What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?


New member
Jul 26, 2012
Ya know, I was all set to mock you for Phineus & Ferb. And then I realized, you're on to something with that one! As a parent of a 7 year old, I certainly appreciate the nods to adults they constantly do. Ton of catch phrases which would make good call outs. Here's what came off the top of my head immediately though...

Whole things starts off by lighting "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today" which has like 6 different things to do and light up (think ToM). You'd have a mystery hole that'd be the "Watcha doin'?" hole, multiball would have to be tied in to an "innator" device, a 3 combo ramp/loop would score you the Candice "Mom, Mom, Mom!" award, and the ball locks would be "Where's Perry?".

Yeah, can you tell my kid watches that show WAAAAYYYY too much?

That is gold. Add a special mode where you help Buford stuff Baljeet into his 'nerd carrier,' and it'll ship 10,000 units :)


I just seen Netizen put down V bros. GO TEAM VENTURE when you hit start button with correct amount of credits :)
When you lock 2 balls, Brock starts Saying "Doc, Doc! Where's the boys!" with a hurry up timer to lock the third otherwise you'd only get a hank and Dean multi ball. Ending with one or both of them dying and having to be re-cloned.

There could be a wizard mode for the clone massacre, on top of the monarch vs OSI multi mode

You need a phantom limb shot, like in MB

A testicular torsion mode where you have to get Billy, Pete and Rusty to take one of the bros to get surgery in time. It could be a hurry up to lock shots, which leads to the cut scene from the episode where you have to escape from the monarch and the pit of alligators, iirc.

Sphinx's forget ray could be a super score ****ery by randomly adding/removing points


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Hockey night in canada.


The Canadian parlament:

Only thing on the table is a bunch of drop targets with politician's faces you can whack at with a metal ball. Once you clear a path to Stephen Harper though be careful. His target can sidestep most shots sent toward him.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Parodius is always the one thing I keep thinking of.

It´s not even my most favourite shootemup (that would probably be Progear or Deathsmiles), but the mixture of completely nonsensical humor and fantastic remixes of classical music would make an awesome table in my opinion.

There even was a "talking" version on the SNES, that constantly commentated on your performance.

More cool footage of the bosses in Sexy Parodius (might not be safe for work).

Turn that into a colorful, blinking, loud machine like RBION and I would be in heaven. (Never going to happen, though.)

Yep, any of the Parodius series of games would be awesome. Loved Sexy Parodius which is my favorite shooter.
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New member
Nov 1, 2012
I smile every time I watch that Ghostbusters video. Doesn't hurt that he used a great game to re theme (Flash Gordon) either. I would have left the Bally flippers on though.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Some others that have been mentioned that have already been made into one-offs are The Matrix from a JM, and Futurama. The time and craftsmanship that goes into re-themes is nothing short of incredible.

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