What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
American Psycho - the Pinball.

Great, great movie. A personal favorite. Imagine the modes:
Business Card Mayhem
Chainsaw down the staircase
Hookers on videocam
Do you like Phil Collins? multiball mode

Would be an awesome original table for Pinball Arcade After Dark!


New member
Dec 10, 2013
I like the Blues Brothers suggestion. I'd throw in Animal House too.

Also MST3K. I had envisioned in the past what an MST table would be like. The DMD would show the scores (reversed out) with Joel/Mike & the Bots in the corner making random comments. "Light from these scores is just now reaching us one millisecond later." "Hey, is the score broke?" 'No, they're just lousy players-" "SSHHH!!!"

What I'D like to see:

Angry Birds - Yeah, I saw the homemade table somebody did and I wasn't impressed. I was envisioning something with a skill shot (a la Terminator 2) that aims the ball at a pig structure and you try to hit different targets every launch.

George Clinton & the P-Funk All-Stars - You could call it "Funkball" for short. The playfield art would be the crazy cartoons that were in most of their albums and the soundtrack would rule.

Yo Gabba Gabba! - Popular enough with adults, no doubt. And they could make a redemption-style version for kids (like Gottlieb did with Super Mario). Plex would be on the bottom of the playfield looking like he's handling the flippers.

The Price Is Right - Complete with miniature Showcase Showdown wheel replica on the playfield, and a Plinko game on the backglass (like with Big Guns).

Maybe do an update on Diner and call it Diners, Drive-ins & Dives (Flavortown Multiball!)

And we can have Elvis, Kiss, Rolling Stones and GnR pinballs, but not the freaking BEATLES??? (No, Beat Time doesn't count.) At least do a Yellow Submarine pinball or something.


New member
Dec 31, 2013
The Matrix is a great idea.

Nobody has mentioned "The Munsters". Hey, we have Addams Family--the best selling pinball all-time. Monster pins typically do really well, too.

Pat Lawlor, of course, would be a natural for this one.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
The Matrix is a great idea.

Nobody has mentioned "The Munsters". Hey, we have Addams Family--the best selling pinball all-time. Monster pins typically do really well, too.

Pat Lawlor, of course, would be a natural for this one.
Class of 1812 is gottlieb doing that sans license kind of.


Apr 21, 2013
Gravity Falls would make an awesome game. In fact, all they need to do is slap it on the Twilight Zone. The theme fits perfectly for the rules and layout!


New member
May 4, 2012
"What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?"

Easy: NONE.

As any true fan knows, pinball is better unlicensed.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
"What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?"

Easy: NONE.

As any true fan knows, pinball is better unlicensed.

Agreed. Well, except for Addams Family, Indiana Jones, Star Trek TNG, Jurassic Park, Doctor Who, Monster Bash, Lord of the Rings, Twilight Zone, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Tales from the Crypt.

Otherwise, yes, totally agree.
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New member
Apr 28, 2013
Aliens, as in the 1986 movie. I'd give my left nut for a good machine of this! Would have to have a toy of the dropship. I have a full set of the Marine armor, and paid $1200 for a prop quality airsoft replica of the pulse rifle. Safe to say this is my favorite movie.... lol


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Aliens, as in the 1986 movie. I'd give my left nut for a good machine of this! Would have to have a toy of the dropship. I have a full set of the Marine armor, and paid $1200 for a prop quality airsoft replica of the pulse rifle. Safe to say this is my favorite movie.... lol

This would be so epic. The sounds of a screaming alien, pulse rifles and motion detectors would be awesome. And of course Hudson yelling "game over man, game over". I like it. Let's make it!


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Some of the 80s/90s style tables I would like to have seen would've been...

American Gladiators
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
The Goonies
Mission: Impossible
The Price is Right
The A-Team
Miami Vice
Knight Rider
Home Alone
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Freddy vs. Jason
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
- Scarface
- Richard Wagner: The Ring
- Monty Python´s Flying Circus
- Borat
- Dawn of the dead

Wagner's ring cycle would be amazing just for the music. That and the mythological ties to Norse/Germanic mythology would be awesome as the only semi-mythological based tables are all Greek.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
How about "Justin Bieber - A Snuff Experience". This table could also be rethemed for Nickelback. Or any other horrible pop or generic awful rock band that shouldn't be given any attention but are. Note that an important feature is to actually have good music and not the crap from the "artist" named in the title of the table to be snuffed. Unfortunately you'd still need the license for their likeness.


Jan 18, 2014
Wagner's ring cycle would be amazing just for the music. That and the mythological ties to Norse/Germanic mythology would be awesome as the only semi-mythological based tables are all Greek.

Agree! In some way Wagners Music is not from this world. Love it or not; it is outstanding / outragiaous. A Fitting Herbert von Karajan Statement : "If someone plays Wagners Music as he had it in his mind, the masterpieces should be forbidden, by the state. It is a glowing Apocalypse!". Coppola remembered this and used it for Apocalypse Now. But i must say, I love the instrumental parts (same on the flying dutchman), but can´t really get familiar with the singing.

But why only Greek-Mythologie? Maybe this is due the fact, that Wagners Music was raped by he Nazi-Regime in Germany between 1933-1945. In some way Wagner delivered the Soundtrack for WW2. Why not use it for something peaceful as a pinball?
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New member
Aug 18, 2013
So, there was a Sopranos table...how much do you want to bet there will someday be a Game of Thrones table? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Easily the most popular HBO license right now (perhaps of all time, if the ratings and DVD sales are anything to go by--only the Sopranos has had better ratings in their history, and it will probably surpass it within the next season or two if it continues to gain viewers). Between the show and the books there's a billion ideas for the theme, as well. Fantasy/medieval themes are always popular. Pop bumpers could be the little miniature castles from the opening. Seven modes for the seven books' plots/majro events such as Blackwater, Red Wedding, etc. (or maybe you could "collect" each kingdom of Westeros?). Who knows if HBO will ever allow another table but this would probably be their go-to franchise.
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