Williams' Collection Volume 3 guesses


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Published the podcast now the embargo is lifted.

12am embargoes are rough in the colonies.

Night everyone.


Feb 21, 2015
Nice! Didn't think we'd get Safecracker this early and the intro video with the stacking manuals order theory from earlier in the thread gets slightly derailed. I took a crack at the 19 unlicensed DMD's list too.

1 Fish Tales V1
2 Junk Yard V1
3 Medieval Madness V1
4 Getaway: HS2 V1
5 Attack from Mars V2
6 Black Rose V2
7 The Party Zone V2
8 Safe Cracker V3
9 The Champion Pub V3
10 Theatre of Magic V3
11 Cactus Canyon
12 Cirqus Voltaire
13 Hurricane
14 JackBot
15 No Good Gofers
16 Red & Ted's Road Show
17 Tales of the Arabian Nights
18 White Water
19 WHO Dunnit
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Mar 25, 2013
I'm ok with all of these.

Surprised about Safe Cracker inclusion. Have a lot of fun playing that table in real life and not quite sure the TPA version quite captured that - particularly how fast the ball can get in the small cab. So looking forward to seeing Zen's version.

Was hoping for at least one table that hadn't been digitized in TPA before but these are fine choices for remakes.


New member
May 24, 2013
I`m happy with this lot , Zen WOW love all the animations , I hope you can do 1 table chocka block full of animations . I couldn`t care less about getting the same tables , I`m sold on the animations hook line and sinker !!!:cool::cool::cool:


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Nice! Didn't think we'd get Safecracker this early and the intro video with the stacking manuals order theory from earlier in the thread gets slightly derailed. I took a crack at the 19 unlicensed DMD's list too.

1 Fish Tales V1
2 Junk Yard V1
3 Medieval Madness V1
4 Getaway: HS2 V1
5 Attack from Mars V2
6 Black Rose V2
7 The Party Zone V2
8 Safe Cracker V3
9 The Champion Pub V3
10 Theatre of Magic V3
11 Cactus Canyon
12 Cirqus Voltaire
13 Hurricane
14 JackBot
15 No Good Gofers
16 Red & Ted's Road Show
17 Tales of the Arabian Nights
18 White Water
19 WHO Dunnit

I'd put an * against Red&Ted because of the Carlene Carter music and voice licenses.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
How about No Fear?

That's both a brand license as well as plenty of corporate sponsors and action sport names. FarSight had to heavily fester out a lot for them to do it, Zen probably won't have much issue, but it's still a fully licensed table.


New member
Nov 20, 2016
That's both a brand license as well as plenty of corporate sponsors and action sport names. FarSight had to heavily fester out a lot for them to do it, Zen probably won't have much issue, but it's still a fully licensed table.

Oh ok, didnt know. Then the mentioned 19 tables are correct, I guess.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
I'm definitely pleased with this three-pack.

ToM - as many have stated, a great, deep classic game that had a very early implementation in TPA and the physics/floatiness that came with that. Even with imperfect shots and physics I always really liked this game in TPA. AAA, should be a home run, on par with MM and AFM.

Safecracker - a personal favorite in TPA, I really like the scoring and the theme, and it's a fun and unusual layout and the coin collecting aspect adds another dimension and keeps you coming back. It will definitely be very interesting to see if the physics differ from the other tables due to the size/scale difference.

Champion Pub - I never really enjoyed this in TPA, it seemed too "unfairly drainy" and aiming the ball just never felt quite right. I have a lot of confidence that the Zen version will at least make the shots fair. It's a pretty deep game as well. I enjoy the Zen versions of Party Zone and The Getaway way more than the TPA versions, I expect this to be the same experience.


Feb 21, 2015
The real question is - are we getting 3 more Williams packs using just the remaining 9 unlicensed DMD tables or will they start to add some of the Numeric/Alphanumerics in there too? If there's another pack dropping in May, and they get on this 6-8 week release schedule Mel mentioned, we could be through this list by the end of summer if they don't do those or have any licensed table releases.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The real question is - are we getting 3 more Williams packs using just the remaining 9 unlicensed DMD tables or will they start to add some of the Numeric/Alphanumerics in there too? If there's another pack dropping in May, and they get on this 6-8 week release schedule Mel mentioned, we could be through this list by the end of summer if they don't do those or have any licensed table releases.

By my math, on the current schedule, by August we'll have all the unlicensed DMD tables in the game. I don't know when they now plan to release the Zen originals pack, so that might bump things or not, and I don't know when licensed tables will drop either, other than before year's end.

I've asked repeatedly about alpha numerics and have never once gotten even an inkling of a hint as to what their plans are with those.

By the way, YouTube wouldn't let me premiere another video for some reason, so I can't do the live chat with the second part of our podcast


New member
Oct 5, 2017
[MENTION=6915]Citizen[/MENTION] Can you list these 12 left? I'm only coming up with considerably less than that

I would have, but Narc0lep5y beat me to it. His list is correct.

ToM - yay
Champion Pub - yuck gimmicky-filled with a bugfest of a ROM
Safecracker - drown me

Agreed. Would have rather had CV.

I guess we wait and see what they do for Hurricane and/or JackBot. Solo releases or held for their own "trilogies".

We do already have some precedent there, with Party Zone. Which is technically part of a quadrilogy, and said quadrilogy isn't as good as the Bot or amusement park trilogies, and one of the Party tables is licensed, but still. I don't think we'll see them putting much emphasis on themed packs for Williams stuff.
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New member
Jul 16, 2012
Strickly talking about pre-dmd tables, and only the one's never released on TPA... this is exactly what i asume the people on here want:

Wizard 1975 (licenced) bally
Captain Fantastic 1976 (licenced) bally
Evel Knievel 1977 (licenced) bally
KISS 1979 (licenced) bally
Silverball Mania 1980 bally
Skateball 1980 bally
Elektra 1981 bally
BMX 1982 bally
Party Animal 1987 Bally
Motordome 1987 Bally
Heavy Metal Meltdown 1987 bally
Mousin Around 1989 bally
Bad cats 1989 williams
Police Force 1989 williams
Radical! 1990 bally
The Bally Game Show 1990 bally

And speaking of ones TPA did get out, they would be fools to not release funhouse taxi dinner & whirlwind.


Oct 31, 2015
Looks good to me. Theater of Magic is a diamond and I really like Champions Pub. Safecracker is hit or miss, but at least adds a little bit of different pace. No way Circus Voltaire and Theater of Magic gets put out on same release.


New member
Oct 5, 2017
I'm not sure Party Animal and Motordome really have that many people waiting for them.

At least not compared to tables like Joker Poker, Flash, Flash Gordon, Space Station.

Narc0lep5y said:
The real question is - are we getting 3 more Williams packs using just the remaining 9 unlicensed DMD tables

Makes me wonder which ones they would select as the anchors. TotAN for sure, and probably WW for one. Then maybe CV, although NGG and Road Show are options too. But who knows. I honestly think all 5 of those are strong enough to anchor a pack, so maybe they will mix the remaining unlicensed DMDs with other stuff.

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