What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?


Jan 18, 2014
Back to the unusual Wagner-Theme:

On "The Ring", I have many interesting challenges in my mind, for example:
- Go to Walhalla
- Ride (of) the Walkyre
- Save Brünnhilde
- It´s "Götterdämmerung"
- Siegfrieds Revenge
- Beat Hagen
- Secure the Rheingold
- Get the Ring.....(of cause, not in that order :))

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
Ah, i had a feeling such a topic existed. I should contribute my two cents.

Since I have serious thought of making my own pinball machine and hopefully selling them, this does give me a bunch of ideas. There are a few concepts mentioned here I am already planning on going for (well, one, at least). However, one theme I would really like to make one for that's obscure enough for me to not keep secret is Bommina the Maidroid (also known as Boomina).


This was a failed Android platforming game where Japanese artist Gashi-Gashi was brought on to do the character design. Gashi-Gashi is an incredibly American-influenced artist and stays on top of what animation geeks in the United States are into. His style is rather wild and unrestrained but very, very colorful. It's as if John Kricfalusi was Japanese, never managed to get into the entertainment business, and has his disdain replaced with respect.


I love Gashi-Gashi's style, and I would love to work with him someday.

Gravity Falls would make an awesome game. In fact, all they need to do is slap it on the Twilight Zone. The theme fits perfectly for the rules and layout!

A Gravity Falls machine needs a Tumblweed Terror mini-playfield, and the tilt sequence would involve bright green lights coming from all over the machine.
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