Williams Pinball App Data Collection


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Made it look easy! Since I don't play the iOS app never thought of the survival numbers counting down rather than up. Has the experience level just increased from 40 to 50 with the recent tables? - with the amount you've been playing if anyone was going to max. that, it would be you.

I don’t know what the XP levels are for other than getting a bonus pack of coins and tickets when leveling. Never had it cap out either.

The star numbers all went to countdown with this latest update. As for making it look easy, sometimes it is, other times it’s retrying over and over and over. I could show that, but kinda defeats the purpose of a strategy video I figured.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
Thank you, I have volumes 1-3 maxed out. I have the free tickets pack and the 20 coin table booster pack available, nothing else.

I'm seeing the exact same thing on Android. I have never seen the "free part with ad" in the store. I'm at experience level 37. So I'm gathering that the "free part with ad" offer is being removed from the store when you have maxed out the parts for packs 1-3.

Is the "free part with ad" only serving up parts for packs 1-3? If so then removing it makes perfect sense. If not, then it's a bug.

At this point there has not been a timed challenge on my Android install since the last one expired last Thursday, 6 days ago. Maybe they're waiting to get everyone on the same timing or something now that iOS is out.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Here’s hoping that’s the case. I did notice there’s a new limited time offer to get Road Show and Hurricane to 2 stars. Since I’m already there, I have no idea what the cost is, but I’m encouraged that Zen might have actually listened and is willing to put up new specials after those initial ones. 2 days left on the Vol 4 challenges for those of us on iOS that started it day of release. Then both platforms will be on even ground.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
Ok, less than 90 minutes after writing the post above, I opened the Android app, it did a little extra download at the loading screen, and now the "video for part" offer is there (and I got a Road Show part for it), and they have added parts for the new vol 4 tables to the regular daily challenges (instead of extra coins). Still no timed challenge at this point.


New member
Apr 8, 2014
hurray android now has the message that season 4 tableparts, are now in the normal pool and also in the daily free table parts boster from the store


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Fantastic! Now I know to hoard as many coins as I can over the next 2 days before I go back to earning parts for Vol 4. I had been debating doing the 5 coin reset in the limited challenge just to get more parts, but I’ll just wait.


New member
Apr 18, 2019
Hi, good news to everyone playing the Williams Pinball app on Android/iOS.

Vol. 4 parts now drop in daily challenges, as well as Zen coins for those who completed pack 1 - 3.

Daily part video rewards is also back - I have never seen it when they were first introduced.


New member
Oct 4, 2018
Ok, less than 90 minutes after writing the post above, I opened the Android app, it did a little extra download at the loading screen, and now the "video for part" offer is there (and I got a Road Show part for it), and they have added parts for the new vol 4 tables to the regular daily challenges (instead of extra coins). Still no timed challenge at this point.

Glad to see Vol 4 Daily Challenge rewards, I'm eager to promote Hurricane and banish it to a spare challenge slot. The Free Ticket Pack timer has also reverted to a two hour cooldown which should be beneficial for new players. I've hoarded over 92k so it would be great if Zen could introduce something else to spend them on, perhaps random cosmetic unlocks for 1000 tickets?


New member
Mar 6, 2018
I got a reply from Akos yesterday regarding my issues with the constant changes along with my comment about adding a confirmation when you buy something with coins/tickets. He agreeds that they need to add
a confirmation to prevent accidental purchases. Hopefully that is something Zen will add in a future build. I spent 300 coins just scrolling through the list when I accidently hit the purchase button under the item.


New member
Jun 9, 2019
My take on the current IOS model : I think it improved on how you can acquire Zen coins. Doing Daily Challenge now offer at least 1 coin each time, so repeating them for tickets, after a certain time, you can have some Zen coins in your collection, to either buy the 20 zen coins 5 parts, or resetting the season 4 parts challenge.

But , its time consuming. I would have love to see an option to buy the 3 latest tables at regular price . Im still feeling force to do something i dont really care about. There is this ´skippable option’ where for 250 coins you can buy a table, it still feel way too expensive comparing to other platforms. Adjustment that could make me consider is instead of receiving balls skins, perhaps a permanent cool looking flipper could sweaten the deal.

Been asking this on facebook but got no answer, Shutyertrap, think it will be possible to ask in your next meeting with Mel if they plan to add controller support with Williams app? The next IOS update is supposed to add support for controller like Xbox and PS4. Im also wondering if they considering tweak the touch nudging, the area for doing it is way to up to reach, its not customisable like we saw with TPA.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
My take on the current IOS model : I think it improved on how you can acquire Zen coins. Doing Daily Challenge now offer at least 1 coin each time, so repeating them for tickets, after a certain time, you can have some Zen coins in your collection, to either buy the 20 zen coins 5 parts, or resetting the season 4 parts challenge.

But , its time consuming. I would have love to see an option to buy the 3 latest tables at regular price . Im still feeling force to do something i dont really care about. There is this ´skippable option’ where for 250 coins you can buy a table, it still feel way too expensive comparing to other platforms. Adjustment that could make me consider is instead of receiving balls skins, perhaps a permanent cool looking flipper could sweaten the deal.

Been asking this on facebook but got no answer, Shutyertrap, think it will be possible to ask in your next meeting with Mel if they plan to add controller support with Williams app? The next IOS update is supposed to add support for controller like Xbox and PS4. Im also wondering if they considering tweak the touch nudging, the area for doing it is way to up to reach, its not customisable like we saw with TPA.

