What's your favourite table you know will never come to TPA?


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Paragon to me is in the second tier of the early SS tables. If Xenon is put out and sells like hotcakes, they may have to revisit their "old pins don't sell well" trope. At that point, Paragon and EBD seem to have the next most requests on the early SS (subjective impression mind you). So it has a small chance.

If Xenon doesn't sell well, Paragon will never see the light of day, of course.

I'm pretty sure the others won't appear either. Though, in a way, it's a little surprising you don't hear as much about Flash as it was a very popular pinball production wise (#3 most produced after Eight Ball and Adams Family). As the first Ritchie game I wouldn't mind it personally, sounds pretty fun and fast and furious like Firepower. My guess is, if it doesn't have the bugs Firepower has in TPA, it'd probably be enjoyable.

You're right on everything.
I'd love to see those tables happen in TPA.
The problem of selling them in a digital form in 2014 can be understood in a business way.
Pinball Arcade is a company.
Working for History in a way, for us, pinball lovers.
But they've got to make money to last.
They make choices. Because of the business.


If FarSight is serious about the preservation of Pinball mission then Paragon is essential as it played an important role in developing a standardized feature we have in pinball layout today; namely "The Italian Bottom". Which is the positioning of the slingshots and inlanes in such a way so that the players can hold a flipper up and trap a rolling ball to make a "called" shot. This was due to the difference in style of play between Europe and America at the time.



Active member
Feb 20, 2012
South park will be in fx2. Not the real pinball, a recreation, but you get the theme.

Gotta say, even though I'm a big Star Wars and Marvel fan, this news here is the first time I've ever been excited about Zen.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
South park will be in fx2. Not the real pinball, a recreation, but you get the theme.

Please tell me Matt and Trey are involved. Or at the least Zen is using existing sound clips for call outs. I'm guessing this will tie into the recent game?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Gotta say, even though I'm a big Star Wars and Marvel fan, this news here is the first time I've ever been excited about Zen.

Well it shouldn't have difficulty in being better than the South Park table that Sega/Stern made.


New member
Apr 12, 2014
You own these or want to buy?

On TPA they have zero chance. There are 200 more likely ones.

*heh* Doodle Bug was the first pinball machine I remember playing back when I was about 8 or 9 (back in 1971/1972), so it has a warm place in my pinball heart. I also remember having fun playing Fan-Tas-Tic in a local snack bar back in the day. Those are the two I remember early on. That said, I also remember playing Hot Shot (the 4-player version of Big Shot) at that same snack bar and I absolutely loathed that game! It holds the dubious distiction of the lowest score I ever got in a 5-ball pinball game: 30. How TPA ever thought Big Shot was considered a "classic" board worthy of inclusion is far beyond me... but I guess I'm a bit biased against that board.
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New member
Apr 12, 2014
You won't see any of the tables you want in TPA.
That being said, welcome to you.

Thanks very kindly. And yeah, I realize those games I mentioned (well, most of them) wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance being included in TPA, but I can dream.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
Ah, early 80s Williams are IMHO the best. We have a few great tables already in Pinball Arcade but I doubt we will see more any time soon (too many tables and not enough time)

My number one request is Scorpion.

And I never got to play Solar Fire IRL. Apparently very similar to Grand Lizard which I also never got to play IRL so iether of those would be a dream come true for me.
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New member
May 4, 2012
Ah, early 80s Williams are IMHO the best. We have a few great tables already in Pinball Arcade but I doubt we will see more any time soon (too many tables and not enough time)

My number one request is Scorpion.

And I never got to play Solar Fire IRL. Apparently very similar to Grand Lizard which I also never got to play IRL so iether of those would be a dream come true for me.

Scorpion looks just OK to me. I like the pink/magenta colors.


The backglass is one of the ugliest from Williams that I've seen.

Wow. Yuck.

Solar Fire looks like another attempt to copy Black Knight.

I played Grand Lizard a lot in some tournament and liked it a lot. It's yet another Black Knight clone, though.

Jungle Lord, Pharoah, Barracora -- all BK clones.

This is more like it: ALGAR! (Williams, 1980)

The path from the center of the playfield down the left and to the flippers looks neat. As does the captive ball bank!

Lovely when lit!

I think Algar is now my early-1980s Williams favorite.

Here is a page with a PAPA video of Algar:


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Mousin' Around! is one of my favorites. I'd also like to see Big Guns (No, I didn't type that just for the word play). However, I would love to see the Data East Time Machine. The art, music, lights, and sounds are fantastic. It has a chime box! The flow is great. The Star Warp is a satisfying hurry up shot.
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