Will We See A Stern / PBA simultaneous release in 2013?


New member
Jul 26, 2012
Bobby King said in a radio interview months ago that Stern noticed an uptick in RBION sales after The Pinball Arcade launched. He said as a result Stern was interested in helping Farsight navigate the licensing minefield to get more Stern tables made.

Since hearing that, I've assumed we'd eventually see Farsight release a new Stern table on TPA, because 1) both companies could secure the licensing at the same time and 2) it just makes too much sense for both from a marketing perspective. It would generate big buzz all around, people would buy the table on TPA to try it, which would create fans and boost sales for Stern. I don't see any downside for anyone involved.

Are Stern & FS trying to do this, and if so can they pull it off? Any reason why they wouldn't? And what would that first table be? My 500-1 money is on an Ender's Game table released in Dec. shortly after the movie hit the theaters. :cool:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
It would be great to see this happen. It might be the only way to get the licensing, since Stern seems to do nothing but movie and music based tables anymore.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Last I heard, the SAM and SAM2 systems that power the modern Sterns have not been successfully emulated. Given how demanding Whitestar is on RBION on mobile devices, there may be a performance obstacle to SAM/SAM2 emulation there as well.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I would love to see it happen. If it does it most certainly won't be Avengers however. They've said that Disney/marvel license isn't happening any time soon.

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