Why only 10 tables per year now?


New member
Sep 23, 2015
You revived a thread after a year to post a smiley?
Well, seeing as he did I may as well add my own thoughts to the OP :D

I am a fan of a lot of the tables like "Haunted House" "Space Shuttle" etc. that I can see getting passed over for more modern flashy tables.

The problem here comes down to personal preference, and whilst you clearly have a strong liking for the older style of table, I personally detest the majority of them and MUCH prefer the 'modern flashy tables' that you don't appear to be a fan of. At least by putting an older table with a newer one, there was usually a table for all tastes in the double packs even if they weren't fussed over the other table that came with it, but by switching to single table releases you simply buy what you want instead.

Having recently purchased season 2 for PS4, I have to say that there's only 4-5 tables that will see any sort of regular play from me (CC, WW, CP, T2 and maybe TO which are all more modern tables), with the rest being retired to an 'ugh' pile that simply takes up unnecessary disk space! But by buying the pack it supported FS and still works out cheaper than buying those tables individually (even if I get little to no use from the others included).

If someone suggested another pack full of tables like the majority of season 2, then chances are that unless there were 3-4 real gems from the era I prefer on there as well, then I'd ignore the entire season tbh...

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I dont' wanna see anymore pre 80's tables in the season packs myself personally. with only 10 tables a year it feels like such a style difference it doesn't feel like I'd want to commit to season passes if they were mixed in.
That said I can't wait for Zaccaria to come to pc..I feel their tables tho many are 80's are more 70's in feel for the most part..I would pay for that as a set..but I hope TPA continues to focus on all the 80's and 90's and 00's tables they can.
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New member
Feb 27, 2015
Bobby said they would start including an EM table with the SS on certain months so this should appease both groups.

I personally like the newer flashy lights. I could be a fish.
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