TPA Wishlist - The Ultimate 100


New member
Nov 19, 2012
But honestly, take a hard look at that list of cash-in licenses, many of which are better IPs than they are pinball machines. Is that really what TPA is all about?

I agree that it's ridicolous to base your business on cash-in licenses, but I wholly understand why Stern is doing it. If you knew nothing about the tables beforehand, and you saw, say, a Tron pinball next to some unlicensed table, even a real classic like Taxi, I bet you'd choose Tron.
The exception are those really well-executed license-free tables that are based on concepts that are so familiar that they could almost have been a license. TOTAN is a perfect example of this.

That said, some of those cash-in license Stern SAM tables, are also some of the best Sterns ever produced, and among the top pinball tables. Indiana Jones and Addams Family are both cash-in licenses, and you included both of them. Jurassic Park and Star Wars too, which are two tables that would probably have been largely forgotten if it weren't for the license.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I agree that it's ridicolous to base your business on cash-in licenses, but I wholly understand why Stern is doing it. If you knew nothing about the tables beforehand, and you saw, say, a Tron pinball next to some unlicensed table, even a real classic like Taxi, I bet you'd choose Tron.
The exception are those really well-executed license-free tables that are based on concepts that are so familiar that they could almost have been a license. TOTAN is a perfect example of this.

That said, some of those cash-in license Stern SAM tables, are also some of the best Sterns ever produced, and among the top pinball tables. Indiana Jones and Addams Family are both cash-in licenses, and you included both of them. Jurassic Park and Star Wars too, which are two tables that would probably have been largely forgotten if it weren't for the license.

While I did create a "wishlist" of 100 tables, it's still meant to be an accurate prediction of what FS may be able to do in 4+ seasons. I've researched the same sources, cross-referenced fan requests and poll results, and evaluated factors like cost and availability. So far, Goin' Nuts is the only release that I didn't expect, simply because none of us could have predicted that FS could get their hands on one. I really want forum members to be able to look at this list objectively and look forward to the tables that could realistically end up in TPA. The SAM Sterns are not impossible, but several factors make them less likely. Like I said, I would love to see TRON and PotC, and I'm sure there are others who would want Family Guy, Spider-Man, or AC/DC. Hell, even Bobby expressed his desire to pursue PotC and AC/DC, but he also said they may be too outrageously expensive to consider.

The problem I see with Stern's post-2005 "cash-in" lineup is that they're ALL big-name licenses, with technology that has proven difficult to emulate. And while Williams and Bally have certainly had their fair share of cash-in licenses, they were released alongside originally-themed machines that became just as valuable in the long run. In my opinion, the newer Sterns have not been around long enough to fully determine how well they stack up to classics in the long run. Instead, we get excited about them because they're all we've got, and we're inclined to say, "Yeah, this is pretty freakin' sweat!" when we've got no real competition to compare them with. Avatar is a great example, as I absolutely love the film but cannot make myself like the pinball table no matter how many times I play it.

On the other hand, FS has stated that they intend to release as many of the IPDB Top 40 as possible, and that DOES include a few SAM Sterns. It's quite possible that FS will find a way to make those work, whether it involves hefty Kickstarters or just smart dealings with Stern and various license holders, but we can't count on that. Or at least, I haven't counted on it for the purpose of this list. I would rather those be happy surprises instead of building additional anticipation for tables that may not be possible.

But all in all, I agree with your viewpoint. I just can't justify putting those tables in the list right now.

Out of curiosity, Sumez, which tables would you want included anyway? So far, I haven't heard you reference specific SAM Sterns that you would want.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Have you listened to the Bobby King interview at yet? Bobby teased Metallica and said it was a bigger possibility than AC/DC and that they'd like to do it. It's at 21:47 if you want to skip to it.

Yeah, I've heard that, but considering how the early code on Metallica still needs work, I hope they'll wait a while to do it. I may put it on the wishlist in my next update, though.

