What are your 3 biggest concerns for TPA?

Pick 3:

  • Table Bugs

    Votes: 118 77.1%
  • Menu/UI/Leaderboard Bugs/Issues

    Votes: 41 26.8%
  • Graphics/Art Issues

    Votes: 59 38.6%
  • Physics Issues

    Votes: 87 56.9%
  • Sound Issues

    Votes: 12 7.8%
  • Lacking Features/Options

    Votes: 34 22.2%
  • Platform Specific Issues

    Votes: 56 36.6%
  • DLC Issues

    Votes: 26 17.0%

  • Total voters


I chose 4 :eek:

Table Bugs - As numerous people have noted there are bugs, and they tend to be intermittent which makes identifying them difficult.

Physics - This includes the random flipper lags and semi-permeable flipper tips. The Plungers that don't go all the way back, or the ones that don't touch the ball. Then there is the way the plunger view 2 makes skill shots difficult, beyond the intermittent plunger strength, when each table has a different zoom level which effects how much, if any, of the hash marks in the plunger area, and the plunger itself, can be seen.

Sound - I play on Android, and when i use the device speakers the sounds aren't too bad, but when I use headphones the levels are way out of balance. For example the bumpers are far too loud, and in CFTBL the left ramps generate a very, very loud bass tone. All in all the sound generated is good, but unbalanced; improperly mixed. I would assume that people who play on a Stereo/Surround system notice this even more.

Menu/UI/Leaderboard/etc - The leaderboard is still messed up. It displays the wrong scores, and has sections with no information no matter how you are logged in; facebook connected or not. Why is there a Launch Ball button on MM/MB but there is still a Plunger screen? If there is a launch ball button, can't it serve as a nudge button during game play so as to make nudge more accessible, seeing as shake is useless, and the tap nudge zones make play not fun. There is the pro mode on tables; I think it is a potentially great feature and has some very cool features but it's present functionality is limited given that the view table doesn't work completely, the bookkeeping doesn't keep stats at all, and the view keeps floating around in attract mode when you want to run through the light/bumper tests etc. This makes it very difficult to actually see what is where.
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New member
May 18, 2012
Now that we are talking; If it could be done, I really would like to see an option to only hear the mechanical sounds of a table, instead of the music/fx. Some tables play great but I hate the bleeb-bleebs (Black Knight...). The music of some tables makes you go wacko after a while, but I do like the sound of the ball, the mechanics. And it really should be in stereo, I played TPA with headphones lately... not so great.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Why is there a Launch Ball button on MM but there is still a Plunger screen? If there is a launch ball button, can't it serve as a nudge button during game play so as to make nudge more accessible, seeing as shake is useless, and the tap nudge zones make play not fun.

The launch ball button is used for troll bombs on MM


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Menu - getting a lot of games to have to flip through. On IOS I frequently choose the wrong table when trying to make my selection. Then you have to wait for it to load, cancel out of it and go back to the selection screen to try another spin. Also, the pro menu doesn't show up on all iOS devices once it is paid for on TOTAN.

Platform Specific - iOS nudging. Buttons on the sides would be preferred until something better is worked out. Something like the magna save buttons for BK.

Table Bugs - Seem to be getting better here for sure. Just need more of us bug testing them I guess. I am sure you can find willing people here to help.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
I've come to the realization that I *love* TPA for what it could be and kinda like it for it actually is.

Platform Specific
While I like that the Mac version is updated regularly it is such a disappointing port that any enthusiasm for the release is squashed. Then the flipper lag issues kill any remaining enjoyment. Nudging on Mac and iOS sucks.

Table Bugs
I feel like CV would be my favorite table if I could ever play it without getting angry.

Physics Issues
Looking forward to the flipper physics overhaul. Maybe it will solve the pass/through issues.

