will TPA work with iOS7?

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I have a 4s and it works fine. Just the general issues that you must free up other major memory hogs if you want good performance on it (ie if I have tumblr in the background, it will be jittery at times).

You may not be noticing it because its serviceable but try an iPhone 5 and you'll see how it's less smooth.

Or if you downgrade back to ios6 you will notice a difference in smoothness immediately.

Stuart Webster

New member
Apr 24, 2013
The touch issues with the bottom of the screen are a result of the status bar at the top.

I found a huge performance leap on iOS7 when I reset the settings (Settings->General->Reset->Reset All Settings) of the iPhone 4 in the studio.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
the worse bug i see is the status bar thank goodness its in tiny black text and the green battery icon is near the cam icon out of the way on my mini. However they should rush a patch to fix this this was one heck of a bug to make it to release.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Iphone 5, IOS 7
Since the last update unplayable!
Flipper lag; overwriting the top

iOS 7 sucks ! My battery drains quicker now and TPA flippers are delayed or sometimes do not work at all. The pause button at top doesn't work all the time either. It sucks because you can't even play any of the tables. Please fix ASAP!


New member
Jun 7, 2012
iPhone 4; IOS 7; TPA completely unplayable due to stuttering issues.

(no other open applications, over 3GB of free space available. have hard reset phone, tried reset all settings as suggested in thread, etc.- still stutters so much that I can't play it.)
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New member
Dec 25, 2012
My fear is that they will force you to update. I have an Ipad2 and am still on IOS5 with no desire to update. Why should I bother if my Ipad can't use the new features?


Forced anything is usually bad. Have avoided updating system software since owning the first PlayStation Portable PSP-1000! Happy staying on iOS6.1 for now.

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