TPA Streaming Thread


New member
Apr 15, 2014
what the he-double-hockaysticks just happened? (i look ed brief at a twitch sign-up last go-around with the 'high speed' release, but i hate having to sign up extra sh**... extra websites... seems constant anymore. still i wanna look...)_

p.s. +42 seconds: oh vell; another weekend, another website sign-up... i hope they're heartbleed-free... HEY WAIT, thanks viking... i have that stream coming in free atm; hope it holds out... :)
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New member
Mar 5, 2014
Vikingerik: Did you remove the saved stream for the Bally and Gottlieb/Stern challenges? :(


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I didn't remove it, but ugh, now it's not there so guess Twitch deleted it. Twitch seems to be really aggressive on deleting saved streams, according to lots of complaints, there seems to be no reliable way to save them. :(
Apr 8, 2012
I actually have a copy of your Gottlieb/Stern stream. I never have a chance to watch streams live so I prefer to download them and watch as I get a chance. If you want the files, I suppose I can scare up some cloud space to upload them to. Great stream again, btw. I wish they had challenges for the rest of the tables. Do you have any plans to stream more?


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I actually have a copy of your Gottlieb/Stern stream. I never have a chance to watch streams live so I prefer to download them and watch as I get a chance. If you want the files, I suppose I can scare up some cloud space to upload them to. Great stream again, btw. I wish they had challenges for the rest of the tables. Do you have any plans to stream more?
The interesting piece to save would be the Twilight Zone glitchfest, starting at the 3 hour mark of that stream. The rest of it isn't all that interesting. Can you find a way to clip out and host those 10 minutes of it?

Thanks to your post I found to save my own copy of the Williams challenge stream at least. If Twitch kills that one too, I could try Youtube for hosting it, though I hate to publish with that lousy audio quality.

I don't have any immediate plans scheduled for more, but might stream the Season One Challenge sometime.


Mar 25, 2013
Notes from the JunkYard Twitch stream:

PS European Patch - Thinking this Wednesday. PS Europe has the patch and up to them to release it.
After Dark - not doing anything with this yet. Still in conceptual phase. Focusing on XB1 and PS.
S3 for PS4 is being released and S2 will trickle out over time.
New User Interface - No date yet
Cab support still in pipeline
3DS version - no news
No news on a new Kickstarter (sounds like they have nothing planned at the moment)
Multiplayer mode is progressing (in alpha?)
PC Tourney mode - still working on server side stuff
Would like to go back and put an extra layer of polish on tables. But stressed its on a todo list and they are a small company.

Table info:

Diner is NOT the next table
Freddy - Would require a Kickstarter
Steam Summer Sale - Didn't commit to anything but said "would be cool"
Simpson - Been considering for Kickstarter
Popeye - "Didn't people say it sucked?"
Dracula/Phantom - Not sure if those would take a Kickstarter. They seemed to know about the tables.
Lord of the Rings - Would take a Kickstarter
Revenge from Mars - Slim due to tech
The Getaway - Would like to do that table
Dr Who would need a Kickstarter
Apr 8, 2012
I will upload it sometime this weekend as I get a chance.

The interesting piece to save would be the Twilight Zone glitchfest, starting at the 3 hour mark of that stream. The rest of it isn't all that interesting. Can you find a way to clip out and host those 10 minutes of it?

Thanks to your post I found to save my own copy of the Williams challenge stream at least. If Twitch kills that one too, I could try Youtube for hosting it, though I hate to publish with that lousy audio quality.

I don't have any immediate plans scheduled for more, but might stream the Season One Challenge sometime.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I will check in tomorrow around this time and hope for the best! Thanks again for your efforts.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Thanks a ton. I got them all saved too.

The Twilight Zone craziness is right at the start of live_user_vikingerik78_1398539390.flv .


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Got them, thank you Crazyflipperfingers!! Nice to see that Cirqus Voltaire works a bit better on PC. I've never seen the cannon run zoom in on the backboard, or had a bugfree highwire multiball on iOS. Damn you make the tables look easy Erik :) Looking forward to TZ and the rest now.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
The audio is great on my second stream (Bally/Stern/Gottliebs). It's too low on the first stream (Williams).

The Williams one is still up on Twitch so easy to watch there.

I also downloaded the Williams stream myself so I have both saved and can look to host it somewhere if/when Twitch purges it.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
Vikingeric, I watched your Williams challenge and I was very impressed.. you make it all look so easy. I kinda felt sorry for ya when you had to change the camera angles to see the upper roller overs everytime you shot the ball up there, but you seem to have compensated that very well...


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Thing is, what material is left to stream and post? The challenges were perfect but now I've done them. I don't like making a serious high score run while recording or streaming, since the machine doesn't play fully smoothly. Also many tables take 12+ hours for a leaderboard score which involves overnight pauses. At best I'd give challenge-like tours of other tables, but don't really want to spend time on playing without a real purpose.

As for the bonus X camera, yes there are a few tables where I manually toggle it from fixed to roaming every time the ball enters the bumpers. These are the conditions: tables where I prefer a low camera angle (generally no upper flipper) but where using the roaming camera makes it disorientingly zoom up the table on every ramp shot. So I keep the camera fixed except when I need to see the rollover lanes. Tables where this happens are MB, STTNG, EatPM, Taxi, maybe ToM or a few others.

STTNG has one particularly annoying camera behavior: shoot the left orbit and the camera zooms up past the upper flipper, taking it off the screen! The flipper you need to see for a high speed shot! The only solution is keeping the camera fixed, which means the bonus rollovers are obscured, which means manual camera unlocking for that.


New member
Aug 10, 2013
I didn't remove it, but ugh, now it's not there so guess Twitch deleted it. Twitch seems to be really aggressive on deleting saved streams, according to lots of complaints, there seems to be no reliable way to save them. :(

So I'm not going nuts then... I think the same thing is happening to me. :(

I was looking through my list of streams today and thought "hey, I have more stuff than this, what the heck..."

I'll have to link my twitch account to a youtube account and push them across. :mad:

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