Request TPA Website Issues / Requests


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
I note that I am unsure about how tournament hacks / glitches were handled in the past; whether they were merely excluded after the fact or if their scores were actually removed. ...If i can get more info on this I'll let you know
I've been able to confirm that hacked or glitched scores in previous tournaments were never removed from the actual data, so yes the final standings will not be accurate in many cases. Hopefully we can find time to go back and fix them, but it's not high in our priorities at the moment. Moving forward with upcoming tournaments we can hopefully begin to do this, although like some of the problems with the leaderboards it's not (yet) as easy as it should be.


New member
May 4, 2012
I've been able to confirm that hacked or glitched scores in previous tournaments were never removed from the actual data, so yes the final standings will not be accurate in many cases. Hopefully we can find time to go back and fix them, but it's not high in our priorities at the moment. Moving forward with upcoming tournaments we can hopefully begin to do this, although like some of the problems with the leaderboards it's not (yet) as easy as it should be.
Thanks for the info! I understand priorities and am not pressing. I saw you guys remove one player/score from the current PC Gold tournament, quickly, and I appreciate that.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Ah, my fault, I misread Byte's question and thought it was a generic issue across all platforms.
If it's only PS3 then yes it would be the same issue.

It's simple:

On PS3 (in-game), FunHouse and Black Hole have their own leaderboards, i.e. they are totally different from the website ones.


- Black Hole has still the thousands of glitched scores (more than 1 billion) on PS3 , that have been cleared a long time ago on the website (and on the other devices).
- FunHouse leaderboard is totally different too.


It's an old Vita screenshot, but gives an idea on how the leaderboards are still different (none of these legit scores are on the website; except the ones you manually added - Sir_Moovenstein and Phreaker).

Cf.: It is reported from post #634 to #645 in this topic.

However, Weekly/Monthly/All-Time/ leaderboards on PS3 (in-game) work fine (although they are totally different compared to website), but none of the scores are posted to the website.

Is it the same case for you that this ONLY occurs on the "personal" leaderboards and NOT the Weekly/Monthly/All-Time leaderboards and "My Scores" section on the website?

None of the FH or BH scores are posted to the website (Weekly/Monthly/All-Time or My Scores), when you play on PS3, because the in-game leaderboards are totally different from the ones on the website.

If so that is extremely helpful information (it eliminates the possibility of an actual game code problem with those two tables on PS3 - something out of my hands - and means its strictly a website issue)

Unfortunately, it seems to be a game code problem. :(

However, before the website leaderboards revamp, FH and BH highscores were correctly posted from PS3 to the website (when you have still to cycle through all the scores to find yours).
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
However, before the website leaderboards revamp, FH and BH highscores were correctly posted from PS3 to the website (when you have still to cycle through all the scores to find yours).

I'm pretty sure this last bit is untrue. I reported this issue (on Black Hole, didn't notice the Funhouse issue) to the Farsight support email back in April 2014 and I remember noticing the issue a few months before that.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I'm pretty sure this last bit is untrue. I reported this issue (on Black Hole, didn't notice the Funhouse issue) to the Farsight support email back in April 2014 and I remember noticing the issue a few months before that.

Yes, you're right.

The revamp is not the cause of the FH & BH leaderboard bug, I'm just sure that the FH & BH PS3 highscores were correctly posted on the old website, remembering well I cycled through all the highscores until I find mine.

Can't say exactly when the PS3 and website leaderboards have been desynchronized on FH and BH.


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
Yes this sounds like a game code problem on the PS3 - from the sounds of it I'm guessing they maybe didn't adjust those two tables for our database switching we did awhile back and they might be pulling & posting with the old records, I'll bring it up again with programming and hopefully we can have a fix out for it in the next patch, thanks for the info & your patience! I'll let you know if programming confirms it to me from their end.
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New member
Feb 4, 2016
Hi, I want to use the website to compare my scores with a friend, and I'm having trouble with the personalized leaderboard here:

The first issue I have is that my friend's username is 'rosborn', and when adding him to my personalized leaderboard, I get an error. After showing "Checking" for a few seconds, it shows "Error: Ambiguous". I assume this means that there are two or more users with the same login. Using a more unique identifier (like his email) does not work. Is there a way to manually add him if I give you a unique identifier like his email? His detail page is here if that helps:

I'm also having trouble using the leaderboard functions. When I successfully add a different user, if I then try to view it (Navigating to and clicking on 'Personalized') I always get "You Are Not Signed In", even though I can click right back to my 'My Account' and it still shows "Welcome doerrhb". Any ideas?