Stern has gained enough publicity from the TPA deal that they might co-write current and future tables' licensing with FarSight for possible digital reproduction, thus making anything they manufacture post-TPA a larger possibility than those that came out in or before 2012. I don't know that for a fact, but it's very possible, since Bobby said that they've worked closely with Stern and should have some surprises in the upcoming year or two.
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New member
Aug 30, 2012
Yeah, I've heard that, but considering how the early code on Metallica still needs work, I hope they'll wait a while to do it. I may put it on the wishlist in my next update, though.

Yeah, he didn't give any indication that it would be happening anytime soon.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Realistically if they do 4 seasons (a fair estimate), at best we could maybe see 2 kickstarters per season. We already have three crossed off. If Addams is next then that takes another slot. That leaves us with 4 more kickstarter slots. So it would be sort of hard to justify adding a bunch of heavy licensed pins to the list. Not that I wouldn't love to see a whole mess of them make it to TPA.
If it is only 4 after Addams, then the tough question is which 4? Indy, Simpsons, LOTR, Metallica, Tron, POTC, Star Wars, and the list goes on? So many to choose from. Very tough?


New member
Aug 12, 2012
How would everyone feel about the following changes?

Four Million BC [Bally 1971]
Buck Rogers [Gottlieb 1980]
Arena [Gottlieb 1987]

Pirates of the Caribbean [Stern 2006]
Tales from the Crypt [Data East 1993]

Metallica [Stern 2013]

If no one has any major objections, I'll switch those out and adopt an optomistic perspective on them...

Your feedback is appreciated. I created the list for all of us here, after all.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I think Tales From The Crypt definitely needs to be on there. I get the feeling that it is almost a sure thing.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Realistically if they do 4 seasons (a fair estimate), at best we could maybe see 2 kickstarters per season. We already have three crossed off. If Addams is next then that takes another slot. That leaves us with 4 more kickstarter slots. So it would be sort of hard to justify adding a bunch of heavy licensed pins to the list. Not that I wouldn't love to see a whole mess of them make it to TPA.
If it is only 4 after Addams, then the tough question is which 4? Indy, Simpsons, LOTR, Metallica, Tron, POTC, Star Wars, and the list goes on? So many to choose from. Very tough?

I think FarSight could possibly squeeze an extra couple in there for ten Kickstarters over the life of TPA. The way I see it, these could be the ten (as long as everyone agrees with the aforementioned changes):

Twilight Zone
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Addams Family
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
Star Wars
Doctor Who
Lord of the Rings
The Simpsons Pinball Party
Demolition Man

With constantly increasing revenue and occasional overflow from Kickstarters, I think FS could cover the rest without needing a premium campaign:

The Getaway: High Speed II
Red & Ted's Road Show
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Flash Gordon
The Shadow
Evel Knievel
Judge Dredd
Indianapolis 500
Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Jurassic Park
Phantom of the Opera
Tales from the Crypt
Starship Troopers
The X Files

That might be stretching our luck a bit, but I think it's possible. (And unfortunately, yes, I meant to leave TRON out. I just don't see that one happening with Disney anytime soon.) ** EDIT: Removed PotC for similar reasons. **

This scheme may also work well for FS in the long term, since it basically keeps with an even balance of one higher-cost table to each lower-cost non-licensed table, and that would allow them to stick to the 2-table pack method for most months hereafter.
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(And unfortunately, yes, I meant to leave TRON out. I just don't see that one happening with Disney anytime soon.)

This scheme may also work well for FS in the long term, since it basically keeps with an even balance of one higher-cost table to each lower-cost non-licensed table, and that would allow them to stick to the 2-table pack method for most months hereafter.

Why would Tron be harder to obtain than Pirates of the Caribbean given that they are both Disney licenses? The logic that Tron is out of reach would apply in exactly the same way to POTC, no?

By removing both these machines from the list it re-open the slot for 4 Million BC to be put back in.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Why would Tron be harder to obtain than Pirates of the Caribbean given that they are both Disney licenses? The logic that Tron is out of reach would apply in exactly the same way to POTC, no?

By removing both these machines from the list it re-open the slot for 4 Million BC to be put back in.

