Try before you buy, or just Buy?


New member
Mar 7, 2013
just to be clear - im not necessarily accusing them of complacency at this moment in time, just that its a worry thats always there that complacency can creep in (even on a subconscious level) when somebody doesnt feel they need to continue putting in the same effort as before to continue getting the same rewards. theres plenty of examples of it happening in all kinds of medium, be it games companies, tv shows, film franchises, supermarkets, whatever. as i said, its human nature.

and yes i agree its all subjective to personal taste and all that, and im not saying anything about those people who do happen to think its a good pack, but im fairly certain that this pack is still considered a letdown compared to previous ones by a lot more people than usual. if im wrong on that then fair enough, but if im right and farsight dont see a significant drop in sales of this pack compared to others, then for me its a worrying precedent to have set.

(just to show im not solely going on my own taste, i really didnt like the centaur and pinbot pack, i got a lot less enjoyment and playing time out of it than most other packs. however based on comments on here the majority of people seemed to really love it and a fair few even reckoned it was one of the best packs ever, so i just accepted i was in a very small minority and didnt really have any complaints to make about it in the same way i do this pack)


New member
Feb 20, 2012
the more i think about it the more i cant help feeling that the attitude of "i'll buy them regardless cause its only a few dollars" doesnt really do anybody any favours in the long run. complacency and laziness are dangerous things for any company and if farsight feel they can kind of phone it in every now and then without it affecting sales too much instead of striving to give us the best possible tables at all times then they will end up doing it more and more - its basic human nature.

im not bashing farsight here, i generally think theyve done a great job and as i said this month is the first time ive felt strongly enough to opt out of buying a pack, i just want them to continue doing a great job and for that to happen i do feel they need to be kept on their toes a bit and not allowed to feel like they will continue to sell tables no matter what the quality...

I think complacency is the wrong word. I don't buy every game just cause. After buying a couple games here and there I realized that the variety TPA offers is one of its strengths. There are so many tables that I would have not purchased just because the high score limit on the demo doesn't really get you into the meat of a game. I buy them all because I like being exposed to the different tables designs that I would have never given a chance in an actual arcade just because it didnt look like a game that I'd like. As modern gamers we get kind of zeroed in on things we like and forget about things that don't fit our criteria for awesome at 1st glance.

Billy Fishtale

New member
Mar 22, 2013
Buy em, it's like £3, hardly going to make you rich is it.

Its not £3 its £4 a pack bar a penny x this by 16 packs + the core pack @ £7.99 = a whopping £71.99.

More packs to follow and we are looking at a £100+ game. Hardly what I call a snifter.

You could also take into consideration the average PS3 user has no demo's to trial past the core pack, the uncertainty of a decent PS3 conversion, the unknowing if you will actually like the tables within a pack, relatively few fixes to many flaws and it all sums up to a big ask to keep trumping up the readies like a wanting crack addict.

Yes Season Passes are available to take a little of the sting out of it all, but the one came 12 months late and the other is MIA on the EU PSN store.

It won't make me rich - no - but it makes me think twice.


New member
Sep 23, 2012
just tried flight 2k and GN good thing because they are CRAP. Not buying this abortion pack.

I wish I had read this review before buying this pack. It would have save me the 10 or so hours I've spent playing Flight 2000 in the last few days.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Everything has been insta-buy for me up until now.

I had to really toil over it but I finally caved in and bought F2K and GN.

I wish I had more will-power. I do not support releases like this going forward. 2 early 80s does not make for a balanced pack, especially when the companion table is as weak as Goin Nuts.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
So I assume if they released two DMD machines, you will boycott it because its not "balanced".

"Not balanced" is a nice way of saying "this pack sucks".

I dont want to give the impression im an early 80s hater. If it was 8-Ball deluxe and Flight 2K I would be singing a different tune.

Dual DMD pack would be spoiling us. 2 DMD for 5 dollars I'm not even sure I'm comfortable paying that little. Although, to make up for this month, I wouldn't complain :)


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Its not £3 its £4 a pack bar a penny x this by 16 packs + the core pack @ £7.99 = a whopping £71.99.

More packs to follow and we are looking at a £100+ game. Hardly what I call a snifter.

You could also take into consideration the average PS3 user has no demo's to trial past the core pack, the uncertainty of a decent PS3 conversion, the unknowing if you will actually like the tables within a pack, relatively few fixes to many flaws and it all sums up to a big ask to keep trumping up the readies like a wanting crack addict.

Yes Season Passes are available to take a little of the sting out of it all, but the one came 12 months late and the other is MIA on the EU PSN store.

It won't make me rich - no - but it makes me think twice.

Sure it is a £100 (or 1000+ SEK game for me), but every table is like a game in itself imo. Plus compairing it to playing in an arcade here in Sweden 1 pro-pack = 6 credits. Ofc. it depends on your income and such, but the ammount of Money it costs is laughable low, don't buy a 6 pack och Coca cola or a meal at McDs and you have your pack hehe.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
A little calculation I like to use to determine if something is/was expensive or not is dividing the hours played with the price of the item.
If i paid €10 for a game that I have played for 10 hours, then that is only €1 / hour. Quite cheap Entertainment wouldn't you agree? Don't wanna go in on my cost per hour on Battlefield 3 though haha, because I have played that soooo much ^^

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
A little calculation I like to use to determine if something is/was expensive or not is dividing the hours played with the price of the item.
If i paid €10 for a game that I have played for 10 hours, then that is only €1 / hour. Quite cheap Entertainment wouldn't you agree? Don't wanna go in on my cost per hour on Battlefield 3 though haha, because I have played that soooo much ^^

I do the exact same thing, but like to get an hour per £ spent to be happy with something.

Funny thing is, I've been using this same ratio unadjusted since 1986 when I was buying budget (£1.99/£2.99) Spectrum games as a kid.

Time to stop being a tightar$e and adjust my ratio. :)

TPA passes with flying colours no matter which ratio used.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I preview on Android but I've bought every pack on the PS3. I like pinball. So far all the pinball they've released has been pinball!


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I have bought every single table pack (standard editions) for iOS, around 5 or 6 for Android, and PS3. I never demo the tables, just hit the purchase button without giving it another thought.

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