I sent a request to Zen for a flat out purchase via the in game contact. I did this on other packs and they let me do a straight purchase. Still did not get a response of any kind, so maybe that is a no?


New member
Jun 9, 2019
I sent a request to Zen for a flat out purchase via the in game contact. I did this on other packs and they let me do a straight purchase. Still did not get a response of any kind, so maybe that is a no?

Did the same, got an answer, told me to wait next week. Still waiting... The Road Show and Hurricane deal dissapear, and 2000 coins collection is leaving in 12 hours. If by tomorrow im not seeing better option ill be a bit dissapointed...


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The next IOS update is supposed to add support for controller like Xbox and PS4. Im also wondering if they considering tweak the touch nudging, the area for doing it is way to up to reach, its not customisable like we saw with TPA.

Controller support, sweet! Is that via Bluetooth or cable? It’s certainly something I can ask Mel about. As for those nudge zones, I think it’s the same as all their other apps, and adjusting them has been a request prior to the Williams app. My guess is they have no intention of offering that option.


New member
Jun 9, 2019
Controller support, sweet! Is that via Bluetooth or cable? It’s certainly something I can ask Mel about. As for those nudge zones, I think it’s the same as all their other apps, and adjusting them has been a request prior to the Williams app. My guess is they have no intention of offering that option.

This is done via bluetooth my guess. More info iv found here https://www.engadget.com/2019/06/03/apple-ios-13-wwdc-xbox-dualshock/ Its something that is supposed to be release this fall.

Even Playstation Twitter were happy to announced it :).


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Thanks for the link! I’m sure the iPad users will most like this, but I’ll certainly try it for pinball if I’m playing at home.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
Well as of tonight (Friday) there are literally NO challenges to earn parts for me. Clicking on the little stopwatch looking icon does absolutely nothing. I am not happy TO SAY THE LEAST.

I love what Zen has done with the tables, and I am glad they got the license, but I am NOT happy about all the problems and always feeling like I am some sort of lab rat who is part of a lab experiment.

And you can quote me to Mel on that one. I feel like the mobile product is being completely mismanaged and it is so very frustrating. :(


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Well as of tonight (Friday) there are literally NO challenges to earn parts for me. Clicking on the little stopwatch looking icon does absolutely nothing. I am not happy TO SAY THE LEAST.

I love what Zen has done with the tables, and I am glad they got the license, but I am NOT happy about all the problems and always feeling like I am some sort of lab rat who is part of a lab experiment.

And you can quote me to Mel on that one. I feel like the mobile product is being completely mismanaged and it is so very frustrating. :(

They're dropping Volume 4 parts on Android, so here's hoping iOS gets it ASAP.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Well as of tonight (Friday) there are literally NO challenges to earn parts for me. Clicking on the little stopwatch looking icon does absolutely nothing. I am not happy TO SAY THE LEAST.

I love what Zen has done with the tables, and I am glad they got the license, but I am NOT happy about all the problems and always feeling like I am some sort of lab rat who is part of a lab experiment.

And you can quote me to Mel on that one. I feel like the mobile product is being completely mismanaged and it is so very frustrating. :(

Tell you what, you can voice that to Mel yourself on Twitter @Mel_G_Kirk

As for me, I'm recognizing that Zen actually made some positive changes with the update that accompanied Volume 4

- The 'limited timed event' that hosted the 3 new tables, separated out the ability to earn parts for the new tables.
- The stopwatch icon didn't disappear after the event, all signs point to this becoming a regular thing (hopefully a few times before the next Volume)
- After a week of playing, I have all three new tables at 2 stars, two of them 10 parts away from 3. (yes I did use 250 coins on White Water to open up that third challenge)
- Other 'special' offers have popped up, which is on par for what other freemium apps do. Knowing that should take away some of the FOMO that accompanied the first volumes.
- Score requirements have been adjusted on certain tables, usually to make it easier. This is much like apps balancing gameplay, finding the sweet spot of challenging but not frustrating.
- Android users have already reported Volume 4 parts now dropping in daily challenge rewards. It only makes sense that iOS users will see this happen too. (I am still only earning coins, but the Vol 4 tables are now populating as daily challenges)
- You no longer have to watch a video before playing the (formerly known as Advanced) 2nd from top challenge.

There are still issues with the mobile app for sure. I know all you who want to just be able to pay for the tables outright without having to use in app currency are unhappy. The cycles of the challenges now not resetting every 24 hours, but needing to be completed first and THEN taking 24 hours is a bit harsh on players that struggle with Hard level score requirements. That certainly means less rewards, even for players that are on top of it.

Still, it's obvious Zen is looking at feedback and adjusting. There's plenty more adjusting they need to do based on our experiences and requests, as the mobile market is a tricky thing to get right. At least they're listening and not just dumping the app onto the store and then running away, far out of sight.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Well as of tonight (Friday) there are literally NO challenges to earn parts for me. Clicking on the little stopwatch looking icon does absolutely nothing. I am not happy TO SAY THE LEAST.

I love what Zen has done with the tables, and I am glad they got the license, but I am NOT happy about all the problems and always feeling like I am some sort of lab rat who is part of a lab experiment.

And you can quote me to Mel on that one. I feel like the mobile product is being completely mismanaged and it is so very frustrating. :(

The stopwatch icon hasn't been doing anything for me either since last night. Grinding since the the new tables have been released, I don't have a single part for for White Water, or Road Show. But if I get another Safecracker part, I'm going to throw my iPad out the window.....

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