What Licenses Would You Most Like to See Made into a Pinball Table?



Oh great, we got one of the guys who believes that ridiculous rumor. How did LZ rip off anyone? They inspired an entire new genre. They were musical legends. Everyone borrows from one another, it's called inspiration. Can you name any artists LZ ripped off? See, this is what happens: the claim is made Zeppelin did that, yet no examples are given. That's really funny. It's called someone was jealous of their stardom, and crafted this absurd rumor. Just like people claim the Beatles are overrated. It's called jealousy. Are you suggesting that LZ didn't write their own music? Lyrically, they did not contribute themselves? Every single song they wrote is plagiarism? They were not good musicians? I mean, that's BS.
skip to about 1:45 to start on Led Zepplin and it lists copied melodies and lyrics, including the artists copied from.


New member
Feb 20, 2014
it's amazing how die hard fans can never accept anything as a joke. I don't mind that people like them, but I do mind the blindness of die hard fans.

The blindness? Seriously dude, there's no blindness. Led Zeppelin, while I understand they borrowed from blues musicians, in fact their song The Crunge sounds remarkably similar to James Brown's Sex Machine, they still were not plagiarizing. They were talented musicians who created 6 near perfect albums, one after the other. While some of their songs sound similar to older blues songs, THE MAJORITY of their music is fresh, and you're not going to find anyone who played all their songs. You can make the case about literally every band, that they ripped someone off. The most blatant rip off is Jet's Are you Gonna Be My Girl ripping off Iggy Pop's Lust for Life. LZ on the other hand, did not rip anyone off. Just because they were popular, I mean seriously the world's biggest band in the 70s, they had a big target on their chests, and bitter musicians who tried to do what they did, or made songs that sounded similar to some of their songs, wanted a piece of the pie. I don't care if songs sound similar, i don't even care if they borrowed, or covered songs, that doesn't bother me at all. They're still one of the most talented and legendary rock bands in history, and some negative Nancy's who want to take that away are going to have a hard time of it.
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New member
Feb 20, 2014
skip to about 1:45 to start on Led Zepplin and it lists copied melodies and lyrics, including the artists copied from.

Okay, Spirit's Taurus has only one thing in common with Stairway to Heaven, and that's the climbing part, but it trails off into something else, and there are no lyrics...there's nothing really to be made about that one, lol. Some people just want to see what's not there.

With Dazed and Confused, Zeppelin took a crap song and made it sound good, and they added their own lyrics, and added new sounds to it. It's not the entirely same song. That's like saying George Lucas plagiarized when he created Star Wars because it was a Buck Rogers rip off due to the fact it had a space theme, Luke and Han resembled a Buck type character ,saving the princess from the evil overlords...or that JK Rowling and George R R Martin plagiarized because Tolkien came first. It's called inspiration, and Zeppelin, like everyone else, found inspiration for their work. You guys are trying too hard.

And that part where whoever made this said "Zeppelin didn't modify the originals to claim credit" is a joke. You listen to Spirit's song....no one is going to think Stairway to Heaven. Holmes' Dazed and Confused sounds similar, but Zeppelin made it work, and I don't think it's as much of a cover, as taking a song that blew and modifying it. Yes, they did modify their songs that they supposedly ripped off, which is why you have to dig deep to find examples. Every band borrows, but it's funny how some bought into the Led Zeppelin ripped off people thing, when other bands could have the same claims made against them. I'm sorry, I see the influences, I don't see the ripping off parts. Sirius' song and Stairway to Heaven are pretty much nothing alike except they both have a climbing intro. Stairway is twice as long, contains lyrics that were not stolen from anyone, and guitar solos that Sirius' song never had. That's like saying because Black Sabbath played this note, and then this note right after, which is the same thing that Blue Cheer did 5 years earlier, that Black Sabbath ripped them off. No, it's called there's only so many notes to play, and some notes, and combinations are going to be similar because they sound good, and they are common chords to use. You can't claim that because someone's song sounded similar at one portion that it's a rip off.

Honestly, if LZ weren't considered one of the most important rock bands in history, we wouldn't be having this discussion. It's all due to their fame.
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Active member
Feb 9, 2014
my only gripe with them is that they don't want to addmit the obvious and give the credits to those who "inspired" them. And maybe that made sense in 1970 but now when everyone can hear all the original songs it's really lame.
http://www.coversproject.com/artist/led zeppelin/
and that list is pretty long for someone with only 9 studio albums with ~ 80 songs.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Led Zep could be a great music themed pin. Another that could be spectacular would be Pink Floyd.