True, but Bobby is the one that's mentioned PotC from time to time. Still, I will be happy to change it back by replacing PotC with 4 Million BC. It's one of my favorite tables of that era. I just wasn't sure anyone else cared.

** UPDATED: Done. **
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New member
Aug 12, 2012
I think that Jersey Jack Pinball with the table Wizard of Oz should be included in the list.

That would be nice, but to my knowledge, there has been no indication of business dealings between FarSight and Jersey Jack. Wizard of Oz would also be an expensive license, and the table uses a large LCD display and electronics that could not be emulated in the usual manner. And since few fans would want to fund a major Kickstarter knowing that a brand new table would need to be [at least partially] scripted, I don't think expecting Wizard of Oz is realistic.

If anyone else here knows something I don't, though, I would welcome it as good news...


New member
Jul 13, 2013
Farsight recently (yesterday) made a coment on Dr. Who at Facebook as a VERY hard table to pursue license for. They really made a point on how difficult it was. Probably unlikely we see this anytime soon.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I haven't updated this thing in quite a while, but here's the latest...


Of course, wishing for 100 tables at this point would require TPA to run through Season 7 or return to two tables per month, and I'm not sure either of those is remotely possible. But then again, that's why it's a WISH-list, right?
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Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I haven't updated this thing in quite a while, but here's the latest...


Of course, wishing for 100 tables at this point would require TPA to run through Season 7 or return to two tables per month, and I'm not sure either of those is remotely possible. But then again, that's why it's a WISH-list, right?

I was literally getting ready to PM you about updating your list:)

Anyways - as of now FS has definite plans for a Season 4, and maybe beyond that as well,if sales & such warrant it. So there is a decent chance we could get to 100 tables.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Well good, and I'm glad that my hope isn't totally misplaced for either the 100 tables or my personal top 2. Since the beginning, I've always believed that Swords of Fury and Xenon would be a blast to play, whether you knew and loved them before TPA or not. Of course, Catacomb would also make me happy, and Haunted House has already made the cut. There are certainly a lot of other tables on the list that would be longer shots than those.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Josh, you still haven't added Rescue 911, the list is Awesome. If you could add just that last Gottlieb table, I would be the happiest person, thank you very much.


New member
May 10, 2012
It is a really nice list and if that list is what we end up with I would be very satisfied. My list would include a few more 70' Gottlieb, like Joker Poker and a few others.

If we do get to the point where Farsight is able to do Capcom, I would love to have Kingpin (only way to ever play Mark Ritchie's last table) and pinball magic included as well.

I would also include World Cup Soccer to the list, but otherwise it is all good.

I am not very fond of the Sega tables but a few of them should probably be in there anyway and if so, your choices are as good as any


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Josh, you still haven't added Rescue 911, the list is Awesome. If you could add just that last Gottlieb table, I would be the happiest person, thank you very much.

Wish granted.

It is a really nice list and if that list is what we end up with I would be very satisfied. My list would include a few more 70' Gottlieb, like Joker Poker and a few others.

If we do get to the point where Farsight is able to do Capcom, I would love to have Kingpin (only way to ever play Mark Ritchie's last table) and pinball magic included as well.

I would also include World Cup Soccer to the list, but otherwise it is all good.

I am not very fond of the Sega tables but a few of them should probably be in there anyway and if so, your choices are as good as any

As far as I understand it, not all of the Capcom tables' licensing would fall to Williams, but Big Bang Bar technically does. Even so, getting a BBB table to reproduce will be a tall order for FS. I would also like to see the tables you mentioned, but of course, this list primarily represents my own best guess at what will get prioritized for TPA. So far, LCA is the only one that I never had on the list, but who could've predicted that one? I even had High Roller Casino on there for a while before I replaced it with a popular community request.

That's not to say that my list is a perfect prediction tool. In fact, it'll probably get a lot less accurate as FS whittles down the top-rated tables. Regardless, it's a fun thing for me, and I'm glad other community members have found a use for it. Thanks, guys.

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