TPA PS4 US launch countdown!


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Whoa wait a minute, Farsight didn't receive a dime for any of their tables on 360?!! What the hell is going on here... That just makes me sicker...

First & Foremost:
- Zen Pinball 2 has been lurking around the outskirts of next-gen systems, waiting to pounce like a rabid wolf. Just look at it. TPA magically gets pushed back AGAIN, and then out of the woodwork appears Zen Pinball 2. I haven't done much research about them, but I'm almost positive they have a strong financial backing. They were the 1st decent pinball game out on 360 (swallowing up the majority of pinball fans' funds), and they have an obvious license with Marvel etc. They are also the only pinball game that I've seen advertised on Xbox Live and on television (Reviews On The Run). When ZP2 was on ROTR, Victor Lucas sucked off the game hard - an obvious payoff.

- I swear to god if TPA isn't released (at the very bare minimum) at the exact same time as ZP2, then Farsight will once again be banished to a life of Kickstarter and giving their game away for free on iOS devices. This is precisely the time when I'll be going out back & blowing my brains out with a shotgun. I bought TPA when it came out on Xbox360 and it was easily the best pinball game of all time. Waaaaay better than those crappy fake ZP2 tables. I have literally been waiting 2 years since that Gorgar & Monster Bash pack (when the xbox tables stopped) for this new PS4 release. It's getting ridiculous. I'm salivating here. If TPA had been released at the PS4 launch then I can almost guarantee EVERY SINGLE PERSON WITH PS4 ONLINE would already own this game!!!! There is absolutely nothing worthwhile on PSN for PS4 right now, and TPA fills that void perfectly! But now through some shady deal, TPA is being put on hold and Zen Pinball 2 is being thrown in the mix to dilute Farsight's revenue. That is just dirty. Farsight should honestly Kickstart a professional hitman to go plug the p.o.s. who made this Zen deal go down.

Lighten up Francis! By the way, it's only been one year that you've been waiting. Literally.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Actually it's 1 1/2 years since you wanna be cool about it. There were something like 2-6 month gaps in between the 3 DLC packs that were released for Xbox 360. It sure felt like 2 years.
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New member
Jun 1, 2012
Blimey, steady on fella!

I doubt that anyone who really loves pinball games funds will have dried up! - I'll be getting both Zen AND FarSights PS4 offerings (not all at once, granted) but the pricing of both teams' tables I think represents some great value for money in terms of how much play you get out of them!

TPA is in Sonys hands now and FarSight I doubt have much say in terms of when content is scheduled for PSN (pending successful QA by Sony).

We *know* it will be appearing at some point (in the not-too distant future) and Zens stuff is out next week.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I know I definitely have my funds ready to go for TPA. For me, Zen Pinball 2 can suck it. They're doing the "parasite" thing. It's like comparing ZP2 to COD, while comparing TPA to Battlefield (but not #3 or #4, cause they suck).

Did you guys know if you recently bought a PS4 with Playstation Plus, you can go back to PS3 an download all the free PS Plus games? There you will find Zen Pinball 2 - Star Wars Edition (full game) for free. I would strongly suggest doing that first before giving ZP2 any $$ on PS4. My funds are going straight to Farsight, I think they deserve it more.

Other freebies on Playstation Plus - Borderlands 2, Little Big Planet Karting, Hotline Miami, Grid 2, Brothers In Arms: Hells Highway


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I absolutely gotta point this out though:

There is 1 category where Zen tramples TPA - multiplayer! Zen has phenomenal multiplayer, split screen & online is beauty. If TPA woulda had split screen on PS4 it would probably qualify as one of the greatest arcade-style games of all time.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Whoa wait a minute, Farsight didn't receive a dime for any of their tables on 360?!! What the hell is going on here... I have literally been waiting 2 years since that Gorgar & Monster Bash pack (when the xbox tables stopped) for this new PS4 release.

That's the way bankruptcy courts work. They prioritize who gets paid and how much out of whatever money is left. I know employees with wages earned is at the top of the list. Profits owed to a business partner would be pretty low on the list. It's just bad luck that FarSight's business partner went bankrupt because no one is happy dealing with bankruptcy court except the lawyers. Lawyers are the only ones who are guaranteed to be paid.

Gorgar and Monster Bash came out on August 14th, 2012. that's almost 1 year and 4 months. There's just no way to defend it being any other time frame. But I'd like to give you a tip. We're more about having fun with this forum and usually people who post with lots of attitude don't last long. With your future posts I'd like to suggest more fun and less attitude. I tried to do that with humor with my post using a quote from Stripes but perhaps it missed its mark. Thought I'd just be straight forward this time.


New member
Jan 1, 2013
I absolutely gotta point this out though:

There is 1 category where Zen tramples TPA - multiplayer! Zen has phenomenal multiplayer, split screen & online is beauty. If TPA woulda had split screen on PS4 it would probably qualify as one of the greatest arcade-style games of all time.

Agreed but I think there are many ways that Zen is better. For starters, its a far more polished game than pinball arcade is ever likely to be. It also has a much nicer UI; I'm one of the people that was very disappointed when TPA ps3 and Vita versions switched their menus to look more like the iOS version.

