What we have become


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I haven't been too active lately since I was busy moving cross-country. I am a pretty negative person in general but I try to be positive on here. I had noticed the tone became a bit more combatant and lots of undesirable activity was rearing its head. The mods do a good job of keeping everyone in line and the fact that they do post when comments are deleted with respect reminders keeps everyone on the right track. FB is still a pretty dark and scary place even though they seem to have much less activity with some of the major trolls not being around as much.

Anyway, glad to see Karl bring up the topic and hopefully it is a good shot in the arm for everyone to be positive and have more great discussion!


Sep 12, 2012
I used to be too negative and then I remembered how good these tables really are. What would be really awesome is if we had an editor like VP has so we can change the slope, strength of the ball hitting the bumpers, sensitivity of the plunger and so on. I own a PS3 anmd I know it is quite difficult to program for, but then take a look at any Naughty Dog game and you can plainly see HDR lighting and custom lighting are a reality. Mayhaps FS needs to reach out to Sony and ask them about using lighting routines on the PS3? I would hope they would respond. Just suggestions, nothing more. :)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
FWIW T'eed Off and Goin Nuts remind me just how good everything else is. For a time I thought stuff like Pin* Bot was just -so so- but now I appreciate just how incredible, attentive to detail and rules, a table like that really is. Hell I have a new appreciation for Gorgar, Black Hole, Space Shuttle, Fire Power that was never there before.

Still I'm just saying when Fish Tales, Road Show, Getaway or another big, sought after, holy grail game comes this forum will turn it's frown upside down.


New member
May 23, 2012
FWIW T'eed Off and Goin Nuts remind me just how good everything else is. For a time I thought stuff like Pin* Bot was just -so so- but now I appreciate just how incredible, attentive to detail and rules, a table like that really is. Hell I have a new appreciation for Gorgar, Black Hole, Space Shuttle, Fire Power that was never there before.

Still I'm just saying when Fish Tales, Road Show, Getaway or another big, sought after, holy grail game comes this forum will turn it's frown upside down.

you can't speak for everyone.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
FWIW T'eed Off and Goin Nuts remind me just how good everything else is. For a time I thought stuff like Pin* Bot was just -so so- but now I appreciate just how incredible, attentive to detail and rules, a table like that really is. Hell I have a new appreciation for Gorgar, Black Hole, Space Shuttle, Fire Power that was never there before.

Still I'm just saying when Fish Tales, Road Show, Getaway or another big, sought after, holy grail game comes this forum will turn it's frown upside down.

There are some people that think Teed Off is way better than No Goof Gofers.


New member
May 18, 2012
I would think that that was me but I rarely stoop to using the words "obnoxious" or "troll" unless I'm talking about Skill_Shot :p
Actually, Night, you should join us in chat sometime. Even when the gloves come off there it's usually all in fun. It's almost like professional wrestlers going to the bar after a night's event, all the perceived animosity tends to melt away.

It wasn't you. (Would the Hulk say something like that?)


New member
Nov 19, 2012
*skips the entire thread and responds to the first post instead*

Here we are a year(and some) later, most of us still here and many more have joined the fold and I find that all the negativity is overpowering this forum. Negativity and constructive criticism is not the same thing btw; One is meant to
help a product rise to better standards and the other is destructive and leads nowhere, in my opinion.

This is also partly the reason I'm taking some long breaks from the forum. While I do think a lot of the negativity is actually very understandable, it's just not interesting to keep hanging around a forum that full of frustation about the same things which, to be honest, haven't changed since I joined the forum nearly a year ago.
It's not so much the negativity, but the fact that a lot of the time, we aren't getting anywhere. Alright, sure, there are new tables released every month - but as a X360 user, it's been stale, to say the least. No new tables have been released on that platform since I initially got the game, I don't like playing it on my Android phone, and the PS3 port is still reportedly inferior, and suffers from input lag.

If a new X360 version was ever released, or they get a WiiU release out, I'll probably be back in the game, and pay more attention to the forum.
Until then, this forum has actually been more interesting to me in regard to discussions about actual real-life pinball. There are other forums for that, but places like eg. pinside.com is more focused on the technical side of things, as well as sales, etc. where pinballardafefans.com is more often about the game itself. But since the subject is often on the same few tables released 10-30 years ago, I do see the same topics coming up a lot. :)

Ironically, one of the last things that happened before I ended up "leaving" the forum, was someone sending me a PM calling me a troll, *****ing about my constant negative attitude, which confused me a lot, since I myself dislike the negativity in here, and I personally find that I'm usually the one reminding people to be more optimistic and respect the troubles FarSight are going through, but maybe that's what's perceived as trolling in here, I don't know...


New member
May 10, 2012
Well said, Sumez.

Finally someone who brings something new to this wonderful thread ;) (lets face it.... it was rolling fast towards certain doom:D)

I find myself wondering what my state of mind would be in if the infamous 360 version was the only option for me, (besides mobile) and that is a train of thought I do not want my head to suffer through.

For what it's worth.. I have never found your posts do be even close to negative and always interesting... and I agree that talking about other things than TPA is often more fun in this forum. (and that is actually a big compliment to the members here)

I do not want to take part in another "I hate this table, it's not even in the IPDB top 20, I am gonna boycott Farsight until they give me what I want, I only want dmd, no more coins until bugs are fixed, fanboy alert" thread, but I can understand those who feel strongly about those subjects, just not my cup of forum happiness. (been there to many times myself in the past I guess ;) )

Since it is a Friday and Fridays need some light entertainment, I will finish off with a little ditty that is probably close to my view of myself and my view of forums in general: ;)
Last edited:


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Have a great weekend Carl, enjoyed the way you ended it. Some people are having more trouble with Farsight than I am having trying to quit smoking. ( smoke free since June 16) You have got to know what's the most important thing in life rather than get all worked up about what you don't have. We've got a hurricane comming from the south and a winter storm from the north I'm going to sit home with my wife and dogs and sit here in Kentucky to see what gets here first. Everybody have a great weekend and be safe.


New member
May 10, 2012
Naildriver74, Thanks, man! Best wishes for you and your family. Hope the storm will be gentle and calm and wither away. Forum trivialities becomes tiny, microscopic beings, hardly visible, going up against The Harsh Realities of real life

About the smoke issue: I just bought something called "Green Smoke". It feels and act like the real thing and it's not helping me at all. Glad to hear you are having better luck than I am having.

Be safe


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I'll admit, if FarSight releases a screenshot of an upcoming table, and it looks embarassing compared to some of the amazing looking tables they've done in the past (eg. CV, TOTAN), and there's some kind of totally unexplainable pink light covering everything, I will probably point it out. So yeah, it's easy to be "negative", but it's also pretty difficult to be positive about such an obvious decline in quality, so I won't hold it against anyone when they offer such criticism, unless they are being really fussy about tiny details ("this GI lamp isn't bright enough!")
I guess the antidote is to be really positive whenever something good happens! Like if FS ever manage to release LOTR, SM or TSPP :p

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