What are your most-wanted tables?


New member
Dec 31, 2013
Wizard of Oz would be kinda hard since Jersey Jack Pinbal are making updates all the time on the machine they have released so it would mean allot of work for the dev team of pinball arcade.

Besides Wizard of Oz can be found in Liseberg, Grönalund last time i checked i found over 15 of these machines in Sweden. so you have higher chance of playing the real deal before pinball arcade releases it in their packs ;).

DMD for WoO would also require too scale it down or the table down in order too fit it all in 1 screen like some ppl have already stated it will take a long time for this game too even be considered in pinball arcade.
You would probably buying a season pro pack and get only Wizard of Oz due too the copyright costs.
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Nov 23, 2013
Wizard of Oz would be kinda hard since Jersey Jack Pinbal are making updates all the time on the machine they have released so it would mean allot of work for the dev team of pinball arcade.

Besides Wizard of Oz can be found in Liseberg, Grönalund last time i checked i found over 15 of these machines in Sweden. so you have higher chance of playing the real deal before pinball arcade releases it in their packs ;).

DMD for WoO would also require too scale it down or the table down in order too fit it all in 1 screen like some ppl have already stated it will take a long time for this game too even be considered in pinball arcade.
You would probably buying a season pro pack and get only Wizard of Oz due too the copyright costs.

I don´t live in Stockholm and real pinball is to expensive even if I was. Should be quite easy on PC since it´s just rom that is updated? The board layout and all that has to stay virtually the same? But yes it all depend on how interested Jersey Jacks is in getting extra money from pinball arcade and market the table that way. I would think it would be in their own interest really. I don´t expect we will see it in a separate pinball game but who knows it would be cool with competition to pinball arcade.


New member
Jan 6, 2014
My list of top wanted pinball games:

1. TMNT ( The Turtles ) - Manufacturer: Data East Year: 1991
2. World Cup Soccer 94 - Manufacturer: Bally Year: 1994
3. South Park - Manufacturer: SegavYear: 1999
4. The Adams Family - Manufacturer: Bally Year: 1992
5. Getaway: High Speed II - Manufacturer: Williams Year: 1992

Please make of these pinball games if you can thanks these are all great tables. Used to play a few of these a lot back im the 90's be nice to get them in you game if possible. thanks Leslie


New member
Dec 27, 2013
The game at the top of my list is Bally's "Eight Ball". Not Eight Ball Deluxe. "Eight Ball" had that soft EM chime sound, simple play but still challenging, great colors on the table & back glass, and a left lane that Linda Lovelace would be proud of! This game helped me quit smoking. Pulled into a Zippy Mart, had enough money to play "Eight Ball" or get a pack of cigarettes. Pinball won.
To go back even further, "Lawman" or the four player "Sherriff" and "Drop-A-Card". I swore at the that someone had put the wrong flippers on DAC. Just little stubby things that created a SDTM alley wide enough to drive a car thru. All three of these tables have one thing in common: drop targets! Both "Lawman" and "Sherriff" had a bank of targets on the left, and dropping all of them lit the Special light! On the right was a full length Pachinko-style lane that added bonus points when the ball rolled thru a lit lane.
There are a lot of new style machine with rails and magnets and Gazillion point skill shots. And if you like those games, that's all that matters. I'll play those as well, but every once in a while, during a summer night, a breeze blows lightly past. I swear I can here the bowling alley pins bang together and smell what the snackbar is cookin'...and if I listen real close, I can hear the scoring wheels turn, and POW! Someone just won a free game...


New member
Jun 26, 2012
1. Addams Family (Kickstarter?)
2. Getaway High Speed II
3. Black Rose
4. Wipeout
5. Revenge from Mars
6. Checkpoint
7. AC/DC Premium
8. Metallica Premium
9. Tales from the Crypt
10. Judge Dredd

I would be extremely happy if these tables were to come to TPA! Addams will always be my #1!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Removing tables that are already announced, or about to be, along with impossible tables, my current list of most wanted would be:
Earthshaker, Fathom, Medusa, BSDrac, Road Show, Dr. Who, Johnny Mnemonic, Congo, Shadow, Demolition Man, and Space Station.

My least wanted tables would be:
Anything by Gottlieb (Overdosed on those) and Bad Cats. (But I will take anything over nothing!)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
"Where Strange Science excels as a pinball machine, is that the Atom Smasher Multiball, which completely ruins competition play, also happens to be !@#$ing awesome. The game builds up for way too long, flashing every lamp SCR that hasn't already burned out yet due to its old and $#@!$ty design, and then blows the doors off of your tiny pinball mind with a frenetic explosion of heart-throbbing scintillation." - Mark Steinman, PAPA Headquarters

Can't wait to see this one in TPA.



New member
Dec 19, 2012
This year I trust the IRL machines I want transferred to video tables will be provided by TPA. Fish Tales is an excellent start and then I believe know that Junk Yard, BK2000 and Who Dunnit are a great compliment to all the tables that TPA offers. Who knows what the rest of year will bring.

Kickstarter table I would like most is TAF, but would be just as happy with The Simpson's Pinball Party.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Before I get carried away on dreams of Farsight being lucky enough to even finding a Mystery Castle, let me ask this first. Does Farsight even have the license to produce an Alvin G. and Company pin?
You know you all want to go on a scavenger hunt in a haunted castle.



Mar 25, 2013
Not sure if this is another Stern misquote, or they're even talking about Pinball Arcade. But in a Game Informerer Q&A with a Stern employee a question about digital pinball came up and this was the surprising response:

"What do you think of the digital pinball scene and what developers like Zen Studios are doing?
Digital pinball is fantastic for pinball awareness. You will soon see current models featured in digital forms for game consoles and smartphones."

Full Article Link

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Before I get carried away on dreams of Farsight being lucky enough to even finding a Mystery Castle, let me ask this first. Does Farsight even have the license to produce an Alvin G. and Company pin?
You know you all want to go on a scavenger hunt in a haunted castle.


No, they don't have a license for Alvin G.


Sep 12, 2012
What about Elektra and the Transporter? Those are Bally tables right? They look interesting. You would have to play Alvin G tables on VP then. I really want to see some Capcom tables. I know Steve has the emulation already for it. Of course they might be hard to find. I would love to see their: Breakshot, Big Bang Bar, KingPin, and Pinball Magic.


New member
Feb 19, 2014
I sadly have to sell my Banzai Run, which is a bummer because its one of my favorites in my collection but also my most valuable. Any interest in buying it for your collection?


New member
Mar 1, 2014
I would like to see either new pins like Ford Mustang and oldschool pins like Terminator 3 and even more oldschool like Williams pins from 90s and 80s

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