What Table do you play most? and why?

War Bot

New member
Jul 29, 2015
Doesn't have to be favorite or even a guilty pleasure, just the table you go back time and time again to playing hour after hour.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
If I can only give one answer it is probably big shot. It's not my favorite of the collection but it's the one I play the most. Not overly complicated, games don't last too long, and it's a fun pin to practice your aiming and nudge skills on.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
F2K. Always demanding, alsways a chance for new highscore, simple but not easy gameplay, games dont last too long


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
If I can only give one answer it is probably big shot. It's not my favorite of the collection but it's the one I play the most. Not overly complicated, games don't last too long, and it's a fun pin to practice your aiming and nudge skills on.

and THIS is why it get's played into the 11th percentile and higher.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
To answer the question. It ebbs and flows. Currently, I've been on a Diner and Fish Tails binge lately. Probably due to the difficulty. My actual favorites take too long to play.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
the ps3 tourney so far reminded me how much i like "junkyard" (even in spite of the constant toaster-gunning of the dog!) - other than that super-interruptive mode, it's kinda bang-about awesome!

and recently the TOTW "arabian nights" got me more into that one than i had before; some little tricks to figure out to max up a bit while playing.

scrolling thru the list quickly...

monster bash (always fun to try, but not always "your friend" to make it really happen; subtly casual and vexxing - really infuriating to lose a ball out the side! ;0

star trek next gen: - one that kinda took me a reaally long time to appreciate; it's "different" and especially so - so one of a kind, and so fun fun fun for fans! the cast involvement on this one rates supero-uno #1!! (unless you're hardcore and rank them 'zero', or negative-one, or whatever your stripe lol - unbeatable, -this- generation of tables!)

red & ted - i think, pardon my hy-per-bo-lee, lawler's BEST finally arrives - and i never even knew of it before tpa brought it on!! :) it's obviously all kinds of awesome, and i can't wait to play it more intensively on a ps3... (i can -not- do tilt with my old ipod; it just acts too sensitive and is impossible and useless to me... bleah!)

"creature" is one in the monster-bash vein i'd love to have personally too... just a hoot of a design; i bet just helps make the decor all in itself - and though a bit rep in play (but hey, ain't they all? ;0), it's challenging and a good halfway between some diff layout designs - satisfying to rack up some points on it!

ripley's? scared stiff?? ;) xenon, for the classic table in the room... ;) maybe this is my new "on two hands" list! :)

i just can't wait for more though. :) even dreaming up my own, figuring out how some different modes work on current tabs, and how that makes for gameplay via scoring... think table-design could still be a thing far into the future... :)

if i could own ten real-life tables, i'd love for one or two of them to be of my own design! :) just to try out...

"FANTASY HOME-OWNED TOP TEN MACHINES??" :) would be a good thread!
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New member
Apr 20, 2012
The 10 tables I play most in no particular order:

Addams Famiily
Goin Nuts
Flight 2000
Big Shot
Party Zone
Class of 1812


New member
May 4, 2015
Funhouse. I'm not sure I will ever love another pinball table the way I love Funhouse.

I tend to play more of the ones I'm good at. Since I'm a horrible pinball player who can't nudge to save her life, it's always a surprise to find ones I'm good at. I'm sure they're all the easy tables (at least their TPA renditions).

Scared Stiff
Attack From Mars
No Good Gofers
Creature From The Black Lagoon

Those all also happen to be tables whose themes and effects amuse me, so I guess they're also favorites.


May 10, 2013
Big Shot. Simple game, doesn't take a long time to play and there are no major bugs that interfere with the pleasure of just playing.
I feel the same way about Gorgar, but maybe that doesn't get the play time because it's too far to scroll now that we have 60 tables to sort through.

War Bot

New member
Jul 29, 2015
I find myself personally sticking with one til me or my fiancee gets the grand master score, she tends to get it more then I do now a days. So lately I have been on a real Medieval Madness kick, I think the next is gonna have to be T2, the shots in that are uber fun.

Chaz Louviere

New member
Dec 17, 2014
I've been going through the achievements on Steam, sorted by percentage that players have earned to give it a bit more of a difficulty curve. It's been a great way to learn the nuances of every table and forces me to try tables that I may have otherwise glanced over. Gives me a nice progressive rotation.

As far as most played table, I'd have to give it to Black Knight 2000. The gameplay is short, sweet, and to the point, but let's be honest here. I'm really playing it because of the soundtrack.


New member
Feb 26, 2015
For the last few weeks I've been playing Xenon far more than anything else. There isn't much depth to the ruleset but those live catches just feel so good. Over a longer time period though I have tended to gravitate towards AfM, BK2000, and CV if I'm just looking for a fun game to play,


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
There's a certain Zen state I enter when playing RBION, because most of the shots I can hit at will. I do play a lot of TAF simply because the sum of its individual attributes are greater in total than on almost any other table.


New member
May 24, 2013
i usually play 5 different tables every day,and i have a soft spot for Taxi,but the last 3 weeks i`ve been playing all my Forza games trying to get all the extras ready for Forza 6.well i`ve done it.25,000,000 cr,11 cars in my garage,plus the 10 anniversary cars,plus another 12 cars because i bought the ultimate pack.now i`m back to playing pinball until Forza 6 comes out. :cool:

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