Williams' Collection Volume 3 guesses


New member
Jul 12, 2013
So now that we know what is arriving for volume 2 in December, what does everyone think will show up for volume 3? We know they weren't going to have any big license yet for this volume and should see it around March next year.

I'm not sure if they are going to continue and alternate between Williams and Bally tables each volume but here are my guesses:

Monster Bash(maybe the table Mel Kirk was talking about going nuts with for Zen special effects????
Red & Ted's Road Show


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Hopefully something new.

Party Zone was such a curveball I really don't know what to guess. I agree with Eldar that ToM or TotAN might be the big ticket.

The other two? I dunno, I'll toss out guesses of CP and Radical!


Aug 8, 2018
Is the short answer of most guesses to look at the guesses for volume 2 and remove the tables actually getting release in volume 2?

That said, you could well be right with Monster Bash - would make it one of each of the tables Chicago Gaming remade in each of the first 3 packs, and we know there won't be a licensed table in the first 3 packs, with Indy having a chance after that later in 2019.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I think Monster Bash would be packaged with Creature.

My guesses for pack 3 based on the surprises of pack 2:

Theatre of Magic
Champion Pub

I’ll guess Champion Pub is the one they go all out on with the fantasy mode


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
For starters, I think it'll still be DMD only machines. Also judging by this last pack, I'm thinking one AAA title and 2 lesser. In other words, no MB and ToM in the same pack. Per licensing agreements, I also suspect Monster Bash will get packaged with Creature as a 2 pack at some point, unless there's a 3rd Universal license you all can think of. So my guesses are...

Champion Pub
Indy 500


Oct 31, 2015
So far the table packs have had one anchor and two other tables. So I'd assume a big name like Theater of Magic or Monster Bash or Circus Voltaire along with almost any other two tables of variable fan fare.

I am disappointed they continue to release stuff that already exists. Granted, Farsight released A LOT of tables, so that makes it a bit harder for Zen to release something all too new.


Aug 8, 2018
So far the table packs have had one anchor and two other tables. So I'd assume a big name like Theater of Magic or Monster Bash or Circus Voltaire along with almost any other two tables of variable fan fare.

I am disappointed they continue to release stuff that already exists. Granted, Farsight released A LOT of tables, so that makes it a bit harder for Zen to release something all too new.

Just being sensible so far releasing tables they know people want. They can afford to take risks later on, but these first 3 packs (at the very least) need to establish a decent player base for them. If they get to pack 10 and pick a dud that 50%+ pass on buying they can afford to chance it then.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
It’s weird for me to wrap my head around, but there is an entire segment of Zen customers that never played TPA, that only know pinball as it exists in Pinball FX. So Zen is giving them the greatest hits for the first time, as well as focusing on DMD era to start with since that’s what those customers understand. Until Zen dips into licensed tables or starts doing non DMD, which wasn’t going to happen till they saw sales figures, it’s gonna be all repeats. I expect by mid to late 2019 we’ll start seeing some new to everyone tables.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
Hopefully something new.

Party Zone was such a curveball I really don't know what to guess. I agree with Eldar that ToM or TotAN might be the big ticket.

The other two? I dunno, I'll toss out guesses of CP and Radical!

I'm guessing Central Park is not going to be in the next pack. Anything's possible though...


Oct 31, 2015
I'm guessing Central Park is not going to be in the next pack. Anything's possible though...
Egad! That'd be terrible. Some other early pinball table that you can play, not get played.

wilbers said:
Just being sensible so far releasing tables they know people want. They can afford to take risks later on, but these first 3 packs (at the very least) need to establish a decent player base for them. If they get to pack 10 and pick a dud that 50%+ pass on buying they can afford to chance it then.
I can understand that. There needs to be a balance of price and top pinball games. They'd probably want $10 per top table, so AFM, MM, and Theater of Magic would be $30, and people would scoff. But add six lesser tables of varying fanfare, and it becomes much more enticing.

Granted, if you look at Season One of TPA, it was the motherlode of the best pinball games. I think the ultimate issue I have is I'm just too darn cheap.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
FarSight shot their wad that first season because they had no long term plan. Zen is looking far beyond 2 years of tables.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
I suspected "CP" was not Central Park, it is also the initials for Champion Pub.

Even if Zen were to land the Gottlieb license someday, I would expect Central Park to be way down on the priority list...


New member
Sep 9, 2018
Just as a matter of interest did anyone guess table pack 2 correctly? By that I mean just a shortlist of 3 and not just reeling of a dozen suggestions lol.

DPF should run a comp and the winner gets the tables bought for them, I’d PayPal a dollar per guess to support the forum/blahcade. Just sayin

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
That said, you could well be right with Monster Bash - would make it one of each of the tables Chicago Gaming remade in each of the first 3 packs, and we know there won't be a licensed table in the first 3 packs, with Indy having a chance after that later in 2019.

Keep in mind Monster Bash IS a licensed table (licensed from Universal).


Feb 21, 2015
Maybe the next Williams table will coincide with the next Zen original table release? ;)

Indiana Jones TPA and 2 Zen Indy originals??


New member
Aug 20, 2014
I’d love to see Cirque Voltaire. It’s one of the few tables I’ve had issues with...playability has never been great. To be able to now play it with Zens graphics and physics...that’d be really good. Put that in vol 3 with Totan and Terminator 2 and STTNG and I’d not be off it for weeks haha ��

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