Worst/most boring game on pInball Arcade?


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I absolutely think mark Ritchie tables are mostly mediocre to awful except for fish tales.
They tend to be noisy and have bad music. Exceptions are FT and Indy. Indy is pretty complex for a Ritchie.

I never play BoP, BH and Taxi. I don't even own LCA or HRC. Taxi and BoP are more or less one-shot tables. Taxi has annoying callouts and music(=Ritchie)

I like El Dorado and may it be for being different. The original EM could be better. My dislike for too much multiball keeps me away from GOIN NUTS which I have played this morning.
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Apr 7, 2014
- Centaur
- El Dorado: City of Gold
- Funhouse
- Victory
- Gorgar (I HATE the voice to no end)
- Haunted House (Not at all what I expected)

I actually like "Goin Nuts". It's different and unique, and way too easy for everyone to hate on. It's never a bad thing to change it up once in a while, so that's why I give it a pass. Plus, I find it a lot more challenging and fun than garbage like "Haunted House" or "El Dorado".

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Worst tables:

#1 El Dorado
#2 Lights, Camera, Action
#3 Harley Davidson

The fun of each table is lost due to the sound and audio which gets repetitive.

Playing Harely for example is alot of fun, but the DMD game get's overly annoying after awhile.
LCA's draw get's overly annoying but rather a fun game with all the neat lighting and effects.
I don't play El Dorado. lol


New member
Oct 31, 2012
For me it's Cue Ball Wizard, not much I like about that table and HD 3rd is another one that ranks low with me.


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Jul 17, 2012
I have to agree that Victory isn't a table I go crazy for. Neither is Haunted House and Big Shot for me.


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May 10, 2012
I am probably one of the few who play El dorado from time to time. Yes, the sounds are not the best but I like the physics on this on. Also, I find it fun and satisfying to be able to aim for, and actually hit a drop target.

I do hate (maybe too strong a word) every Gottlieb/premier table that is newer than El Dorado in tpa much more. Something is just off with all of them for me. Those strange flipper angles and physics don't go down so well with me. I find this a much worse problem in TPA than in their real life counterparts. Even one of the older ones, HH. The physics in Haunted House is way to bouncy and fast for an already hard table (they changed this completely for Ghost Busters) and this table is probably my biggest disappointment in tpa, because I was looking forward to it before it came out.

Big Shot, El Dorado and Black hole is the only good Gottlieb recreations in my book and I actually like them a lot. So, more late 70' Gottlieb for me, please ;)

But the winner for all-around worst piece of junk is without a doubt Going nuts. There is absolutley nothing at all I like about it, and I love drop targets


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Sep 9, 2013
Victory has a great layout, and it's good for just batting a ball around. It's just a shame they didn't put as much effort into the rules, or speed up the ball relaunch in the ramps. Given the price it goes for, I would actually consider getting a real one if the opportunity presented itself.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
El Dorado, Lights, Camera, Action!, Centaur, Funhouse, Victory, Haunted House...

OK, I know that you and I are not exactly on the same line when it comes to pinball but what exactly is wrong with Centaur? I have to say that I don't like the artwork. But the game itself is great for something from 1981.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Any reason why this is in the PS3 forum? Could it not be moved to the main area?

Bit late to point this out, I know.

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