I don't understand why people feel the need to choose sides between these two great games. More pinball is good no matter who makes it


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I'm an antagonist in life, brakel. Everything in the world isn't always peachy and happy. Sometimes stuff sucks, and it's ok to say something sucks. Suck is not a swear word. If the whole world keeps on saying "yes" & "great" about everything, how is anybody suppose to know the difference when real trash crosses their path? Quality in gaming has been going down the pooper recently and unless anybody steps up & says/does something then it's just going to get worse.
The only thing I've said that sucks so far is Zen Pinball 2's leeching marketing strategy, not their game. The game itself is actually pretty good (in the grand scheme of things). Both of these pinball games are gonna make a killing at launch, I just wish ZP2 could be prolonged a month so Farsight could get the payout they've been waiting for. I would like to see that company succeed. I truly dislike the big companies that have taken over gaming.
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New member
Aug 30, 2013
Agreed but I think there are many ways that Zen is better. For starters, its a far more polished game than pinball arcade is ever likely to be. It also has a much nicer UI; I'm one of the people that was very disappointed when TPA ps3 and Vita versions switched their menus to look more like the iOS version.

I don't understand why people feel the need to choose sides between these two great games. More pinball is good no matter who makes it

For Zen when it comes to displaying information between the user and the machine, they do have the advantage over TPA. When gameplay is concerned however, I feel that Zen studios really drops the ball as far as gameplay is concerned. The ball has too much mass and the physics aren't very consistent, which is why I personally have a hard time getting into the game. As far as a real pinball experience goes, TPA is definitely the way to go.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I absolutely gotta point this out though:

There is 1 category where Zen tramples TPA - multiplayer! Zen has phenomenal multiplayer, split screen & online is beauty. If TPA woulda had split screen on PS4 it would probably qualify as one of the greatest arcade-style games of all time.

Most systems are being pushed to their limits to run TPA. The PC and PS4 might be the only systems capable of running two machines side by side and the PS4 might not be able to do it. FarSight is probably unlikely to add a simultaneous two player version. There's also the problem with tying in a scoring goal to two ROMs.

This is a pinball simulation and real life pinball is turn based so it makes sense to keep TPA turn based as well for multiplayer. An online mode would be very cool though. I would love to play a game with my daughter while she's at college. I might have to remind her who gave her the PS3 and Netflix account in order to cajole her into playing though! :D


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I would strongly suggest doing that first before giving ZP2 any $$ on PS4. My funds are going straight to Farsight, I think they deserve it more.

I actually feel the opposite.
I won't be giving Farsight another dime unless the PS4 version is drastically improved over the PS3 and (especially) Vita versions. I'm really hoping there is some actual quality control this time around.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'm an antagonist in life, brakel. Everything in the world isn't always peachy and happy. Sometimes stuff sucks, and it's ok to say something sucks. Suck is not a swear word. If the whole world keeps on saying "yes" & "great" about everything, how is anybody suppose to know the difference when real trash crosses their path? Quality in gaming has been going down the pooper recently and unless anybody steps up & says/does something then it's just going to get worse.
The only thing I've said that sucks so far is Zen Pinball 2's leeching marketing strategy, not their game. The game itself is actually pretty good (in the grand scheme of things). Both of these pinball games are gonna make a killing at launch, I just wish ZP2 could be prolonged a month so Farsight could get the payout they've been waiting for. I would like to see that company succeed. I truly dislike the big companies that have taken over gaming.

I was just trying to give you an idea of the expectations of this forum because your first post was a doosey especially for first posts. Your subsequent posts have been better so I'm sure it will all be good. Welcome to the forum!


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I'll just say that if I were a TPA fan with a 360 (only) I'd want to piss on the forum every now and then too... heh


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I'll just say that if I were a TPA fan with a 360 (only) I'd want to piss on the forum every now and then too... heh

What many people seem to forget is that this forum does not belong to FarSight, so I'd think twice about pissing on someone else's property if you catch my drift.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
What many people seem to forget is that this forum does not belong to FarSight, so I'd think twice about pissing on someone else's property if you catch my drift.

Of course. Not the best choice of words. I just mean I'd be antsy for the PS4 version too if I hadn't had new tables in so long.
Dec 7, 2013
I actually feel the opposite.
I won't be giving Farsight another dime unless the PS4 version is drastically improved over the PS3 and (especially) Vita versions. I'm really hoping there is some actual quality control this time around.

If the latest trailer and reviews are anything to go by, then yes this is the case.

No input lag, latest code for tables, and much improved visuals.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Yeah, and 12 copies are currently available through Amazon in the link at the top of that thread (okay this link). They've surprised us with a disc-based US version, published by "Alliance Digital Media." $44.99 for that one on Amazon (sold by Amazon through a third party store).


My PS4 is gonna stay strictly download-only, though, so I'll keep holding out for the PSN version. Maybe I'll just keep trolling the PS streaming interface looking for someone streaming the disc-based version...

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I wouldn't get the 50% off Season One previous-DLC-owner discount buying the disc version, probably.
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Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
For Zen when it comes to displaying information between the user and the machine, they do have the advantage over TPA. When gameplay is concerned however, I feel that Zen studios really drops the ball as far as gameplay is concerned. The ball has too much mass and the physics aren't very consistent, which is why I personally have a hard time getting into the game. As far as a real pinball experience goes, TPA is definitely the way to go.

I got some of their Star Wars pinball games for free on my ps3 through PS+ (which I only got because of the PS4) and I had a lot of fun with the empire strikes back table. Makes me wanna see what farsight can do with the actual Star Wars table. Everyone thinks they can't get it because of Disney but I don't think Disney is that tight gripped. Their straight to DVD sequels show they aren't entirely averse to cash grabs.

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