Visual Pinball


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I've got both VP 8 & 9 on my Win7 desktop computer. They work fine, except for Bally tables 1986-88 and Gottlieb 1989-91. On both I seem to have an issue with credit registering (I press the credit key, either nothing happens or I hear the credit sound clip but no number change).


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Try deleting the NVRAM file and start the table again.

Also, ensure that you are not starting VP8 tables with VP9 and vice versa.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
(I also asked this in the VP forum, but didn't get a solution yet. Maybe someone here has an answer ?)
Until now I played VP (and TPA of course) with a Logitech F710 controller, which can be set to X-input or Direct-input with a small switch. For VP I have to use Direct-input and that works fine.
Meanwhile however I also bought a Xbox 360 wireless controller, to see how that works and also because it is easier to have a dedicated controller for my HTPC and for my tablet. To assign keys I purchased Xpadder. That also works fine except for nudging. When I try to nudge with the left joystick, I get "Tilt" immediately even when I barely touch te joystick.
I assume that many of you also have a Xbox 360 controller and use it for VP. If so, can someone help me to set up VP and Xpadder to have it working for nudging ? (In TPA and of course without Xpadder it does work perfectly, although I still have to practice nudging).

The Monsieur

New member
Mar 29, 2014
(I also asked this in the VP forum, but didn't get a solution yet. Maybe someone here has an answer ?)
Until now I played VP (and TPA of course) with a Logitech F710 controller, which can be set to X-input or Direct-input with a small switch. For VP I have to use Direct-input and that works fine.
Meanwhile however I also bought a Xbox 360 wireless controller, to see how that works and also because it is easier to have a dedicated controller for my HTPC and for my tablet. To assign keys I purchased Xpadder. That also works fine except for nudging. When I try to nudge with the left joystick, I get "Tilt" immediately even when I barely touch te joystick.
I assume that many of you also have a Xbox 360 controller and use it for VP. If so, can someone help me to set up VP and Xpadder to have it working for nudging ? (In TPA and of course without Xpadder it does work perfectly, although I still have to practice nudging).

Easy way i found around this issue is load xpadder + vpin table etc but don't connect pad till after the tables loaded voila problem solved nudging should be fine.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
The dx 9 port of vp w I'll soon be complete.

A new physics engine will be add to the vp10 which will begin development soon.
The new physics engine has been made available for test purposes and the ball spin and flipper accuracy is great.

Good things happening in the vp community this year. Stay tunned


Mar 21, 2014
Oh man! VP has been on my PC's since forever. A few years back, I used to hang at vpforums quite a bit. They used much older forum software than they do now. I haven't really visited there in.....years now. Wow! it really has been like 2-3 years.....or more......goodness. I actually helped gather the assets a "table creator" needed to recreate the first Tri-Zone table for VP. I could minimize this window and play right now, as a matter of fact. Heh....

Back then, I built up a gnarly collection of re-creations, and a sizable handful of original VP tables. I used this ancient menu manager called VPTM (Visual Pinball Table Manager). I don't know if it still exists at vpforums or not anymore, but that's where I got it all those years ago. It says I currently have 716 tables at my finger tips. I love that it simply listed my tables in columns, alphabetically. It was written in basic, so it was easily editable to tell it where your tables are, then it lists them out in a simple selectable list you can play any table through. It's simple, practical, and it works. I love it.

I have it all set up to do what I call a "gut and stuff", I can transfer the whole program (12GB) and move it to another PC while retaining nearly all functionality. Just by moving it and running 4 files to set it up. I got it going on with VP stuff!

The problem? it's...errr....VP6. I'd have to trash everything (except that handy menu program....possibly) and start all over again. I considered it "done" when they went to VP7 and most of those 700+ tables wouldn't work anymore, so I'd have to start all over again with the collection. At the time, there weren't many tables for VP7 yet. So, if they are up to VP9, that will give you an idea of how long ago it must have been. Yeah....

But I still have over 700 tables to play at my finger tips. Even if they are "inferior" versions of them. ;)


New member
Jul 30, 2012
After i got my new PC i finally decided to give VP a whirl. Following a few hiccups in setting up roms in the proper directory I got it up and running.....


I can't believe i've been missing out this long. Playing classic tables like Atari's Superman and Bally's Mr & Mrs Pacman or modern tables like Lord of the Rings and Simpson's Pinball Party is a dream come true. (Licenses be damned!)

VP9 has some terrific graphics. The sound emulation is generally spot on and best of all it's FREE! I have many more tables to happily hoard.

So far I have around 50 working tables. I will be getting all of the recreations of real pinball tables.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
VP is a great program and looks to be improving a lot.

Did you grab the alpha version release with the new physics?

Graphics are hit or miss with VP, a lot depends on the author's skill level and the resources available, but there are some beauties.

Tables by JPSalas look amazing as a general rule. Tables by Groni (megapin) play amazing. Bob5453 has some amazing originals as well.

Also, check out Rawd's recreation of Triple Strike. It's a top notch creation and a showcase of what VP9 is capable of.


New member
Jul 22, 2013
Installing Visual Pinball can be difficult, but playing is more easier. To play a certain table, you would have to download that table (on vpforums) and its rom (CPU, sound, video, etc.). For more pinball experience, build a pinball cabinet by using a LCD screen (between 37 - 45'') for the playfield and another one for the backglass (between 19 - 32'') and don't forget about the buttons and a PC to run Hyperpin on.


New member
May 10, 2012
VP are going places for sure. The new physics (still in beta) has incredible potential. Along with DX 9 support and other goodies being worked on for VP 10.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Tonight I discovered Tron, X-Men, POTC, Avatar and SM all for VP!

You can find them over at vpuniverse.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Also, check out Rawd's recreation of Triple Strike. It's a top notch creation and a showcase of what VP9 is capable of.

Have to agree that Rawd's TT is exceptional. He owns the real table and he painstakingly tried to recreate everything. Not sure where he disappeared to?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
With tpa, I got used to the nice analog nudging with the 360 gamepad. Can't go back to the keyboard!
There's no controller support? Lame. Not a huge deal, but i would certainly rather use a controller than the keyboard.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Definately controller support. You can set nudge up on a stick axis or buttons.
You can also use a stick axis to control the plunger pull


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I had trouble with my 360 pad after enabling analog nudging, but admittedly i didn't try very hard and just went back to using my keyboard...i can adjust. I'll probably try again another time and my controller is older than anyone's 360 is guaranteed.

Support sure is there though, and from those who have it set up it's dandy.


I use my sixaxis controller with VP. I have analogue nudge and plunge. it was pretty straight forward to setup.

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