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
Now that we are talking; If it could be done, I really would like to see an option to only hear the mechanical sounds of a table, instead of the music/fx. Some tables play great but I hate the bleeb-bleebs (Black Knight...). The music of some tables makes you go wacko after a while, but I do like the sound of the ball, the mechanics. And it really should be in stereo, I played TPA with headphones lately... not so great.

the problem with the bleep bleeps on black knight is they are much less annoying on the real machine and don't overpower the other sounds...

Judi Chop

New member
May 10, 2012
I love the pinball arcade and continue to support it with every release, but the bugs are really becoming a big concern with me. It really seems like they will not be fixed any time soon and don't seem to be a priority. I'm not sure if its because they think they can't afford to not release for a month so they can address them but at some point this really needs to be done. I love the fact i get new tables every month but at some point i would also like all the tables i buy to be less buggy. Just too many bugs and items that have been known about for too long now still present. I feel like things like the flipper gap on MM is so long known and forgotten about people don't even mention it because it feels like a fix is hopeless. Please alleviate my concerns farsight, i love what you do and i just want this to be the success we all know it is.


New member
Nov 20, 2012
I have no concerns with TPA. If anything, I have desires. I can't complain about a table that costs about the same a cup of coffee, nor can I find fault with the privilege of playing two new tables every month. Farsight is not making any unrealistic demands of me. If I want to join in with what they've got going on that month, it costs me $5. That's all they're asking of me for some entertainment.

I went to the Ohio Pinball Show this year. Spent $15 to play as much as I wanted. Some machines were flawless, some had issues, and some were down. I was happy with all the machines, playable or not, because some cool people at least made the effort to share what they have with others. The bugs are there, but stop and appreciate what Farsight's trying to do here. I'd much rather play a TPA table with bugs than none at all (or a ramp-happy Zen table with unrealistic physics for that matter).

Judi Chop

New member
May 10, 2012
I have no concerns with TPA. If anything, I have desires. I can't complain about a table that costs about the same a cup of coffee, nor can I find fault with the privilege of playing two new tables every month. Farsight is not making any unrealistic demands of me. If I want to join in with what they've got going on that month, it costs me $5. That's all they're asking of me for some entertainment.

I went to the Ohio Pinball Show this year. Spent $15 to play as much as I wanted. Some machines were flawless, some had issues, and some were down. I was happy with all the machines, playable or not, because some cool people at least made the effort to share what they have with others. The bugs are there, but stop and appreciate what Farsight's trying to do here. I'd much rather play a TPA table with bugs than none at all (or a ramp-happy Zen table with unrealistic physics for that matter).

i was never complaining about farsight and if you read my post it says i love everything they do. But because this is an awesome project and nothing will ever be completely perfect doesn't mean they shouldn't be trying for that. Absolutely pinball arcade with bugs is better than nothing at all but that's no reason not to work on them. And i would never argue farsight's pricing its unbelievable how cheap i get to play all these amazing tables and that's why i own them all, but all I'm saying is it is a product we're paying for and expecting improvements is not unreasonable.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I voted platform specific issues. Mainly because I can't sign in to the link farsight supplied to confirm my devices for the kick start, or even reset my password, it says the password/email is already taken, yes it has, because it's mine!


New member
Oct 8, 2012
1. Platform Specific Issues - Specifically flipper lag on PS3 (I am bored of typing that) and the Vita version... oh goodness where to begin with that hot mess.

2. Physics Issues - CV rolling on treacle, FH has the ball greased and ditto for MM, oversized flipper gaps, balls flying off the table, ramps accelerating to warp speed etc etc...

3. Graphics Issues - Fuzzy/pixelated textures, tables too dark (i'm looking at you MM and CV)

Are you sure I am not allowed to pick a couple more? pleeeeeeeease :)

As time passes by & with more and more issues piling up with each release, I am loosing faith that Farsight will ever be able to get on top of the problems. Some have been around so long without receiving any attention and then the response is always a vague "we are aware of it and it's on the list" or "we don't consider cosmetic issues to be a priority" (I paraphrase).

Ultimately everyone looses, as the fanbase runs out of that burning enthusiasm and drifts away.
I have stopped buying table packs and I know I am not alone in this. I have a couple of friends that have done the same and have also read comments on here to that effect.

