What tables did you play today?


New member
Oct 6, 2012
i find it funny that someone else has been doing the same thing that i've been doing as of recent... i started playing a lot of big shot about two weeks ago, can't seem to get to 300,000 either... but it's coming, i found the money shot... i am just a wee bit more excited for central park but, these older machines in my own personal opinion just a little to old.

So what is this money shot? Everything is a drain on this table and the physics IMO are not right. Balls should touch the flippers sometimes on a SDTM drain (through the edge of the flipper) and a few times now I have had balls do a 45 degree turn at the flipper (sometimes for the good though)-(and no, it didn't hit the center 8 ball scoop)
Jul 2, 2012
Today I had time for a couple of shorter games on STTNG and just one monster game on AFM.

I lost count somewhere but I think I completed Rule the Universe 7 or 8 times. Total Annihilation became a real cash cow too with 250M/shot and towards the end of the game Victory Laps clocked in 500M each. It was pretty epic to watch the 2nd ball bonus count up to 210x and 65 billion (have that as well as the last ball bonus on video). Total score: 573 billion + change. No tricks :cool:

Here's that epic bonus count in case someone would want to see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha8hS25okrw
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
^^^ :eek: OMG Tuomas.

White Water for me today, consistently getting over 1 billion, but keep bottling the X5 playfield multiplier on multiball - fully expecting people to be setting 10 billion plus scores shortly after release.


Apr 18, 2013
STTNG, just managed to get up over that first billion, i see now getting that X mutiplayer up to 10 is the key to getting those really big scores, now just to keep the ball in play after doing that. lol

Great stuff.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Late last night I finally sat down and read through the rules for Genie and Attack from Mars. Genie was very slow in PHOF and is retina-searing in TPA on the PS3, but at the moment I'm enjoying it quite a bit, with the very clear goals to shoot for spaced out pretty well around that big table. On AFM I shocked myself by conquering the universe! A bit bummed that there are no saucers to destroy after that, though--unless there's a way to reset them somehow? I'll have to check through the rules again I guess.

Figured I'd try to improve my Medieval Madness score while I was at it and had a pretty good game--was somehow way more dialed in on the lock shot than I've ever been--but it's clear I need to bone up on the rules for that table as I'm not getting a whole lot of out the multiball side of it, points-wise; gotta learn how to stack some Madnesses or whatever ya do. Also not sure if I should actually go for those darn trololos. : P


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I've been playing a lot of Space Shuttle since Friday. I just love this table and really would like to stay in the top 200 all time, if I can. I've been waiting for a table that had either the shield save or a center post in the middle drain area since I've found TPA in November.

I've also played a number of games of White Water last night and today. I've never played White Water until this release and find it a fun table, but still like Space Shuttle better.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I've been playing a lot of Space Shuttle since Friday. I just love this table and really would like to stay in the top 200 all time, if I can. I've been waiting for a table that had either the shield save or a center post in the middle drain area since I've found TPA in November.

Not a Harley fan? ;)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Been so long since I played Theater of Magic that I was trying to nudge in the "Video Pinball" video mode. : P


Apr 18, 2013
Mars attack, just got over 9 billion, was over the moon, had a spring in my step, checked the leaderboards, and was brought back to earth with a bang to see i was bottom of my friends list by some amount, some of you are simply amazing at these tables if the leaderboards are anything to go by. :O

Good fun though, Bride of pinbot next. :)


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Been playing the new pack and, don't ask me why, Dr. Dude. Dude is just a fubared table with the camera issue not fixed, can't control he ball in multiball whatsoever nor score more than 10M at this time. Also getting a little frustrating with the poor nudging ability of the ipad with Space Shuttle.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I keep on going back to Doctor Dude. I even hear the theme(s) in my head, constantly. Funny, because I hated this table when I played it in beta.

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