K or higher screen resolution? Rendering that natively would seriously compromise performance (something like 2X the pixels of 1080P IIRC, 4-5X near 720P which is close to the iPhone... don't quote me exact numbers, but it would certainly wreck performance on anything but the very newest device I believe...)

It would also dramatically increase the app's size on disk and in RAM making memory pressure become an issue.


Mar 25, 2013
Just get an iPad Air.

Sweet! That's very kind of you to buy these for them. I still have an iPad 3 but its only a 16GB one. So if you're buying these things for $500 a pop for everyone could you get me a 64GB iPad Air? I just need the wi-fi version, I don't want to seem too greedy or anything. But man thanks for offering a great solution at your expense.

Or was I reading in to your offer of help too much? ;)


New member
Sep 28, 2012
iPad 1 - suffers from limited RAM and VM space, making our app likely to get terminated due to memory pressure. Also limited by CPU and GPU. We use the lower level of detail model set for performance reasons.
iPad 2 / iPad Mini - the problem of the iPad 1's memory pressure gets resolved, but the CPU and GPU remain a limitation on performance. We use the lower level of detail model set for performance reasons.
iPad 3 - CPU and GPU had a spike in performance. This and all newer iPads use a retina display. However, our app doesn't utilize the retina display and instead we scale our view to the new resolution (this is why we sometimes have issues with device scaling and the user interface; when the iPad Air first launched, we UI wasn't set to scale up). We use the higher level of detail model set on this and all newer iPads.
iPad 4 - CPU and GPU had another spike in performance. We added post processing options, but they were later removed due to unexpected issues surfacing.
iPad Air / iPad Mini Retina - Not as dramatic of a change in CPU and GPU (at least not that benefits our app), but the dual-band WiFi increases networking performance (table downloads, posting to leaderboards, etc.) and battery efficiency is greatly improved. These also support OpenGL ES 3.0 but we haven't updated our engine to utilize it yet.

This kind of information is so appreciated to understand various issues. Thank you a lot for taking time to write it down.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Native "retina" support for the pads is not a good idea. Ipad is something like, what, near 2K or higher screen resolution? Rendering that natively would seriously compromise performance. Rendering 1080P looks great because it is a perfect 1 to 1 upscale to 2K (or 4K if when they inevitably go that high).

Played not too long ago on an iPad 4/air what have you. Looked amazing. Honestly almost prefer that to PS4, because the screen quality is so crisp and you can see every tiny detail, including slight flaws like scratches on the lock bar, dirt in the shooter lane, all the plastics... honestly IMO I almost prefer it to playing on PS4, that's how good it looks.

Don't fall for the marketing. What you call 2K resolution is nothing more than 1080p

Standard 4K 16:9 resolution is 3840 × 2160 which is exactly twice the number of pixels of 1920x1080 in EACH direction.

4K sounds "SO MUCH BETTER" because instead of counting the number of horizontal lines like we've been doing since NTSC, they decided that counting the number of vertical lines would be much more impressive sounding.

There's also an "ultra wide" standard for 4K that is 21:9(5120 × 2160), and the horizontal resolution (number of vertical lines) is over 5000 so could even be called 5K if one would like.

Essentially, we already have 2K and TPA is already able to be displayed in 2K.

That said, iPad retina is only a couple hundred extra lines of resolution and that really isn't that huge an improvement, so it's not really worth farsight's time to support it natively. Even on the new Nexus 7, which is only 120 horizontal lines better than 1080P.


Don't fall for the marketing

A true 4K image (4096x2160) has an aspect ratio of 1.9:1

after Quad HD becomes the gold standard later this year, manufacturers should focus on more important things like battery life, user experience and design. Don't hold your breath, though, because smartphone marketers love bigger numbers -- even if, like the emperor's clothes, you can't actually see the extra pixels.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Don't fall for the marketing. What you call 2K resolution is nothing more than 1080p

Standard 4K 16:9 resolution is 3840 × 2160 which is exactly twice the number of pixels of 1920x1080 in EACH direction.

4K sounds "SO MUCH BETTER" because instead of counting the number of horizontal lines like we've been doing since NTSC, they decided that counting the number of vertical lines would be much more impressive sounding.

There's also an "ultra wide" standard for 4K that is 21:9(5120 × 2160), and the horizontal resolution (number of vertical lines) is over 5000 so could even be called 5K if one would like.

Essentially, we already have 2K and TPA is already able to be displayed in 2K.

That said, iPad retina is only a couple hundred extra lines of resolution and that really isn't that huge an improvement, so it's not really worth farsight's time to support it natively. Even on the new Nexus 7, which is only 120 horizontal lines better than 1080P.
Wait... 4K isn't whatever x 4320? Wow. Mind blown.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Sweet! That's very kind of you to buy these for them. I still have an iPad 3 but its only a 16GB one. So if you're buying these things for $500 a pop for everyone could you get me a 64GB iPad Air? I just need the wi-fi version, I don't want to seem too greedy or anything. But man thanks for offering a great solution at your expense.

Or was I reading in to your offer of help too much? ;)

Your iPad 3 should run TPA just fine, so no need. ;)

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