As for the the "borrowing" done by Zep, I don't have a problem with it at all. What I didn't agree with was the lack of credit to the original artist (as kinggo said above). A lot of this has been corrected as a result of legal action and out of court settlement.
I mean who doesn't love Hendrix's version of All Along The Watchtower? But he never pretended it wasn't from Dylan. I just wish LZ would have done the same from the start.


New member
Feb 20, 2014
Okay, for that, I understand. You should give credit to Holmes, which they eventually did, but to say they're hacks, and rip offs, I don't agree. I think they're very talented, I mean, one of the most in rock history, and considering we live in an age where people can't even remember who wrote original songs because morons like Lil Wayne, and Miley, take songs and literally put them in their music, and therefore people think that idea originated with them, point is, Led Zep taking a bit from this guy, for one song, seems pretty minuscule. Like I said, people are looking too hard. Most of those covers are not even their best songs, in fact a lot of them never made it to their albums. So, I still stand by my opinion that Zeppelin are one of the greatest rock bands in history, and the majority of their work is their own. Stairway to Heaven is their song. Sirius didn't do crap for that song.


New member
Feb 23, 2014

Reading a post yesterday that " 1984 " ( not sure who they are ) will retask a Flash Gordon to make this Title .... ?
This was going to be my 2015 build .......wa wa wa wup wup .
" what if someone Rocks as good as you ... or better ? ...we don't wanna look stewpid ...! "

If this is going to be done it needs it's own playfield and rule set ... not another Flash Gordon / Ghostbusters .


Screw it I think I'll still build mine anyway...


New member
Feb 21, 2012

Reading a post yesterday that " 1984 " ( not sure who they are ) will retask a Flash Gordon to make this Title .... ?
This was going to be my 2015 build .......wa wa wa wup wup .
" what if someone Rocks as good as you ... or better ? ...we don't wanna look stewpid ...! "

If this is going to be done it needs it's own playfield and rule set ... not another Flash Gordon / Ghostbusters .


Screw it I think I'll still build mine anyway...

I approve of this idea! ;-)


Yup, Led Zepplin took all those "other" songs and made them into "new" songs by simply putting Page/Plant as the song writing credits. Totally like it were magic, LOL. When the moldy and the lyrics are the same it's not making an older, "crappy" song better, it is plagiarism. Had they given credit to the original artists there wouldn;t even have been the conversation, it has nothing to due with Led Zepplin being "the Greatest band Evar!!!111111!!!"

Much like John Williams "borrowed" the melody for the Imperial March from Gustav Holst, it is simply bad etiquette/ethics etc.

But when The Venture Bros do it, it is Awesome!!!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Probably. I just remember it was his 9th symphony. Anything more detailed is lost on me. John Williams is probably one of the most blatant people that borrows from classical music.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I think Stern Pinball should do an adult themed/barcade only use Howard Stern Show table. I think it would be a big hit on the East coast and West coast. I would also like to see a real pinball table manufacturer make Zen's Sorcerer's Lair into a living breathing reality. I imagine the table would be roughly $25,000.00 per table to produce but I think people would really be blown away playing it!


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Grand Theft Auto and Battlefield

The first theme at least has some obvious options--"Rampage" multi-ball, GTA-box style art, points are in "dollars", one mode is stealing cars for the buyer by making various shots, lots of licensed music, could have that spinny car-thing from Mario Andrett, kill the hooker mode...:p

Battlefield is a very vague license, hard to think of anything really interesting that would go into the table.
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Battlefield could have sniper mode similar to the CC gun fight. You have a certain amount of time to make a specific shot without hitting any other switches. As the mode progresses the shots get harder/more complex; maybe involving combos :/
Or covering/suppressing fire, a frenzy type mode
Have various number ball multi ball modes for different types of "Missions" where you have to keep the "men" alive for a specified amount of time
Stack specific goals that need to be accomplished during the multi-ball "Missions" and they become goal orientated objectives rather than just keep alive.

But these types of things could be applied to just about any video game theming for pinball, especially the FPS or RTS style games.

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