Wow! - Pinball Arcade coming to Oculus Rift in 2016 - confirmed


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Interesting I guess. I'd much, much rather just have the ability to adjust the height and angle of the camera myself.
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New member
Jul 1, 2013
Agreed....also it will be interesting to see if it actually shows up in 2016. FS does not have a stellar record on hitting dates.

Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
Not my thing, but I can understand why others might like it. I want bugs fixed on existing tables more than I want any new tables or features.

This is the image that comes to mind.


Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I have an old Hotrod controller that I've modded heavily for pinball support, dual side buttons added zeboards analog nudge etc.
I think this kind of controller with DX11 VR mode could really be spectacular. One problem with cab mode is that everything is to flat. Built in 3d and head tracking with the VR could really bring this to life for me without a full size cab purchase needed :)

Very excited about this


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I would imagine the resolution of the TPA graphics would need a heavy overhaul otherwise some of the low res assets will make it look like a dogs dinner.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
hmm i dont' think so ..each eye is only 1200x1080 on both Vive and Oculus and I wouldn't see any reason it would look worse then it does now..with 3d it might matter less honestly


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Isn't the OR, or VR headsets in general supposed to run at 70+ Hz? Isn't TPA's physics tied to its framerate and hard capped at 60 fps? Is the engine getting an overhaul?


New member
May 24, 2013
well unless these new headsets have crystal clear displays like my monitor then its not suited for pinball in my opinion. I own a DK2 , it has the whole screen door effect problem. So anything that requires displaying small parts and fine details , like things on a pinball table from a simulated real word standing distance look really poor. I really do hope the diaply is crystal clear in the commercial headsets since I enjoy VR ;)

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
the new Vive OC retail are higher resolution then the DK2 the reports pix elation is far less noticeable, 2160 x 1200 is pretty good resolution, its partially why these PC's will need to be such beasts to render everything.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
I also wonder how the physic engine will deal with the required higher refresh rate... how does the current occulus rift mod handle this? maybe 60hz is still an option for the rift after all but I hope they will update the engine to run at higher fps...

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012

Great news. The next level of immersion is coming.

Questions - will it be coming for Gear VR (Android version) and also what about Valve/HTC Vive support?

Its clear you are new here or you wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

We have been promised big things before. Still waiting on the promised cabinet support years later.

I also wonder how the physic engine will deal with the required higher refresh rate... how does the current occulus rift mod handle this? maybe 60hz is still an option for the rift after all but I hope they will update the engine to run at higher fps...

I may be wrong, but I believe the idea is they use frame interpolation for games that cannot do the higher frame rate natively.

Note sure how that could with PBA though as it would mean at least a frame or two latency.
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