Let's hope changes are made ASAP to stop the trickle turning into a flood.
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New member
Jul 29, 2012
I only really have two.

1. Table bugs IMO need to be sorted out before new tables are released.

2. Ball physics need work, not only through the flipper bug but I personally think they need to add some weight to the ball, it's way too floaty.

I feel these need addressing before new features are even considered.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Seems I hit the top 3 myself

1)platform specific - 360 has no more DLC, PC has no release, PS3 has input lag and iDevice has no proper nudge. I expect once 360 or PC issues are sorted I'm a happy camper
2)Table bugs - Mostly the missing ball ones that inevitably hit a table if you play long enough (funhouse and elvira come to mind) but also Taxi skillshot and whatnot is stuff that shouldnt come out to retail.
3)physics issues - The general feel of the ball moving across the table has been raised (MM and CV are still way too floaty but everything since is peachy) but the ball <--> flipper interaction can be improved to allow for more advanced techniques (or even not so advanced like cradle seperation), and ball through flipper, balls occupying the same space (like a saucer) are a headshaker.


Jul 11, 2012
Those are pretty definitive concerns FS. Others seem to be platfrorm specific, so how abot same poll per device jeff? If not just an experiment? Im guessing menu issues wont fare well on consoles. Platform specific issues is so broad, Platform specific POLL.


New member
May 10, 2012
I voted the same as Jeff on this. Physics, bugs and Platform Specific Issues. The biggest problem for me is the nudging on IOS. This should be very easy to fix. If you are playing on a IPAD and are using touch screen you have to move your fingers to far. I think the best solution would be transparent buttons on the bottom half on the screen but if they would only just put the nudge field a little lower, that would also help a lot. On a 7" it is a little easier to reach but on a regular IPAD it is really annoying and I am very surprised they have not done anything with this already. (Maybe the IOS tester at Farsight has the worlds longest fingers) I Probably sounds more negative than I am. I still love TPA and will follow them as long as they are around (for a long time I hope) Just fix the nudging ;-)


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Good thread, hope FS keeps an eye on this one.

Art issues are the biggest for me, then flipper physics at a close second. Then bugs.

Physics are tricky to perfect I understand so I can put up with that, but I hope they keep tweaking to get them perfected and remove lag from ps3. Bugs, well bugs and glitches happen on real tables all the time. On a real table, sometimes you cant even get a game going because a ball is stuck in the plunger lane or gets stuck immediately upon launching. Or a flipper just doesn't work at all! Or the quarter gets jammed! There's always something that just doesn't work right on a real machine.

But how can you miss the overall look of a table? ps3 really has problems in this area.
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New member
Jun 8, 2012
1. Platform Specific Issues - Specifically flipper lag on PS3 (I am bored of typing that) and the Vita version... oh goodness where to begin with that hot mess.

2. Physics Issues - CV rolling on treacle, FH has the ball greased and ditto for MM, oversized flipper gaps, balls flying off the table, ramps accelerating to warp speed etc etc...

3. Graphics Issues - Fuzzy/pixelated textures, tables too dark (i'm looking at you MM and CV)

Are you sure I am not allowed to pick a couple more? pleeeeeeeease :)

As time passes by & with more and more issues piling up with each release, I am loosing faith that Farsight will ever be able to get on top of the problems. Some have been around so long without receiving any attention and then the response is always a vague "we are aware of it and it's on the list" or "we don't consider cosmetic issues to be a priority" (I paraphrase).

Ultimately everyone looses, as the fanbase runs out of that burning enthusiasm and drifts away.
I have stopped buying table packs and I know I am not alone in this. I have a couple of friends that have done the same and have also read comments on here to that effect.

Let's hope changes are made ASAP to stop the trickle turning into a flood.



Jul 11, 2012
Heres a new concern, FS ditches hopes for ROM emulation and makes another PHOF. That has been a fealing of mine the whole time.:(

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