What are your 3 biggest concerns for TPA?

Pick 3:

  • Table Bugs

    Votes: 118 77.1%
  • Menu/UI/Leaderboard Bugs/Issues

    Votes: 41 26.8%
  • Graphics/Art Issues

    Votes: 59 38.6%
  • Physics Issues

    Votes: 87 56.9%
  • Sound Issues

    Votes: 12 7.8%
  • Lacking Features/Options

    Votes: 34 22.2%
  • Platform Specific Issues

    Votes: 56 36.6%
  • DLC Issues

    Votes: 26 17.0%

  • Total voters


New member
May 18, 2012
No, just that if they do Haunted House it will be scripted like Black Hole.

I love BH, but it is a table that seems to be under construction ever since it's release. Probably one of the reasons why the iconic Haunted House has not been released (yet)..


Apr 29, 2012
Platform Specific - Release the PC version. I can't comment on anything else, since I haven't played it yet!


New member
Oct 30, 2012
i would of liked custom soundtracks for ps3 , should of added that feature , don't know about bugs or ball physics issues yet as i just bought the game


New member
May 15, 2012
1. Platform Specific Issues - Specifically flipper lag on PS3 (I am bored of typing that) and the Vita version... oh goodness where to begin with that hot mess.

2. Physics Issues - CV rolling on treacle, FH has the ball greased and ditto for MM, oversized flipper gaps, balls flying off the table, ramps accelerating to warp speed etc etc...

3. Graphics Issues - Fuzzy/pixelated textures, tables too dark (i'm looking at you MM and CV)

Are you sure I am not allowed to pick a couple more? pleeeeeeeease :)

As time passes by & with more and more issues piling up with each release, I am loosing faith that Farsight will ever be able to get on top of the problems. Some have been around so long without receiving any attention and then the response is always a vague "we are aware of it and it's on the list" or "we don't consider cosmetic issues to be a priority" (I paraphrase).

Ultimately everyone looses, as the fanbase runs out of that burning enthusiasm and drifts away.
I have stopped buying table packs and I know I am not alone in this. I have a couple of friends that have done the same and have also read comments on here to that effect.

Let's hope changes are made ASAP to stop the trickle turning into a flood.

Spot on.


Nov 11, 2012
I play "Taxi" on PS2, Wii and PS3 (TPA DLC, haven't been able to procure a copy of PHoF:TWC yet for PS3) and while the PS3 is the most stunning, the gameplay I'd rate (1) Wii, (2) PS2 and (3) PS3. For Funhouse, it's (1) PS2, (2) Wii, (3) PS3. The ball <-> flippers interaction on PS3 is just weird. Shooting everywhere, sometimes it seems there's no power and it only shoots up 20-25 centimetres on what would be a real table. It's really strange and I wish I had an easy way to record the PS3's output digitally so I could put up videos on youtube.


New member
Dec 3, 2012
1. Physics issues: The game feels like 'pinball on rails'.
2. Graphics: The tables look flat, like paper models. No shadows, no depth, no texture.
3. Sound: Perfect. Honestly, that's where TPA stands out.


New member
May 23, 2012
Bugs, platform specific, and sound. The sound on the ps3 version is very very low compared to my other games. Need to crank up the volume a few notches when I play TPA.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Bugs, platform specific, and sound. The sound on the ps3 version is very very low compared to my other games. Need to crank up the volume a few notches when I play TPA.

And for me it's too loud. What it really needs is simply a volume control option--you know, like every other game has. ; )


New member
Mar 28, 2012
I went with...

1. Physics - the ball needs a little more weight on some tables. There are some times trying to trap the ball on slow trickles the ball bounces so high. I know ball control can be as challenging as a real machine. I'm specifically looking at MM, Monster Bash, Cirqus, TOTANI feel that later tables feel better. I would list the ball through the flipper as more of a bug than anything else so yeah bugs should be on the list as well.

2. Lack of options/Features - Ok access to the operators menu to change difficulties etc should of been standard. Now this 'pro Mode' is charging you to access this option. $4 may not sound like much to many but it does add up especially if you're supporting other virtual pinball products (Zen) and other games that you enjoy playing. I don't have deep pockets I've already spent $40 for the tables I have now on the PS3. TZ STTNG big shot, Scared stiff will add another $15. Add $3- $4 per table for the 'pro mode' That's another $60. Again I don't have deep pockets to spend that kind of money and Analogies of 'It only costs as much as cup of starbucks coffee' etc. Just doesn't cut it.

3. Table specific - I'm not saying I'm on the Where's table pack #7 or TZ for the Ps3 Bandwagon. I think there is this 'flipper lag' when I play as some shots especially aiming at side targets and orbits seem delayed.

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