TPA Wishlist - The Ultimate 100


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
This list is great.
I'm a bit surprised not to see Police Force, Bally's Game Show, Fire! or Mousin' Around in it.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Thanks Josh, I remember playing Rescue 911 quite a while ago and loved it. But I have never seen it again except on Visual Pinball, unfortunately my computer doesn't run that program anymore so I erased it, again thanks.

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
POTC > Tron ?

Why would Tron be harder to obtain than Pirates of the Caribbean given that they are both Disney licenses? The logic that Tron is out of reach would apply in exactly the same way to POTC, no?

By removing both these machines from the list it re-open the slot for 4 Million BC to be put back in.
I simply don't know why Tron would be harder to get than POTC. Yea...they both are Disney products, but POTC did (easily) much better in the movies.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I'm pleasantly surprised to see Space Station on the list. I would say it's too obscure to have any chance of appearing in TPA-but then again FS did make LCA in Season 3.

I don't think we'll see Sorcerer or Ace High either-though I would at least like FarSight to complete the PHoF palette.

BBB is what I really want though, and judging from these forums, I'm not alone there.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Time to update the old list, just to commemorate the soon-to-launch TAF!


Step on the gas, FarSight! We've gotta reach 100 before any of the licenses expire so you can release The Pinball Arcade: Ultimate 100 Edition hard copies on PS4! Haha, kidding, but not entirely...


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
You can probably remove Monopoly from the list. FS has mentioned that the existing EA Monopoly app license would block that pin being made for TPA. :(
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New member
Aug 12, 2012
You can probably remove Monopoly from the list. FS has mentioned that the existing EA Monopoly app license would block that pin being made for TPA. :(

Paragon has left the list...

Actually, Kolchak is right. Paragon will go on, and Monopoly will come off as soon as I get another chance to update.

By the way, since when do we know that Xenon is coming? I must've missed that, but everyone's treating it as confirmed now. Great news! I just had no idea.

And the next table hint is Cyclone... How about The Getaway 2 or Jack*Bot? Have those been confirmed or heavily hinted at, too? Kolchak, you're my constant table sleuth, what do your sources say?
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
There was an official FS poll that Xenon won. So it is a sure thing, but we don't kniw the exact release month yet.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I'm sure glad Xenon won. It's embarrassing that I missed a poll that would've been so important to me, but as long as it's coming, I'm satisfied. Now the only personal favorite missing is Swords of Fury, and I'm fairly certain that will come eventually.

Thanks again for the info.


Jun 4, 2014
Now the only personal favorite missing is Swords of Fury, and I'm fairly certain that will come eventually.

I certainly hope so, it's an absolute blast to play in real life! It's definitely one that I continue to ask them for.

(Oops, I forgot to be negative.)


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I'm sure glad Xenon won. It's embarrassing that I missed a poll that would've been so important to me, but as long as it's coming, I'm satisfied. Now the only personal favorite missing is Swords of Fury, and I'm fairly certain that will come eventually.

Thanks again for the info.

Nice that you've updated the list. Always look forward to reading your pinball opinions.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I've been away for a while, so who can fill me in on what I've missed? Have there been any more confirmed tables apart from what I've updated to the list (latest being Indy 500 -- WHOO-HOO!)? I know about Stern Pinball coming, so I'm not sure if that would kill the possibility of further Stern releases in TPA original or make them more likely.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Sounds like there won't be any more Stern releases on the original TPA. They will be part of the Stern app.
There have been some juicy rumors about Pinball Magic and Big Bang Bar. But these are unconfirmed of course.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Sounds like there won't be any more Stern releases on the original TPA. They will be part of the Stern app.
There have been some juicy rumors about Pinball Magic and Big Bang Bar. But these are unconfirmed of course.

Thanks for the information as usual, Kolchak.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
On the Stern App, Star Trek, AC/DC and Ghostbusters are confirmed.

Also, A.G. Soccer-Ball is pretty much confirmed for TPA. They haven't come out and said it, but they did confirm that there will be a table added that will take advantage of head to head mode when implemented (and A.G. Soccer-Ball was leaked).
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