New member
Feb 4, 2016
I'm also having trouble using the leaderboard functions. When I successfully add a different user, if I then try to view it (Navigating to and clicking on 'Personalized') I always get "You Are Not Signed In", even though I can click right back to my 'My Account' and it still shows "Welcome doerrhb". Any ideas?

I was able to fix this by deleting cookies for '' and re-signing in, but the Ambiguous user issue remains. :(


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
I was able to fix this by deleting cookies for '' and re-signing in, but the Ambiguous user issue remains. :(
[MENTION=5956]doerrhb[/MENTION] Sorry I didn't see this until just now. Yes in order to keep a user logged in for both domains ( and we set two cookies. Unfortunately this method often results in users being logged off one site before the other. An easier way to fix this is to click the logout link and log back in, as this wipes the cookies. As for the ambiguous error you are correct, that means there are multiple users with that username, a major roadblock we hit when we set this feature up. This is a somewhat complicated problem but stay tuned, we are completely overhauling the user account section to coordinate with the upcoming release of head to head and we hope to have a good way of uniquely identifying users without revealing personal information (emails).


New member
May 4, 2012
Hey @LAW good man, please add Hurricane to the website leaderboards. :)

And I don't know if you know about it, but the last tournament's results for Steam Gold are a bit wonky on the webpage. Each player shows up twice in Overall Standings, and a table is counted twice, Twilight Zone I think someone said. Example: Tarek is listed twice with 500 points, I'm listed twice with 421 points, etc. Surely this is due to having four tables instead of eight. :) Keep up the good work. [Edit: the duplication is also on TZ individual results. I don't see any problems with any other platforms/tiers.]
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FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
Hey @LAW good man, please add Hurricane to the website leaderboards. :)
And I don't know if you know about it, but the last tournament's results for Steam Gold are a bit wonky on the webpage.
[MENTION=446]invitro[/MENTION] Wonky indeed! Yes we were leaving it be while programming investigated the cause, but they're fixed as of this morning, appreciate the follow up though. Hurricane's up too!


New member
May 4, 2012
@invitro Wonky indeed! Yes we were leaving it be while programming investigated the cause, but they're fixed as of this morning, appreciate the follow up though. Hurricane's up too!

Thanks! but a table is still getting counted twice -- Tarek has 500 points.


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
Thanks! but a table is still getting counted twice -- Tarek has 500 points.

Hmmm fixing the final standings might be difficult, I'll probably have to go take it to programming. It seems as though the issue was with TwilightZone, and those scores posted in twice and thus affected the total calculation. We'll have to see if we can manually recalculate...

UPDATE: ok the final standings have been corrected and double checked. Not sure if you noticed but the actual ordering was also affected since people who played better on TZ got awarded twice for it. Some people were off as far as 5 placements from where their actual points should have put them.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Here is a very minor issue. When you go to the "view tables" tab, it has images of pinball representing all of the pinball tables in the game. If you click on one, it gives you a description and a few photos for each table. This is a cool feature, however there doesn't appear to be any photos for Ripley's Believe it or Not (and it seems to be the only one without photos)


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
Here is a very minor issue. When you go to the "view tables" tab, it has images of pinball representing all of the pinball tables in the game. If you click on one, it gives you a description and a few photos for each table. This is a cool feature, however there doesn't appear to be any photos for Ripley's Believe it or Not (and it seems to be the only one without photos)

Huh, must have sneakily slipped through somehow. We'll jump on it, thanks for letting us know!
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New member
May 4, 2012
Hey @LAW, there's a user with two obviously-bad scores in the current tourney, and I'm not sure where to report it so I'm reporting it here :). Let me know if I should do something else with it.

In Mobile Silver, user terinmahsout has:
- 28,920,212,750 on Centaur, and
- 410,782,149,610 on Dr. Dude.


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
Hey @LAW, there's a user with two obviously-bad scores in the current tourney, and I'm not sure where to report it so I'm reporting it here :). Let me know if I should do something else with it.

Aha, K I'm on it!
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New member
Feb 19, 2015
Some server issues right now? Can't access and the game runs slow at startup and says that I am not logged in when accessing the tournament (steam version).

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