What a challenge!


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Spent about 5 hours now with the table and thankfully no bugs I have found with the exception of the funky non-recognition of portrait mode every once on a while. In comparison to TZ for example I am plying 20 times the games in an hour based on the fact this game is a lot more challenging and has some very major "Drano" areas. The right lanes are #1 and then the left ones. Any flipper latency in your reflexes and it will feed it to the drain from the upper right flipper and if late on the lower ones it is back in your face and down the drain.
I'm not really complaining as we all wanted a challenge to these games but it seems like this maybe just a wee bit too much? None the less I love it and have been stuck on 4.1 Billion in change.



New member
Mar 8, 2012
I can't wait to play it, sounds great. I haven't played much in real life, but my high score is ~ 2billion, so if you are stuck at around 4 I would say the difficulty sounds about right.

I want to upgrade my mac from 10.6 OS so I can play TZ and STTNG, but I am scared to after reading a lot of negative reviews for 10.8


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Just back up your Mac stuff and go for it. I like 10.8, it took a while to get used to a few subtle things but the iMessages piece and some cloud integration is well worth it.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I think the challenge level is about right. It reminds me very much of the real table. If they fix the minor glitches with the onscreen launch button in Android, it'd be pretty much perfect.

This was my favorite pinball machine back in the olden days, and they seem to have nailed it.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Although I love Twilight Zone, I find myself gravitating to ST:TNG due to the simple fact that I won't need to set aside a 2 hr. block of time to get a satisfying score.


New member
May 10, 2012
Agree with all of the above comments. That's a first ;-) Struggling and cursing at this table but in a good way. I love it! TZ is one of the easiest tables I have played in tpa and that sounds a bit off from what the real table is supposed to be.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
It's tough. Hardest table yet on tpa.

Ill have no trouble on Xbox but on iOS without ability to nudge its quite frustrating. The outlanes are by far the most brutal of any tpa table including unpatched CV.

You guys got your wish for a harder table.
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New member
Aug 2, 2012
The outline drains are killers. Way more than in real life. But what an awesome table!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I never had any problem with the ui but the fan hive said we needed a new one. Got their wish and it's awful.

Never had an issue with table difficulty. Fan hive did so now we got this and it is brutally hard, harder than the real table which I said would happen.

Pinball arcade fans: making the game worse since 2012.

Sorry if I'm bitter but yea, I'm bitter.

And by fan hive I basically mean the same two people.
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
Congrats to FarSight on an excellent table. It's hard but plays really well and super addictive. With the latest patch I have found the trigger to be more responsive. Just scored 8 billion and finally got to the final frontier.

Only issue is I keep getting a network error when trying to get to the leaderboards and using the new UI its sometimes difficult to select something, the UI thinks I am trying to move left to right rather than make a selection

Thank you FarSight for the nice Xmas present.
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
You're bitter. Count me in so you got three people that wanted the tables harder ;P And a new frontend had been planned for months so you can't blame "us" for that.

It's whatever. I don't take the mobile version seriously and I'm sure the ui will be fixed after all the backlash. I'm done posting for a while my opinion counts for nothing.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
It's true, we clamored for a new UI. It's not our fault that FS missed the mark. Heck, we didn't just ask for a new UI, we also offered suggestions. There was a thread with mock-ups even. We even gave a reason why it should be done. Because nobody wants to swipe swipe swipe to get to their tables. Now we have a new UI where we have to swipe swipe swipe to get to their tables. I do like the "Table Goals" and new "Go Pro" icon tho'.

Also, looks like they've seperated the purchased tables from the rest. Also good. Although I'm buying them all, I still think it's the right thing to do.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
It's getting off subject though there's a ui thread. I agree with what you've said though fungi. My biggest problem with it is probably the embarrassing music lol. Tpa now has all the front end finesse of a 5 dollar Wii game purchased next to the bubble gum rack in a Walgreens.

So everyone's happy with the Star Trek difficulty? I find it way too unforgiving. I'm not trying to have this crazy PAPA level challenge on my iPhone I play my phone for a good time. Cirqus Voiltaire was the only table on 360 that had off putting difficulty on 360 and Star Trek is way harder than Voiltaire IMO.
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
The out lanes are brutal but I still keep coming back for more. I just need to learn how to nudge on my Nexus 7.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Yes.. and now back to our regularly scheduled post.... I am now up to 5 billion and I see more are making it up the food chain.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
So everyone's happy with the Star Trek difficulty? I find it way too unforgiving. I'm not trying to have this crazy PAPA level challenge on my iPhone I play my phone for a good time. Cirqus Voiltaire was the only table on 360 that had off putting difficulty on 360 and Star Trek is way harder than Voiltaire IMO.

Umm, for some reason, where CV pisses me off to no end, I'm finding ST:TNG brutal but fair. I think it's because the outlanes eat my ball mostly because I missed a shot. Therefore, making me believe it was my fault. Whereas CV, with the pop bumpers on the right, and the rubber ball on the left, and the slings constantly shooting the ball into them, I feel I have no control. Also, TNG actually has inlanes. The way CV is set up currently, it ain't got no inlanes. Just two BIGASS outlanes. GAWD I hate Cirqus Voltaire!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr! Curse curse grumble grumble....... Sorry.
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